WWE's pay-per-view-shows

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Denne artikel indeholder en liste med pay-per-view-shows produceret af World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). WWE afholder et pay-per-view-show hver måned.

Det er forskelligt, hvor mange shows WWE afholder om året – ligesom det også er forskelligt, hvilke shows det afholder. Siden 1985 er WrestleMania blev afholdt hvert år, og "De fire store" (Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam og Survivor Series) har været afviklet hvert år siden 1988.

De fleste pay-per-view-shows varer tre timer. WrestleMania var som regel fire timer. Pay-per-view-shows er én af de største indtægtskilder for WWE.


Det første shows, som WWE (dengang kendt som World Wide Wrestling Federation (eller WWWF), afholdt som pay-per-view-show var fra Shea Stadium i New York i 1972. Showdown at Shea kunne dog ses på pay-per-view i New York. WWWF gentog succes med fire års mellemrum - i 1976 og 1980. Herefter overtog Vince McMahon, Jr. styring med wrestlingorganisationen, der samtidig blev omdøbt til World Wrestling Federation (WWF). McMahons ambition med WWF var at gøre organisationen verdensomspændende. Det første show, som McMahon under WWF-banneret afholdt som pay-per-view-show, var The Wrestling Classic, der fandt sted i november 1985. Den første udgave af WrestleMania i foråret 1985 var - ligesom Showdown at Shea - kun tilgængelig som pay-per-view i nogle dele af USA. Efter succesen med WrestleMania valgte WWF at udvide antallet af pay-per-view-show om året.

I november 1987 fandt den første udgave af Survivor Series sted. Showet blev lagt samtidig som Starrcade, der blev produceret af konkurrenten National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). WWF meddelte kabel-tv-stationer, at hvis de solgte Starrcade, ville de ikke blive tilbudt nogen af de andre WWF-shows. De fleste valgte WWF, og NWA blev nødt til at flytte Starrcade til december, og i sidste ende blev NWA-organisationen Jim Crockett Promotions nødt til at lukke. Jim Crockett Promotions blev solgt til Ted Turner, der lavede organisationen om til World Championship Wrestling (WCW) i 1988.

I januar 1988 fik Royal Rumble sin debut. I det første år blev showet vist på USA Network, men året efter blev det til et pay-per-view-show. Den første udgave af SummerSlam fandt sted i august 1988. Indtil 1993 fungerede de fire shows som WWF's pay-per-view-shows. I 1993 blev King of the Ring-turneringen lavet om til et pay-per-view-show i sig selv i juni.

I maj 1995 begyndte WWF at producere pay-per-view-shows hver måned. I de måneder, hvor der i forvejen ikke var nogen, afviklede WWF pay-per-view-shows under navnet In Your House. Fra 1996 blev In Your House-navnet brugt sammen med andre navne, så man lettere kunne skelne mellem de enkelte shows.

Fra 1996 til 2003 havde WWF, nu WWE, 12 pay-per-view-shows om året. I 2004 tilbød WWE et 13. show. I 2005 blev det til 14, 2006 havde 16, mens 2007 havde 15. I 2008 faldt antallet til 14, mens der i 2010 kun blev tilbudt 13. WWE har haft 12 pay-per-view-shows om året siden 2012.

Aktuelle pay-per-view-shows


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
24. januarRoyal RumbleTriple H vinder årets Royal Rumble matchWWE World Heavyweight Championship
21. februarFastlaneRoman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose
3. aprilWrestleMania 32Triple H vs. Roman ReignsWWE World Heavyweight Championship
1. majPaybackRoman Reigns vs. AJ StylesWWE World Heavyweight Championship
22. majExtreme RulesRoman Reigns vs. AJ StylesWWE World Heavyweight Championship
19. juniMoney in the BankRoman Reigns vs. Seth RollinsWWE World Heavyweight Championship
24. juliBattlegroundDean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns vs Seth RollinsWWE World Heavyweight Championship
21. augustSummerSlamBrock Lesnar vs Randy Orton
11. septemberBacklashDean Ambrose vs AJ StylesWWE World Heavyweight Championship
25. septemberClash of ChampionsKevin Owens vs Seth RollinsWWE Universal Championship
9. oktoberNo MercyAJ Styles vs Dean Ambrose vs John CenaWWE World Heavyweight Championship
30. oktoberHell in a CellSasha Banks vs Charlotte FlairWWE Women's Championship
20. novemberSurvivor Series
4. decemberTLC: Tables, Ladders & ChairsAJ Styles vs Dean AmbroseWWE World Heavyweight Championship
19. decemberRoadblock

