Vincent Bueno

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Vincent Bueno
Født10. december 1985 (35 år)
Wien Rediger på Wikidata
OprindelseWien, Østrig Østrig
  • Pop

Vincent Bueno (født 10. december 1985) er en østrigsk sanger.

Han skulle have repræsenteret Østrig ved Eurovision Song Contest 2020 i Rotterdam med sangen "Alive". Eurovision Song Contest 2020 blev imidlertid aflyst på grund af COVID-19-pandemien. Senere i marts 2020 bekræftede ORF, at Vincent Bueno vil repræsentere Østrig i Eurovision Song Contest 2021.

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Medier brugt på denne side

Flag of Austria.svg
Flag of Austria with the red in the Austrian national colours which was official ordered within the Austrian Armed Forces (Bundesheer) in the characteristic “Pantone 032 C” (since May 2018 the Red is ordered in the characteristic “Pantone 186 C”.)
Flag of Slovenia.svg
The flag of Slovenia.
"The construction sheet for the coat of arms and flag of the Republic of Slovenia
is issued in the Official Gazette Uradni list Republike Slovenije #67, 27 October 1994
as the addendum to the Law on the coat of arms and flag."
Flag of Croatia.svg
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
Flag of Montenegro.svg
Montenegros flag (i brug den 13. juli 2004).
Flag of Albania.svg
Flag of Albania
Flag of Finland.svg
Finlands flag
Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857–1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Microphone, recording icon Edit this at Structured Data on Commons
Composición de Austria en el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión
Forfatter/Opretter: Rogernot, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vincent Bueno at "Maifest im Prater 2010", Vienna