Yankee Doodle
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"Yankee Doodle" er en kendt amerikansk sang, ofte sunget i en patriotisk sammenhæng. Det er statssangen for Connecticut.[1]
Det første vers og omkvæd, som det synges i dag:
- Yankee Doodle went to town,
- A-Riding on a pony;
- He stuck a feather in his cap,
- And called it macaroni.
- A-Riding on a pony;
Historie og tekster
Sangens oprindelse skal findes i en sang fra før den Amerikanske uafhængighedskrig, der oprindeligt blev sunget af britiske officerer for at mobbe de ukæmmede, uorganiserede, kolonistiske "Yankees", som de tjente sammen med under de franske og indianske krige. Ordet doodle optrådte første gang i starten af 17. århundrede, hvor det betød et fjols eller tosse, og det menes at stamme fra det plattyske dudel eller dödel, der betyder "fjols" eller "tosse". Det menes, at melodien kommer fra børnerimet Lucy Locket. Omtalen af 'Macaroni' er en reference til den overdrevne modesans og de mænd, der tog del i det, som ofte blev refereret til som "Macaroni-klubben". En af versionerne af Yankee Doodle teksten tillægges doctor Richard Shuckburgh, en kirurg fra British Army, der skrev sangen efter at have set den uprofessionelle fremtoning af oberst Thomas Fitch, Jr., søn af Connecticuts guvernør Thomas Fitch, der ankom til Albany i 1755 med Connecticuts militia.
Bostons Journal of the Times skrev om et britisk band og erklærede "that Yankee Doodle song was the Capital Piece of their band music." (dansk: "at Yankee Doodle-sangen var hovedstykket i deres musik.").
Tidlige versioner
Den ældste kendte version af teksten er fra 1755 eller 1758, da datoen er omstridt[2]:
- Brother Ephraim sold his Cow
- And bought him a Commission;
- And then he went to Canada
- To fight for the Nation;
- And bought him a Commission;
- But when Ephraim he came home
- He proved an arrant Coward,
- He wouldn't fight the Frenchmen there
- For fear of being devour'd.
- He proved an arrant Coward,
(I noderne, der hører til denne tekst står der: "Ordene skal synges gennem næsen og i en vestlig, slæbende tale og dialekt.")
Melodien optrådte også i 1762 i en af Amerikas første komiske operaer, The Disappointment, med sjofle tekster om søgen efter Sortskægs nedgravede skat, opført af en gruppe fra Philadelphia.[3]
Af denne grund hævder Billerica, at de er "hjemsted" for Yankee Doodle[4][5], og hævder desuden, at det var på det tidspunkt, at amerikanerne tog sangen til sig og vendte den mod dem, der havde brugt den til at mobbe dem. Efter Slaget ved Lexington og Concord, skrev en avis fra Boston: "Upon their return to Boston [pursued by the Minutemen], one [Briton] asked his brother officer how he liked the tune now, — 'Dang them,' returned he, 'they made us dance it till we were tired' — since which Yankee Doodle sounds less sweet to their ears." (dansk: "Efter deres hjemkomst til Boston [forfulgt af Minutmænd], spurgte en [brite] sin officerbror, hvad han syntes om sangen nu, — 'for søren' svarede han, 'de fik os til at danse til den, indtil vi blev trætte' — siden da har Yankee Doodle ikke lydt særlig godt for dem.").
Briterne svarede igen med et nyt sæt tekster efter Slaget ved Bunker Hill:
- The seventeen of June, at Break of Day,
- The Rebels they supriz'd us,
- With their strong Works, which they'd thrown up,
- To burn the Town and drive us.
- The Rebels they supriz'd us,
Den 6. februar 1788 ratificerede Massachusetts forfatningen med 186 stemmer mod 168. Til klokkeringning og kanonskud myldrede de delegerede ud af Brattle Street Church. Der gik ikke mange dage, før borgerne sang deres konventsang til tonerne af "Yankee Doodle." Her er takten til deres sang...