Tidligere pay-per-view-shows


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
30. septemberShowdown at SheaPedro Morales vs. Bruno SammartinoWWWF World Heavyweight Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
25. juniShowdown at SheaAntonio Inoki vs. Muhammad Ali


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
9. augustShowdown at SheaBob Backlund & Pedro Morales vs. Wild Samoans (Afa og Sika)WWF World Tag Team Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
18. februarThe Brawl to End It AllFabulous Moolah vs. Wendi RichterWWF Women's Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
18. februarThe War to Settle the ScoreHulk Hogan vs. Roddy PiperWWF Heavyweight Championship
31. martsWrestleManiaHulk Hogan og Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper og Paul Orndorff
7. novemberThe Wrestling ClassicJunkyard Dog vs. Randy Savage


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
7. aprilWrestleMania 2Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong BundyWWF Heavyweight Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
29. martsWrestleMania IIIHulk Hogan vs. André the GiantWWF Heavyweight Championship
26. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam Hogan vs. Team Giant


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
28. januarRoyal RumbleJim Duggan vinder Royal Rumble match
27. martsWrestleMania IVRandy Savage vs. Ted DiBiaseWWF Heavyweight Championship
29. augustSummerSlamHulk Hogan og Randy Savage vs. André the Giant og Ted DiBiase
24. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam Mega Powers vs. Team Twin Towers


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
15. januarRoyal RumbleBig John Studd vinder Royal Rumble match
2. aprilWrestleMania VRandy Savage vs. Hulk HoganWWF Heavyweight Championship
28. augustSummerSlamHulk Hogan og Brutus Beefcake vs. Randy Savage og Zeus
24. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam Ultimate Warrior vs. The Heenan Family


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
21. januarRoyal RumbleHulk Hogan vinder Royal Rumble match
1. aprilWrestleMania VIHulk Hogan vs. Ultimate WarriorWWF Championship
WWF Intercontinental Championship
27. augustSummerSlamUltimate Warrior vs. Rick RudeWWF Championship
22. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam Warrior/Hogan vs. Team DiBiase


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
19. januarRoyal RumbleHulk Hogan vinder Royal Rumble match
24. martsWrestleMania VIISgt. Slaughter vs. Hulk HoganWWF Championship
29. augustSummerSlamHulk Hogan og Ultimate Warrior vs. Sgt. Slaughter, Colonel Mustafa og General Adnan
24. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam Legion of Doom vs. Team Natural Disasters
3. decemberThis Tuesday in TexasThe Undertaker vs. Hulk HoganWWF Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
19. januarRoyal RumbleRic Flair vinder Royal Rumble matchWWF Championship
1. aprilWrestleMania VIIIHulk Hogan vs. Sid Justice
29. augustSummerSlamBret Hart vs. British BulldogWWF Intercontinental Championship
25. novemberSurvivor SeriesBret Hart vs. Shawn MichaelsWWF Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
24. januarRoyal RumbleYokozuna vinder Royal Rumble match
4. aprilWrestleMania IXBret Hart vs. Yokozuna
Yokozuna vs. Hulk Hogan
WWF Championship
WWF Championship
13. juniKing of the RingBret Hart vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
30. augustSummerSlamYokozuna vs. Lex LugerWWF Championship
24. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam All-Americans vs. Team Foreign Fanatics


