Værker af Constantin Hansen

Dette er en sandsynligvis ikke komplet) liste over værker af Constantin Hansen, genereret ud fra Wikidata.

Carl Christian Constantin Hansen (3. november 1804 i Rom29. marts 1880Frederiksberg) var en dansk historiemaler.

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Maleren Thorald Læssøe som dreng1824Statens Museum for KunstportrætThorald Læssøe
Kunstnerens søster Alvilde1825Statens Museum for Kunstportræt
Selvportræt1825Statens Museum for KunstselvportrætConstantin Hansen
Kunstnerens ældste søster Ida1825Statens Museum for Kunst
Siddende Fløjtespillende mandlig Model1820sSveriges Nationalmuseumportrætfløjte
(c) Göteborgs konstmuseum (Gothenburg Museum of Art). Photo: Hossein Sehatlou, CC BY 4.0
Portico of Christiansborg Castle, Copenhagen1826Göteborgs konstmuseumarkitekturmalerikvinde
Christiansborg Slot
Kunstnerens søstre Signe og Henriette læsende i en bog1826Statens Museum for Kunst
Pige med frugter i en kurv1827Statens Museum for Kunstportrætpige
Selvportræt1827Statens Museum for KunstselvportrætConstantin Hansen
Tre unge piger. Kunstnerens søstre Alvilde, Ida, Henriette1827Statens Museum for Kunst
Alvilde Hansen, the Artist’s Sister1827Sveriges Nationalmuseumportræt
Landscape with a Farmhouse19th centurySveriges Nationalmuseum
Parti af det indvendige af Ringsted Kirke. I forgrunden Constantin Hansen og Jørgen Roed1829Statens Museum for KunstSankt Bendts Kirke
Forfatterinden Juliane Marie Jessen1830Statens Museum for Kunst
Pastor Jens Bindesbøll1830Statens Museum for KunstportrætJens Bindesbøll
Frøken Caroline Sophie Møller1830Statens Museum for Kunst
Slottet Kronborg1834Statens Museum for KunstKronborg
Trompetertårnets spir. Kronborg. Studie1834Statens Museum for Kunst
Konsistorialråd J. Ernst Wegener1834Statens Museum for Kunst
Jeunes Garçons jouant aux dés devant le château de Christiansborg à Copenhague1834Louvrebase
Hanne Wanscher, f. Wegener1835Statens Museum for Kunstportræt
Portræt af Frederikke Vilhelmine Hage f. Faber1836Nivaagaards Malerisamlingportrætkvinde
San Pietro in Vincoli, Rom1836Sveriges Nationalmuseumlandskabsmaleritræ
San Pietro in Vincoli
En gade i Rom. Vicolo Sterrato1837Statens Museum for Kunst
Studie af en romersk morraspiller1837Statens Museum for Kunstmand
Et selskab af danske kunstnere i Rom1837Statens Museum for KunstgruppeportrætConstantin Hansen
Gottlieb Bindesbøll
Martinus Rørbye
Wilhelm Marstrand
Ditlev Blunck
Albert Küchler
Jørgen Sonne
Maleren Jørgen Sonne1837Statens Museum for KunstportrætJørgen Sonne
Maleren Ditlev Blunck1837Statens Museum for Kunst
Martinus Rørbye1837Statens Museum for KunstportrætMartinus Rørbye
høj hat
Vestatemplet med dets omgivelser1837Statens Museum for KunstVestatemplet
petanque game
Arkitekten Gottlieb Bindesbøll1837Statens Museum for Kunst
Maleren Albert Küchler1837Statens Museum for KunstportrætAlbert Küchler
Parti af Poseidon-templet i Pæstum. Studie.1838Thorvaldsens MuseumSecond Temple of Hera in Paestum
To søjler fra Neptun-Templet i Pæstum1838Metropolitan Museum of Artarkitekturmaleriruin
En hyrdedreng fra Pompeji1838Statens Museum for Kunst
Athenatemplet i Pæstum1838Statens Museum for KunstAthene-templet i Paestum
Autio luostarinpiha1838Finlands nationalgalleri
Ischia1838Sveriges Nationalmuseum
Hvilende model1839Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteknaked woman
Det indre af S. Maria sopra Minerva i Rom1839Nivaagaards MalerisamlingarkitekturmaleriSanta Maria sopra Minerva
Parti af Poseidon-templet i Pæstum.1839Thorvaldsens MuseumSecond Temple of Hera in Paestum
Scene på Molo'en ved Napoli1839Statens Museum for Kunst
Titusbuen i Rom1839Statens Museum for Kunst
Minervatemplet på Nervas Forum, Rom1840Sveriges NationalmuseumbylandskabsbilledeTemple of Minerva
En hyrdedreng fra Pæstum19th century
Parti fra Villa Albanis have, Rom1841Statens Museum for KunstRom
Villa Albani
Woman from Sora. Study for altar board in Valby Church1841Sveriges Nationalmuseumportræt
Orfeus opstegen fra Tartaros1845Statens Museum for Kunstmytologisk maleriOrfeus
Prometheus danner mennesket af ler1845Statens Museum for Kunstmytologisk maleriPrometheus
Parti af Forum Romanum med Concordia-Templet og Septimius Severus' Triumphbue, set fra Foden af Capitol1846VedutmaleriForum Romanum
Temple of Concord
Septimius Severus-buen