- The vention did in Boston meet,
- The State House could not hold 'em
- So then they went to Fed'ral Street,
- And there the truth was told 'em...
- And ev'ry morning went to prayer,
- And then began disputing,
- Till oppositions silenced were,
- By arguments refuting.
- The State House could not hold 'em
- Now politicians of all kinds,
- Who are not yet decided,
- May see how Yankees speak their minds,
- And yet are not divided.
- So here I end my Fed'ral song,
- Composed of thirteen verses;
- May agriculture flourish long
- And commerce fill our purses!
- Who are not yet decided,
Fuld version
En fuld version af sangen, som den kendes i dag:[6]
- Fath'r and I went down to camp,
- Along with Cap'n Goodin',
- And there we saw the men and boys
- As thick as hasty puddin'.
- Along with Cap'n Goodin',
- Yankee Doodle keep it up,
- Yankee Doodle dandy,
- Mind the music and the step,
- And with the girls be handy.
- Yankee Doodle keep it up,
- And there we saw a thousand men
- As rich as Squire David,
- And what they wasted every day,
- I wish it could be saved.
- As rich as Squire David,
- The 'lasses they eat it every day,
- Would keep a house a winter;
- They have so much, that I'll be bound,
- They eat it when they've mind ter.
- Would keep a house a winter;
- And there I see a swamping gun
- Large as a log of maple,
- Upon a deuced little cart,
- A load for father's cattle.
- Large as a log of maple,
- And every time they shoot it off,
- It takes a horn of powder,
- and makes a noise like father's gun,
- Only a nation louder.
- It takes a horn of powder,
- I went as nigh to one myself
- As 'Siah's inderpinning;
- And father went as nigh again,
- I thought the deuce was in him.
- As 'Siah's inderpinning;
- Cousin Simon grew so bold,
- I thought he would have cocked it;
- It scared me so I shrinked it off
- And hung by father's pocket.
- I thought he would have cocked it;
- And Cap'n Davis had a gun,
- He kind of clapt his hand on't
- And stuck a crooked stabbing iron
- Upon the little end on't
- He kind of clapt his hand on't
- And there I see a pumpkin shell
- As big as mother's bason,
- And every time they touched it off
- They scampered like the nation.
- As big as mother's bason,
- I see a little barrel too,
- The heads were made of leather;
- They knocked on it with little clubs
- And called the folks together.
- The heads were made of leather;
- And there was Cap'n Washington,
- And gentle folks about him;
- They say he's grown so 'tarnal proud
- He will not ride without em'.
- And gentle folks about him;
- He got him on his meeting clothes,
- Upon a slapping stallion;
- He sat the world along in rows,
- In hundreds and in millions.
- Upon a slapping stallion;
- The flaming ribbons in his hat,
- They looked so tearing fine, ah,
- I wanted dreadfully to get
- To give to my Jemima.
- They looked so tearing fine, ah,
- I see another snarl of men
- A digging graves they told me,
- So 'tarnal long, so 'tarnal deep,
- They 'tended they should hold me.
- A digging graves they told me,
- It scared me so, I hooked it off,
- Nor stopped, as I remember,
- Nor turned about till I got home,
- Locked up in mother's chamber.
- Nor stopped, as I remember,
- Gen. George P. Morris
Under den Amerikanske borgerkrig, tilføjede sydstaterne nogle nye linjer til sangen:[kilde mangler]
- Yankee Doodle went to town
- A-riding on a pony
- Stuck a feather in his hat
- And called it macaroni.
- A-riding on a pony
- Yankee Doodle, keep it up
- Yankee Doodle dandy
- Mind the music and the step
- And with the girls be handy.
- Yankee Doodle, keep it up
- Father and I went down to camp
- Along with Captain Gooding
- And there we saw the men and boys
- As thick as hasty pudding.
- Along with Captain Gooding
- There was Captain Washington
- Upon a slapping stallion
- A-giving orders to his men
- I guess there was a million.