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
22. januarRoyal RumbleBret Hart og Lex Luger vinder Royal Rumble match
20, martsWrestleMania XYokozuna vs. Bret HartWWF Championship
19. juniKing of the RingRoddy Piper vs. Jerry Lawler
29. augustSummerSlamThe Undertaker vs. The "Fake" Undertaker
24. novemberSurvivor SeriesThe Undertaker vs. Yokozuna


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
22. januarRoyal RumbleShawn Michaels vinder Royal Rumble match
2. aprilWrestleMania XIBam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Taylor
14. majIn Your House 1Diesel vs. Sycho SidWWF Championship
25. juniKing of the RingDiesel og Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Tatanka og Sycho Sid
23. juliIn Your House 2Diesel vs. Sycho SidWWF Championship
27. augustSummerSlamDiesel vs. King MabelWWF Championship
24. septemberIn Your House 3Diesel og Shawn Michaels vs. Yokozuna og British BulldogWWF Championship
WWF Intercontinental Championship
WWF Tag Team Championship
22. oktoberIn Your House 4Diesel vs. British BulldogWWF Championship
19. novemberSurvivor SeriesDiesel vs. Bret HartWWF Championship
17. decemberIn Your House 5Bret Hart vs. British BulldogWWF Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
21. januarRoyal RumbleBret Hart vs. The UndertakerWWF Championship
18. februarIn Your House 6Bret Hart vs. DieselWWF Championship
31. martsWrestleMania XIIBret Hart vs. Shawn MichaelsWWF Championship
28. aprilIn Your House 7Shawn Michaels vs. DieselWWF Championship
26. majIn Your House 8Shawn Michaels vs. British BulldogWWF Championship
23. juniKing of the RingShawn Michaels vs. British BulldogWWF Championship
21. juliIn Your House 9The People's Posse vs. Camp Cornette
27. augustSummerSlamShawn Michaels vs. VaderWWF Championship
22. septemberIn Your House 10Shawn Michaels vs. MankindWWF Championship
20. oktoberIn Your House 11The Undertaker vs. Mankind
17. novemberSurvivor SeriesShawn Michaels vs. Sycho SidWWF Championship
15. decemberIn Your House 12Sycho Sid vs. Bret HartWWF Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
19. januarRoyal RumbleSycho Sid vs. Shawn MichaelsWWF Championship
16. februarIn Your House 13Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker vs. VaderWWF Championship
23. martsWrestleMania 13Sycho Sid vs. The UndertakerWWF Championship
20. aprilIn Your House 14Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin
11. majIn Your House 15The Undertaker vs. Steve AustinWWF Championship
8. juniKing of the RingThe Undertaker vs. FaarooqWWF Championship
6. juliIn Your House 16The Hart Foundation vs. Team Austin
3. augustSummerSlamThe Undertaker vs. Bret HartWWF Championship
7. septemberGround Zero: In Your HouseThe Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
5. oktoberBadd Blood: In Your HouseThe Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
9. novemberSurvivor SeriesBret Hart vs. Shawn MichaelsWWF Championship
7. decemberD-Generation X: In Your HouseShawn Michaels vs. Ken ShamrockWWF Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
18. januarRoyal RumbleShawn Michaels vs. The UndertakerWWF Championship
15. februarNo Way OutSteve Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack og Chainsaw Charlie
vs. Triple H, Savio Vega, Billy Gunn og Road Dogg
29. martsWrestleMania XIVShawn Michaels vs. Steve AustinWWF Championship
26. aprilUnforgivenSteve Austin vs. Dude LoveWWF Championship
31. majOver the EdgeSteve Austin vs. Dude LoveWWF Championship
28. juniKing of the RingSteve Austin vs. KaneWWF Championship
26. juliFully LoadedKane og Mankind vs. The Undertaker og Steve AustinWWF Tag Team Championship
30. augustSummerSlamSteve Austin vs. The UndertakerWWF Championship
27. septemberBreakdownSteve Austin vs. The Undertaker vs. KaneWWF Championship
18. oktoberJudgment DayThe Undertaker vs. KaneWWF Championship
15. novemberSurvivor SeriesThe Rock vs. MankindWWF Championship
7. decemberRock Bottom: In Your HouseSteve Austin vs. The Undertaker


