Værker af Bertel Thorvaldsen

Liste over værker af Bertel Thorvaldsen. Se også Værker på Thorvaldsens Museum.

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Årets tider. Symboliseret ved fire menneskefigurer1794Statens Museum for KunstKMS5714Statens Museum for Kunst
Døgnets tider. Symboliseret ved fire vingede skikkelser1794Statens Museum for KunstKMS5713Statens Museum for Kunst
Popiersie młodzieńca19th centuryNational Museum in Warsaw158127museumsmagasinbustemand
Jason med det gyldne skind1803Thorvaldsens MuseumA822Thorvaldsens Museumheroisk nøgenhedJason
Det Gyldne Skind

Cupid and Psyche1800sThorvaldsens MuseumA28Psyke
Vénus à la pomme19th centuryDepartment of Sculptures of the LouvreRF 3334Room 400Venus
Psyche med skønhedssalven1806Thorvaldsens MuseumA821Thorvaldsens Museumkrukke
Venus med æblet1809Statens Museum for KunstKMS6004Statens Museum for KunstAkt
Ida Brun1809Thorvaldsens MuseumA218Ida Brun
Christian charity1810Department of Sculptures of the LouvreRF 3698Room 400
Natten1815Thorvaldsens MuseumA901Thorvaldsens Museumallegoribarn
Hebe1816Thorvaldsens MuseumA874Thorvaldsens MuseumHebe
Alexander Baillie1816Thorvaldsens MuseumA262
Siddende kat1817Thorvaldsens MuseumC412rkat
Ganymede with Jupiter's Eagle1817Thorvaldsens MuseumA44nyklassicismeZeus
Christ gives the keys of the kingdom to Peter1817
Cenotaph to Countess Anna Maria Porro Lambertenghi Serbelloni by Bertel Thorvaldsen1818
Józef Poniatowski1819Thorvaldsens MuseumA249Thorvaldsens MuseumJózef Poniatowski
Löwendenkmal1821kunst i det offentlige rumløve
J.C. Dahl1821Thorvaldsens MuseumA229J.C. Dahl
Matthæus1821Thorvaldsens MuseumA87KristussalnyklassicismeMatthæus
Christ figure1821
St. Jacobi-Kirchhof Ikunst i det offentlige rum
religiøs kunst
Peter1821-05Thorvaldsens MuseumA86KristussalApostlen Peter
Amor hos Anakreon, Vinteren1823Thorvaldsens MuseumA827Thorvaldsens MuseumCupido
Józef Poniatowski1826
WarszawarytterportrætJózef Poniatowski
Den knælende Dåbsengel1827Vor Frue Kirke
Spring1836Germanisches NationalmuseumPl.O.3184Germanisches Nationalmuseumallegori
Kristus1838Vor Frue KirkeJesus
Adam Oehlenschläger1839Thorvaldsens MuseumA226Thorvaldsens MuseumportrætAdam Oehlenschläger
Bertel Thorvaldsen with the Statue of Hope1839Thorvaldsens Museum
Rebecca och Eliesar vid brunnen19th centurySveriges NationalmuseumNMH 310/1987Sveriges Nationalmuseum
Kopernikusmonumentet i Warsawa19th centuryportræt
Temperance Fountain1888Tompkins Square Park
Pius VII's Gravsted19th centuryPeterskirkenNo/unknown valueClementine Chapelfunerary sculpturePave Pius 7.
Seated Mercury19th centuryBayerisches Nationalmuseum76/125Bayerisches Nationalmuseumreligiøs kunst
Schillerdenkmal auf dem Schillerplatz (Stuttgart)
Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Montrealkunst i det offentlige rumNicolaus Kopernikus
Possibly Lady Louisa BinghamNational Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
2011.101.2National Gallery of Artkvinde
Possibly Lady Georgiana BinghamNational Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
2011.101.3National Gallery of Artbuste
Lady Elizabeth Vernon, née BinghamNational Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
2011.101.1National Gallery of Art
Cupid and the Graces by Bertel ThorvaldsenThorvaldsens MuseumGratie
MatthæusThorvaldsens MuseumA88nyklassicisme
dansk 5-kroneseddelBertel Thorvaldsen
Plan des Denkmals und der Umgebung von 1818Lucerne central and university libraryLSa.17.1.69
Flora FarneseThorvaldsens MuseumC717r
Segnender ChristusFriedhof der Segensgemeindekunst i det offentlige rum
religiøs kunst
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Medier brugt på denne side