Apollon med lyren1846Statens Museum for Kunstmytologisk maleriApollon
Mandlig model19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunst
Siddende nøgen mandlig model19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunst
Stående nøgen kvindelig model19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunst
Apollon og Hermes19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunstmytologisk maleriApollon
Athene, fulgt af sejsgudinden Nike, tvistes med Poseidon om besiddelsen af Attika19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunst
Apollon19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunstmytologisk maleriApollon
Siddende mandlig model19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunst
Apollon og Pythia19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunstmytologisk maleriApollon
Peder Roed, maleren Jørgen Roeds fader19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunst
Den grundlovgivende forsamling19th centuryStatens Museum for Kunst
Pallas Athenes fødsel1850Statens Museum for Kunst
En lille pige, Elise Købke, med en kop foran sig1850Statens Museum for Kunstportræt
Portræt af Alfred Hage (1851)1851Nivaagaards MalerisamlingportrætAlfred Hage
Athene, fulgt af Sejersgudinden Nike, tvistes med Poseidon om Besiddelsen af Attika.1850sNike
Portræt af Jean Holm, Lem i Bombebøssen. Brystbilled, 3/4 profil mod højre1851Sveriges Nationalmuseumportræt
Margrethe Vullum som barn1853NasjonalmuseetportrætMargrethe Vullum
Shepherd boy in the temple, Paestum1854Nasjonalmuseetgenrekunst
Studie af en ung kvinde (Oline Købke)1855Statens Museum for Kunst
Studie af en ung kvinde (Oline Købke)1855Statens Museum for Kunst
Studie af en ung kvinde (Thora Købke)1855Statens Museum for Kunst
Loki. Study for Ægir’s Feast1855Sveriges Nationalmuseum
Portræt af godsejer Alfred Hage (1803-1872)1856Nivaagaards MalerisamlingportrætAlfred Hage
Ægirs gæstebud1857Statens Museum for KunstÆgir
Tor. Study for Aegir’s Feast1850sSveriges Nationalmuseumportræt
Thorvaldsens Museum set fra Nybrogade1858Thorvaldsens MuseumarkitekturmaleriThorvaldsens Museum
Christiansborg Slot
Bertel Thorvaldsens Plads
Thorvaldsens Museum, København1858Metropolitan Museum of ArtarkitekturmaleriThorvaldsens Museum
Bertel Thorvaldsens Plads
Christiansborg Slot
Det indvendige af den gamle hammermølle ved Hellebæk1859Statens Museum for Kunst
En husmoder ved sin båndvæv taler med to børn1859Statens Museum for Kunst
Interiør med Georgia Skovgaard og sønnerne. Joakim med byggeklodser og Niels stående på moderens skød1860
Skovgaard MuseetgruppeportrætGeorgia Skovgaard
Joakim Skovgaard
Niels Skovgaard
Interiørstudie1860sStatens Museum for Kunstbord
Den Grundlovgivende Rigsforsamling1861Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg SlothistoriemaleriPeter Georg Bang
Johan Nicolai Madvig
H.N. Clausen
L.N. Hvidt
Joachim Frederik Schouw
P.D. Bruun
Andreas Frederik Krieger
Carl Christopher Georg Andræ
Carl Christian Hall
Christian Albrecht Bluhme
Carl Emil Bardenfleth
Adam Wilhelm Moltke
Ditlev Gothard Monrad
Anton Frederik Tscherning
Frederik Marcus Knuth
Christian Christopher Zahrtmann
Orla Lehmann
Carl Ploug
Georg Aagaard
Hother Hage
Anders Sandøe Ørsted
Jacob Peter Mynster
National Constituent Assembly
Meta Magdalene Hammerich og kunstnerens datter Kristiane Konstantin Hansen1861Statens Museum for Kunst
Tegnér Crowns Oehlenschläger with a Wreath in the Lund Cathedral, 18291866Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg SlotEsaias Tegnér
Adam Oehlenschläger
Parti af det indre af S. Lorenzo fuori le mura1867Statens Museum for Kunst
Jens Simmelkær Asmussen og Katrine Asmussen som børn1867Statens Museum for Kunst
To romerske morraspillere uden for et osteria1872Statens Museum for Kunst
Protagoras1875Statens Museum for Kunst
Brahe's Uranienborg19th century
Værker af Constantin Hansen
Kronborg gezien vanuit het noordwestenMuseum Boijmans Van BeuningenKronborg
Liggande hjortSveriges Nationalmuseum
Porträtt av dam med korkskruvslockarSveriges Nationalmuseum
Daidalos och Ikaros, skiss till väggmålningSveriges Nationalmuseum
SkämtteckningSveriges Nationalmuseum
Danska konstnärer i RomSveriges Nationalmuseum
Gatpojke spelar tärning vid Kristiansborgs SlottSveriges Nationalmuseum
Interiör i Ringsted kyrkaSveriges Nationalmuseum
Afslutning på autogenereret liste.