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
24. januarRoyal RumbleMr. McMahon vinder Royal Rumble match
14. februarSt. Valentine's Day MassacreSteve Austin vs. Mr. McMahon
28. martsWrestleMania XVThe Rock vs. Steve AustinWWF Championship
25. aprilBacklashSteve Austin vs. The RockWWF Championship
23. majOver the EdgeSteve Austin vs. The UndertakerWWF Championship
27. juniKing of the RingSteve Austin vs. Vince og Shane McMahon
25. juliFully LoadedSteve Austin vs. The UndertakerWWF Championship
22. augustSummerSlamSteve Austin vs. Mankind vs. Triple HWWF Championship
26. septemberUnforgivenTriple H vs. The Rock vs. British Bulldog
vs. Mankind vs. Big Show vs. Kane
WWF Championship
17. oktoberNo MercyTriple H vs. Steve AustinWWF Championship
14. novemberSurvivor SeriesTriple H vs. The Rock vs. Big ShowWWF Championship
12. decemberArmageddonTriple H vs. Mr. McMahon


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
23. januarRoyal RumbleThe Rock vinder Royal Rumble match
27. februarNo Way OutTriple H vs. Cactus JackWWF Championship
2. aprilWrestleMania 2000Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Big Show vs. Mick FoleyWWF Championship
30. aprilBacklashTriple H vs. The RockWWF Championship
21. majJudgment DayThe Rock vs. Triple HWWF Championship
25. juniKing of the RingTriple H, Mr. McMahon og Shane McMahon
vs. The Rock, The Undertaker og Kane
WWF Championship
23. juliFully LoadedThe Rock vs. Chris BenoitWWF Championship
27. augustSummerSlamThe Rock vs. Triple H vs. Kurt AngleWWF Championship
24. septemberUnforgivenThe Rock vs. Triple H vs. Chris Benoit vs. KaneWWF Championship
22. oktoberNo MercyThe Rock vs. Kurt AngleWWF Championship
19. novemberSurvivor SeriesSteve Austin vs. Triple H
10. decemberArmageddonKurt Angle vs. Steve Austin vs. Triple H
vs. The Undertaker vs. Rikishi vs. The Rock
WWF Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
21. januarRoyal RumbleSteve Austin vinder Royal Rumble match
25. februarNo Way OutKurt Angle vs. The RockWWF Championship
1. aprilWrestleMania X-SevenThe Rock vs. Steve AustinWWF Championship
29. aprilBacklashSteve Austin & Triple H vs. Kane & The Undertaker
20. majJudgment DaySteve Austin vs. The UndertakerWWF Championship
24. juniKing of the RingSteve Austin vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris JerichoWWF Championship
22. juliInVasionTeam WWF vs. The Alliance
19. augustSummerSlamBooker T vs. The RockWCW Championship
23. septemberUnforgivenSteve Austin vs. Kurt AngleWWF Championship
21. oktoberNo MercyKurt Angle vs. Steve Austin vs. Rob Van DamWWF Championship
18. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam WWF vs. Team Alliance
9. decemberVengeanceSteve Austin vs. Chris JerichoUndisputed WWF Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
20. januarRoyal RumbleTriple H vinder Royal Rumble match
17. februarNo Way OutChris Jericho vs. Steve AustinUndisputed WWF Championship
17. martsWrestleMania X8Chris Jericho vs. Triple HUndisputed WWF Championship
21. aprilBacklashTriple H vs. Hollywood HoganUndisputed WWF Championship
19. majJudgment DayHollywood Hogan vs. The UndertakerUndisputed WWE Championship
23. juniKing of the RingThe Undertaker vs. Triple HUndisputed WWE Championship
21. juliVengeanceThe Undertaker vs. The Rock vs. Kurt AngleUndisputed WWE Championship
25. augustSummerSlamThe Rock vs. Brock LesnarUndisputed WWE Championship
22. septemberUnforgivenBrock Lesnar vs. The UndertakerWWE Championship
20. oktoberNo MercyBrock Lesnar vs. The UndertakerWWE Championship
17. novemberSurvivor SeriesTriple H vs. Shawn MichaelsWorld Heavyweight Championship
10. decemberArmageddonShawn Michaels vs. Triple HWorld Heavyweight Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
19. januarRoyal RumbleBrock Lesnar vinder Royal Rumble match
23. februarNo Way OutHulk Hogan vs. The Rock
30. martsWrestleMania XIXKurt Angle vs. Brock LesnarWWE Championship
27. aprilBacklashThe Rock vs. Goldberg
18. majJudgment DayBrock Lesnar vs. Big ShowWWE Championship
15. juniBad BloodTriple H vs. Kevin NashWorld Heavyweight Championship
27. juliVengeanceBrock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Big ShowWWE Championship