- Upon a slapping stallion
Variationer og parodier
Der findes mange andre variationer og parodier, inklusiv den skolebørn lærer i dag:[kilde mangler]
- Yankee Doodle went to town
- A-riding on a pony
- He stuck a feather in his hat
- And called it macaroni
- A-riding on a pony
- Yankee Doodle, keep it up
- Yankee Doodle dandy
- Yankee Doodle round the world
- As sweet as sugar candy
- Yankee Doodle dandy
- Yankee Doodle went to town
- A-riding on a pony
- He stuck a feather in his hat
- And called it macaroni
- A-riding on a pony
- Yankee Doodle, keep it up
- Yankee Doodle dandy
- Mind the music and the step
- and with the girls be handy!
- Yankee Doodle dandy
Nogle mener, at disse var alternative takter brugt af den britiske hær under uafhængighedskrigen. En "macaroni", var i midten af det 18. århundrede en fashionabel person; joken var, at Yankees troede, at en fjer i hatten var nok til at få dem til at være med på moden. Hvorvidt biterne sang den eller ej, blev de entusiastisk overtaget af Yanks'ene selv.
I 1930'erne sang jazz-vokalisten Billie Holiday sin egen parodiversion af sangen, som begyndte sådan:[kilde mangler]
- Yankee Doodle never went to town
- I've just discovered the story was phony
- Let me give you all the real low-down
- He didn’t even own a pony
- I've just discovered the story was phony
En mere moderne parodiversion:[kilde mangler]
- Yankee Doodle went to London riding on a turtle
- Turned the corner just in time to see a lady's girdle!
- Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a baby
- He accidentally turned around and saw a naked lady
![]() | 1. Yankee Doodle variationer Er der problemer med lyden? Se da eventuelt Hjælp:Ogg Vorbis eller "Media help" (engelsk) |
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The Spirit of '76 (aka Yankee Doodle) |
Archibald MacNeal Willard, ca. 1875 |
olie |
61 × 45 cm |
USA's udenrigsministerium |
- Voice of America begynder og slutter alle udsendelser med et interval signal af "Yankee Doodle".
- Ånden fra '76 (før kendt som Yankee Doodle) er det mest berømte maleri af Archibald MacNeal Willard.
- ^ STATE OF CONNECTICUT, Sites º Seals º Symbols Arkiveret 10. december 2010 hos Wayback Machine; Connecticut State Register & Manual; hentet 23. maj 2008
- ^ ("Yankee Doodle Turns 250—Maybe", Associated Press, 4 July 2008)
- ^ Bobrick, 148
- ^ The Billerica Colonial Minute Men Arkiveret 26. september 2008 hos Wayback Machine; The Thomas Ditson story; retrieved on July 10, 2008
- ^ Town History and Genealogy Arkiveret 26. juni 2009 hos Wayback Machine; retrieved on October 20, 2008
- ^ Gen. George P. Morris – "Original Yankee Words", The Patriotic Anthology, Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. publishers, 1941. Introduktion af Carl Van Doren. Literary Guild of America, Inc., New York N.Y.
Bobrick, Benson. Angel in the Whirlwind Simon & Schuster, New York. ©1997, Bobrick. ISBN 0-684-81060-3
- Library of Congress Yankee Doodle music website
- Library of Congress Yankee Doodle historical context site
- h2g2 Yankee Doodle Edited Guide Entry
- Songs from the Revolutionary War Arkiveret 7. januar 2009 hos Wayback Machine
- What's the song "Yankee Doodle" all about?
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Forfatter/Opretter: Gnome?, Licens: GPL
SVG recreation of Gnome speakernotes.
Forfatter/Opretter: Tango Project], Gnome, og VisualEditor team, Licens: GPL
Icon used to indicate a list
The first verse of Yankee Doodle, a well-known US song. The words are from a well-known song that first appeared in the 1700s. Any copyright for the words would have expired.
Forfatter/Opretter: Carrie Rehkopf, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A rendition of Yankee Doodle by violinist Carrie Rehkopf.
Spirit of '76