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Medier brugt på denne side

Constantin Hansen - Forfatterinden Juliane Marie Jessen.jpeg
The writer and poet Juliane Marie Jessen (1760-1832), who won a contest for a new Danish national anthem.
Constantin Hansen - Parti af Poseidon-templet i Pæstum. Studie.jpg
This is a study for Hansen's 1839 painting of the same view, now a Thorvaldsens Museum. See "Other versions".
Portico of Christiansborg Castle, Copenhagen (Constantin Hansen) - Gothenburg Museum of Art - GKM 1928.tif
(c) Göteborgs konstmuseum (Gothenburg Museum of Art). Photo: Hossein Sehatlou, CC BY 4.0
To romerske morraspillere uden for et osteria.jpg
Constantin Hansen (1804-1880), To romerske morraspillere uden for et osteria, 1872
Constantin Hansen, Parti af det indvendige af Ringsted Kirke. I forgrunden Constantin Hansen og Jørgen Roed, 1829, KMS3678, SMK.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Constantin Hansen , Licens: CC0
The two men in black are Constantin Hansen and his colleague Jørgen Roed.
Constantin Hansen - Trompetertårnets spir, Kronborg, Studie - 1834.jpeg
The Trumpeter's tower at Kronborg, Elsinore. This must be a study for Hansen's painting of Kronborg, also from 1834.
Adam Oehlenschläger at Lund Cathedral 1829.jpg
Adam Oehlenschläger is publicly crowned with laurel by the Swedish poet Esaias Tegner in front of the high altar in Lund Cathedral , as the "Scandinavian King of Song.". The event cements his position as the leading proponant of Romanticism in the region and in the same time heralds the emergence the Scandinavismmovement
Constantin Hansen - A shepherd boy from Pæstum.jpg
The shepherd boy is a model for a figure in “The Ceres temple in Paestum” dated 1841
Constantin Hansen - En gade i Rom, Vicolo Sterrato.jpeg
This street ran behind the Barberini Palace and it is now known as via Barberini.
Grundlovgivende rigsforsamling - Constantin Hansen.jpg
The fathers of the Danish constitution assembled in Copenhagen on October 23, 1848
Constantin Hansen - Martinus Rørbye - 1837.jpeg
Portrait of the Danish painter Martinus Rørbye. This is a study for his painting of a group of Danish artists in Rome.
Constantin Hansen, Det såkaldte Vestatempel med dets omgivelser i Rom, 1837, KMS1072, SMK.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Constantin Hansen , Licens: CC0
Maleriet viser Piazza della Bocca della Verità i Rom med det såkaldte Vestatempel (senere bestemt som et tempel for Hercules Victor, den Sejrende Herkules). I baggrunden ses Peterskirkens kuppel, skønt den i virkeligheden aldrig har kunnet ses fra det pågældende sted.
Constantin Hansen - Pastor Jens Bindesbøll - 1830.jpeg
The Danish vicar Jens Bindesbøll (1756-1830)
San Pietro in Vincoli, Rom (Constantin Hansen) - Nationalmuseum - 157876.tif
New acquisition, June 2014:

View of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome by Constantin Hansen

Nationalmuseum has expanded its fine art collection with the acquisition of a view of Rome with the church of San Pietro in Vincoli in the foreground, painted in 1836 by the Danish artist Constantin Hansen (1804-1880). The oil sketch represents a type of painting that became common in the first half of the 19th century, when artists from northern Europe visited Rome in large numbers. They stayed for several years, developing their artistic sense and technical skill. A key part of their education involved immortalizing views like this in deftly executed oil sketches. Although many of the motifs were well known to the tourists of the time, the artists were equally likely to choose an insignificant view. Their primary goal was to practise depicting light and atmosphere as realistically as possible. The resulting works were therefore not specifically intended for sale or even for public display. In these works, the artists did not need to adhere to convention, but could allow themselves to be subjective in their portrayal. The motifs are often somewhat insignificant, with a perspective that does not immediately focus on what is expected. Instead, the motifs seem to be based on a personal fascination. In recent decades, oil sketches featuring Italian motifs have been increasingly sought after by museums and private collectors alike.

A magical sense of calm hangs over Hansen’s view of the church of San Pietro in Vincoli, largely because the foreground is completely dominated by a quiet, deserted square. One possible explanation is that the artist associated the setting with personal experiences, rather than wishing to document the view as such. From the foreground, the viewer’s eye is directed down a steep street, between a walled garden at left and the church at right, to gaze out over the distant roofs of Rome through a bluish haze. It is easy to imagine how, from the spot where he was painting, the artist would have felt drawn first to the mysterious garden behind the walls, then to the cool, dark interior of the church, and finally to the city beyond, with its infinite number of alleyways teeming with life.

For artists such as Constantin Hansen, sketches like this became treasured souvenirs, which they often kept for the rest of their life. It is conceivable that these paintings are considered so desirable today because of their fresh, realistic depictions. The intervening years are quickly blotted out, and contemporary viewers can easily share the artist’s experience of and fascination with this Roman scene.

The donor, Mrs Ulla-Bella Sandberg (1926–2013), was a long-time member of the Friends of Nationalmuseum and bequeathed her entire estate to the museum. Combined with a generous donation from director Gunnar Hultmark, this bequest enabled the purchase of Constantin Hansen’s exquisite view of Rome. Nationalmuseum has no budget of its own for new acquisitions, but relies on gifting and financial support from private funds and foundations to enhance its collections of fine art and craft.
Hammermølle interior (Constantin Hansen).jpg
The interior of the old Hammermølle water mill at Hellebæk north of Copenhagen in Denmark
Constantin Hansen - Den grundlovgivende forsamling.jpeg
The constitutional assembly. Note that Constantin Hansen painted a much larger work with a similar name: Den grundlovgivende Rigsforsamling.