24. augustSummerSlamTriple H vs. Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho
vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Nash vs. Shawn Michaels
World Heavyweight Championship
21. septemberUnforgivenTriple H vs. GoldbergWorld Heavyweight Championship
19. oktoberNo MercyBrock Lesnar vs. The UndertakerWWE Championship
16. novemberSurvivor SeriesGoldberg vs. Triple HWorld Heavyweight Championship
14. decemberArmageddonGoldberg vs. Triple H vs. KaneWorld Heavyweight Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
25. januarRoyal RumbleChris Benoit vinder Royal Rumble match
15. februarNo Way OutBrock Lesnar vs. Eddie GuerreroWWE Championship
14. martsWrestleMania XXTriple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris BenoitWorld Heavyweight Championship
18. aprilBacklashChris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn MichaelsWorld Heavyweight Championship
16. majJudgment DayEddie Guerrero vs. John "Bradshaw" LayfieldWWE Championship
13. juniBad BloodTriple H vs. Shawn Michaels
27. juniThe Great American BashThe Undertaker vs. The Dudleys
11. juliVengeanceChris Benoit vs. Triple HWorld Heavyweight Championship
15. augustSummerSlamChris Benoit vs. Randy OrtonWorld Heavyweight Championship
12. septemberUnforgivenRandy Orton vs. Triple HWorld Heavyweight Championship
3. oktoberNo MercyJohn "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. The UndertakerWWE Championship
19. oktoberTaboo TuesdayRic Flair vs. Randy Orton
14. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam Orton vs. Team Triple H
12. decemberArmageddonJohn "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Eddie Guerrero
vs. The Undertaker vs. Booker T
WWE Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
9. januarNew Year's RevolutionTriple H vs. Edge vs. Chris Benoit vs.
Chris Jericho vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Championship
30. januarRoyal RumbleBatista vinder Royal Rumble match
20. februarNo Way OutJohn "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Big ShowWWE Championship
3. aprilWrestleMania 21Triple H vs. BatistaWorld Heavyweight Championship
1. majBacklashBatista vs. Triple HWorld Heavyweight Championship
22. majJudgment DayJohn Cena vs. John "Bradshaw" LayfieldWWE Championship
12. juniOne Night StandDudley Boyz vs. Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman
26. juniVengeanceBatista vs. Triple HWorld Heavyweight Championship
24. juliThe Great American BashBatista vs. John "Bradshaw" LayfieldWorld Heavyweight Championship
21. augustSummerSlamHulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels
18. septemberUnforgivenJohn Cena vs. Kurt AngleWWE Championship
9. oktoberNo MercyBatista vs. Eddie GuerreroWorld Heavyweight Championship
1. novemberTaboo TuesdayJohn Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn MichaelsWWE Championship
27. novemberSurvivor SeriesRAW vs. SmackDown!
18. decemberArmageddonThe Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
8. januarNew Year's RevolutionJohn Cena vs. EdgeWWE Championship
30. januarRoyal RumbleKurt Angle vs. Mark HenryWorld Heavyweight Championship
19. februarNo Way OutKurt Angle vs. The UndertakerWorld Heavyweight Championship
2. aprilWrestleMania 22John Cena vs. Triple HWWE Championship
30. aprilBacklashJohn Cena vs. Triple H vs. EdgeWWE Championship
21. majJudgment DayRey Mysterio vs. John "Bradshaw" LayfieldWorld Heavyweight Championship
11. juniOne Night StandJohn Cena vs. Rob Van DamWWE Championship
25. juniVengeanceD-Generation X (Shawn Michaels & Triple H) vs. Spirit Squad
23. juliThe Great American BashRey Mysterio vs. King BookerWorld Heavyweight Championship
20. augustSummerSlamEdge vs. John CenaWWE Championship
17. septemberUnforgivenEdge vs. John CenaWWE Championship
8. oktoberNo MercyKing Booker vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Batista vs. FinlayWorld Heavyweight Championship
5. novemberCyber SundayKing Booker vs. John Cena vs. Big ShowWorld Heavyweight Championship
26. novemberSurvivor SeriesKing Booker vs. BatistaWorld Heavyweight Championship
3. decemberDecember to DismemberBig Show vs. Bobby LashleyECW World Championship
17. decemberArmageddonKing Booker & Finlay vs. John Cena & Batista