Natten, Bertel Thorvaldsen, A901.tif
Forfatter/Opretter: Bertel Thorvaldsen , Licens: CC0
Natten. relief af Bertel Thorvaldsen. Thorvaldsens Museum. A901.
Jasão e o Velo de ouro - Bertel Thorvaldsen - 1803.jpg
Jason with the Golden Fleece, Bertel Thorvaldsen's first masterpiece
København katedra 2.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Bertel Thorvaldsen , Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Copenhagen - cathedral of Our Lady
Grab Pius VII.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Westerdam, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Grabmal Pius VII., geboren als Graf Luigi Barnaba Niccolò Maria Chiaramonti (* 14. August 1742 Cesena, Kirchenstaat; † 20. August 1823 Rom), Papst von 1800 bis zu seinem Tod 1823 von Bertel Thorwaldsen in St. Peter (Rom)
Ida Brun – Thorvaldsens Museum – A218.tif
Forfatter/Opretter: Thorvaldsens Museum, Licens: CC0
Bust of Ida Brun by Bertel Thorvaldsen, 1809.
Segensgemeinde Christus2.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Jonathan Groß, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Statue Christ Blessing on the Segensgemeinde cementery , a copy after Bertel Thorvaldsen
ZentralGut ZHB 9912773540105505.tif
Skizze mit Löwe im Fels und Umgebung; oben links Detailskizze des Löwen
Nicolaus Copernicus Monument.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Salajro, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
The Monument to Nicolaus Copernicus, on Wed. May 24, 2017. The Monument to Nicolaus Copernicus was opened at the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium on Saturday, October 5, 2013, at 11 a.m.. The monument was originally set up in front of the Man the Explorer theme pavilion at Expo 67.
Psyche - Thorvaldsens Museum - DSC08799.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Bertel Thorvaldsen , Licens: CC0
Sculpture in Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. Sculptor: Bertel Thorvaldsen (c. 1770-1844). Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction. This artwork is now in the public domain because the artist died more than 70 years ago.
Cenotafio alla contessa Anna Maria Porro Lambertenghi (Alberto Thorwaldsen), particolare del bassorilievo.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Paolobon140, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Cenotafio alla contessa Anna Maria Porro Lambertenghi (Alberto Thorwaldsen), particolare del bassorilievo
Thorvaldsen og håbets gudinde.jpg
Thorvaldsen stående ved Håbets gudinde, selvportræt, Bertel Thorvaldsen original 1839, denne udførelse af H. W. Bissen 1859, Thorvaldsens Museum
Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) Le Grazie con Cupido (1820-1823) dal modello in gesso del 1817-1819 01.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Paolobon140, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) Le Grazie con Cupido (1820-1823) dal modello in gesso del 1817-1819. Copenhagen, Thorvaldsen's Museum. Fotografata alla mostra "Canova-Thorwaldsen" presso le Galleria di Italia di Milano.
Cupid and Psyche - Thorvaldsens Museum - DSC08662.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Daderot, Licens: CC0
Sculpture in Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. Sculptor: Bertel Thorvaldsen (c. 1770-1844). Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction. This artwork is now in the public domain because the artist died more than 70 years ago.
Peter (Bertel Thorvaldsen) – Thorvaldsens Museum – A86.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Jakob Faurvig Edit this at Structured Data on Commons, Licens: CC0
Peter by Bertel Thorvaldsen, 1821 Edit this at Structured Data on Commons
Copernicus by Thorwaldsen Warsaw 02.jpg
Copernicus monument by Thorwaldsen
Matthæus, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Thorvaldsens Museum, A87.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Bertel Thorvaldsen. Jakob Faurvig, Thorvaldsens Museum., Licens: CC0
Matthæus, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Thorvaldsens Museum
0 Vénus à la pomme - Bertel Thorvaldsen (2).JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Jean-Pol GRANDMONT, Licens: CC BY 4.0
Vénus à la pomme, œuvre en marbre réalisée vers 1805 par le sculpteur danois Bertel Thorvaldsen exposée dans la Galerie du Temps du Louvre-Lens (N° de référence « Louvre RF 3334 »).
Józef Poniatowski (Bertel Thorvaldsen) – Thorvaldsens Museum – A249 02.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Alicia Fagerving, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Bust of Józef Poniatowski by Bertel Thorvaldsen at the Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen.
Forfatter/Opretter: Lukas Ahorn / Bertel Thorvaldsen , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is an image of a cultural property of national significance in Switzerland with KGS number
Ganymede Waters Zeus as an Eagle by Thorvaldsen.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Bertel Thorvaldsen , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ganymede Waters Zeus as an Eagle by Bertel Thorvaldsen. Located in the Thorvaldsen Museum, Copenhagen.
Temperance Fountain statue Tompkins Square Park.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Beyond My Ken, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
The statue on top of the Temperance Fountain in Tompkins Square Park dates from around 1888; it was originally cast in zinc but was replaced with more durable bronze in 1992. The Temperence Fountain was donated by Henry D. Cogswell and the Moderation Society. Cosgwell was a dentist and real-estate developer who made a fortune in San Francisco during the Gold Rush and retired in 1856 with $2 million, became involved with the temperance movement, and endowed 50 monuments across the United States between 1878 and the 1890s, many of them temperance fountains. The Moderation Society was founded in 1877 with the aim of improving health conditons on the Lower East Side and to discourage drinking alcohol. The Temperance Fountain they jointly donated to the city is a square granite kiosk with four supporting columns over a drinking fountain, with the four sides labelled "Faith", "Hope", "Charity", and "Temperance". On the top is a figure of Hebe, the water carrier, based on a c.1816 marble statue by Danish sculptor Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen. (Sourced: [1],[2] from the NYC Parks Dept. website)
Schillerdenkmal Stuttgart mit Schillerplatz.jpg
  • MSeses
, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Schillerdenkmal am Schillerplatz (Stuttgart)
Thorvaldsens Venus.jpg
Venus med æblet, af Bertel Thorvaldsen 1813-16, Thorvaldsens Museum
Bertel Thorvaldsen, Amor hos Anakreon, Vinteren, A827.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Bertel Thorvaldsen (sculpture), Jakob Faurvig (Photo), Thorvaldsens Museum., Licens: CC0
Bertel Thorvaldsen 1770-1844. Skulpturen "Amor hos Anakreon, Vinteren" på Thorvaldsens Museum.
Berlin-Neukölln Old St. Jacobi churchyard 03 (40817426425).jpg
(c) Joe Mabel, CC BY-SA 4.0
Old St. Jacobi (St. James) churchyard, Berlin-Neukölln.