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
7. januarNew Year's RevolutionJohn Cena vs. UmagaWWE Championship
28. januarRoyal RumbleThe Undertaker vinder Royal Rumble match
18. februarNo Way OutJohn Cena & Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker & Batista
1. aprilWrestleMania 23John Cena vs. Shawn MichaelsWWE Championship
29. aprilBacklashJohn Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Shawn MichaelsWWE Championship
20. majJudgment DayJohn Cena vs. The Great KhaliWWE Championship
3. juniOne Night StandJohn Cena vs. The Great KhaliWWE Championship
24. juniVengeance: Night of ChampionsJohn Cena vs. Mick Foley vs. Bobby Lashley
vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker
WWE Championship
22. juliThe Great American BashJohn Cena vs. Bobby LashleyWWE Championship
26. augustSummerSlamJohn Cena vs. Randy OrtonWWE Championship
16. septemberUnforgivenThe Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
7. oktoberNo MercyTriple H vs. Randy OrtonWWE Championship
28. oktoberCyber SundayBatista vs. The UndertakerWorld Heavyweight Championship
18. novemberSurvivor SeriesBatista vs. The UndertakerWorld Heavyweight Championship
16. decemberArmageddonBatista vs. The Undertaker vs. EdgeWorld Heavyweight Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
27. januarRoyal RumbleJohn Cena vinder Royal Rumble match
17. februarNo Way OutTriple H vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels vs.
Chris Jericho vs. Umaga vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
30. martsWrestleMania XXIVEdge vs. The UndertakerWorld Heavyweight Championship
27. aprilBacklashRandy Orton vs. Triple H vs. John Cena vs. John "Bradshaw" LayfieldWWE Championship
18. majJudgment DayTriple H vs. Randy OrtonWWE Championship
1. juniOne Night StandThe Undertaker vs. EdgeWorld Heavyweight Championship
29. juniNight of ChampionsTriple H vs. John CenaWWE Championship
20. juliThe Great American BashTriple H vs. EdgeWWE Championship
17. augustSummerSlamThe Undertaker vs. Edge
7. septemberUnforgivenChris Jericho vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kane
World Heavyweight Championship
5. oktoberNo MercyChris Jericho vs. Shawn MichaelsWorld Heavyweight Championship
26. oktoberCyber SundayChris Jericho vs. BatistaWorld Heavyweight Championship
18. novemberSurvivor SeriesChris Jericho vs. John CenaWorld Heavyweight Championship
14. decemberArmageddonEdge vs. Triple H vs. Jeff HardyWorld Heavyweight Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
25. januarRoyal RumbleRandy Orton vinder Royal Rumble match
15. februarNo Way OutEdge vs. Triple H vs. Rey Mysterio vs.
Chris Jericho vs. Mike Knox vs. Kane
World Heavyweight Championship
5. aprilWrestleMania XXVTriple H vs. Randy OrtonWWE Championship
26. aprilBacklashJohn Cena vs. EdgeWorld Heavyweight Championship
17. majJudgment DayEdge vs. Jeff HardyWorld Heavyweight Championship
7. juniExtreme RulesEdge vs. Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk
World Heavyweight Championship
28. juniThe BashRandy Orton vs. Triple HWWE Championship
26. juliNight of ChampionsCM Punk vs. Jeff HardyWorld Heavyweight Championship
23. augustSummerSlamJeff Hardy vs. CM PunkWorld Heavyweight Championship
13. septemberBreaking PointCM Punk vs. The UndertakerWorld Heavyweight Championship
4. oktoberHell in a CellD-Generation X (Shawn Michaels & Triple H)
vs. The Legacy (Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase
25. oktoberBragging RightsRandy Orton vs. John CenaWWE Championship
22. novemberSurvivor SeriesJohn Cena vs. Triple H vs. Shawn MichaelsWWE Championship
13. decemberTLC: Tables, Ladders & ChairsJeri-Show (Chris Jericho & Big Show) vs.
D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels & Triple H)
WWE Tag Team Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
31. januarRoyal RumbleEdge vinder Royal Rumble macth
20. februarElimination ChamberThe Undertaker vs CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio vs

Chris Jericho vs R-Truth vs John Morrison

World Heavyweight Championship
28. martsWrestleMania XXVIThe Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
28. aprilExtreme RulesJohn Cena vs BatistaWWE Championship
23. majOver The LimitJohn Cena vs BatistaWWE Championship
20. juniFatal 4 WayJohn Cena vs Edge vs Sheamus vs Randy OrtonWWE Championship
18. juliMoney In The BankJohn Cena vs SheamusWWE Championship
15. augustSummerSlamTeam WWE (John Cena, Edge, R-Truth, Chris Jericho,

John Morrison, Bret Hart & Daniel Bryan) vs The Nexus (Wade Barrett, David Otunga,

Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Darren Young, Skip Sheffield & Michael Tarver)

19. septemberNight of ChampionsSheamus vs John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Edge vs Chris Jericho vs Wade BarrettWWE Championship
3. oktoberHell in a CellKane vs The UndertakerWorld Heavyweight Championship
24. oktoberBragging RightsRandy Orton vs Wade BarrettWWE Championship
21. novemberSurvivor SeriesRandy Orton vs Wade BarrettWWE Championship
19. decemberTLC: Tables, Ladders & ChairsJohn Cena vs Wade Barrett


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DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
29. januarRoyal RumbleSheamus vinder Royal Rumble match
19. februarElimination ChamberJohn Cena vs. Kane
1. aprilWrestleMania XXVIIIJohn Cena vs. The Rock
29. aprilExtreme RulesJohn Cena vs. Brock Lesnar
20. majOver the LimitJohn Cena vs. John Laurinaitis
17. juniNo Way OutJohn Cena vs. Big Show
15. juliMoney in the BankJohn Cena vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho
vs. Big Show vs. The Miz
19. augustSummerSlamBrock Lesnar vs. Triple H
16. septemberNight of ChampionsCM Punk vs. John CenaWWE Championship
7. oktoberHell in a CellCM Punk vs. RybackWWE Championship
18. novemberSurvivor SeriesCM Punk vs. John Cena vs. RybackWWE Championship
16. decemberTLC: Tables, Ladders & ChairsJohn Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
27. januarRoyal RumbleCM Punk vs. The RockWWE Championship
17. februarElimination ChamberThe Rock vs. CM PunkWWE Championship
7. aprilWrestleMania 29The Rock vs. John CenaWWE Championship
19. majExtreme RulesTriple H vs. Brock Lesnar
16. juniPaybackJohn Cena vs. RybackWWE Championship
14. juliMoney in the BankJohn Cena vs. Mark HenryWWE Championship
18. augustSummerSlamJohn Cena vs. Daniel BryanWWE Championship
15. septemberNight of ChampionsRandy Orton vs. Daniel BryanWWE Championship
6. oktoberBattlegroundDaniel Bryan vs. Randy OrtonWWE Championship
27. oktoberHell in a CellDaniel Bryan vs. Randy OrtonWWE Championship
24. novemberSurvivor SeriesRandy Orton vs. Big ShowWWE Championship
15. decemberTLC: Tables, Ladders & ChairsRandy Orton vs. John CenaWWE Championship og
World Heavyweight Championship


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
26. januarRoyal RumbleBatista vinder Royal Rumble match
23. februarElimination ChamberRandy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena vs. Christian vs. Sheamus vs. CesaroWWE World Heavyweight Championship
6. aprilWrestleMania XXXRandy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel BryanWWE World Heavyweight Championship
4. majExtreme RulesDaniel Bryan vs. KaneWWE World Heavyweight Championship
1. juniPaybackThe Shield vs. Evolution
29. juniMoney in the BankJohn Cena vs. Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Cesaro

20. juliBattlegroundJohn Cena vs. Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman ReignsWWE World Heavyyweight Championship
17. augustSummerSlamJohn Cena vs. Brock LesnarWWE World Heavyweight Championship
21. septemberNight of ChampionsBrock Lesnar vs. John CenaWWE World Heavyweight Championship
26. oktoberHell in a CellSeth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
23. novemberSurvivor SeriesTeam Cena vs. The Authority
14. decemberTLC: Tables, Ladders & ChairsDean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt


DatoPay-per-view-showMain EventTitel
25. januarRoyal RumbleRoman Reigns vinder årets Royal Rumble match
22. februarFastlaneRoman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan
6. aprilWrestleMania 31Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth RollinsWWE World Heavyweight Championship
26. aprilExtreme RulesSeth Rollins vs. Randy OrtonWWE World Heavyweight Championship
17. majPaybackSeth Rollins vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs. Dean AmbroseWWE World Heavyweight Championship
31. majElimination ChamberSeth Rollins vs. Dean AmbroseWWE World Heavyweight Championship
14. juniMoney in the BankSeth Rollins vs. Dean AmbroseWWE World Heavyweight Championship
19. juliBattlegroundSetth Rollins vs. Brock LesnarWWE World Heavyweight Championship
23. augustSummerSlamThe Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
20. septemberNight of ChampionsSeth Rollins vs. StingWWE World Heavyweight Championship
25. oktoberHell in a CellThe Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
22. novemberSurvivor SeriesRoman Reigns vs. Dean AmbroseWWE World Heavyweight Championship
13. decemberTLC: Tables, Ladders & ChairsSheamus vs. Roman ReignsWWE World Heavyweight Championship

Samlet oversigt

Showdown at Shea1972, 1976, 1980Kunne kun ses på pay-per-view i New York
The Wrestling Classic1985
This Tuesday in Texas1991
King of the Ring1993–2002
In Your House1995–1999
Bad Blood1997, 2003–2004
Fully Loaded1998-2000
December to Dismember2006Dette var udelukkende et show for ECW-wrestlere
New Year's Revolution2005–2007
Over the Edge1998-1999 Ophørte umiddelbart efter Owen Harts død i 1999
No Mercy1999-2008
Taboo Tuesday2004-2005
Cyber Sunday2006-2008
Armageddon1999-2000, 2002-2008Showet blev erstattet af TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs
No Way Out1998, 2000-2009No Way Out-navnet blev skiftet ud med Elimination Chamber i 2010
Judgment Day1998, 2000-2009
The Great American Bash1985-2000, 2004-2009Først produceret af National Wrestling Alliance (1985-1990) og derefter World Championship Wrestling (1991-2000).
Breaking Point2009
Capitol Punishment2011Showet blev erstattet af Bragging Rights
Vengeance2001-2006, 2011WWE begrænsede antallet af månedlige pay-per-view-shows fra 13 til 12 i 2012
Elimination Chamber2010-2013Showet blev erstattet af Fast Lane i 2014