Vægtløftning under sommer-OL 2016 - 48 kg (damer)

Kvindernes 48 kg
under det 31. sommer-OL 2016
Sri Wahyuni Agustiani (2016).jpg
Sølvmedaljevinder Sri Wahyuni Agustiani
Dato6. august 2016
Atleter12 fra 12 nationer
Vindertotal200 kg
1Sopita Tanasan Thailand
2Sri Wahyuni Agustiani Indonesien
3Hiromi Miyake Japan

Kvindernes 48 kg vægtsklasse i vægtløftning under sommer-OL 2016 i Rio de Janeiro blev afholdt d. 6. august 2016 i Pavilion 2 i Riocentro.[1]

Medaljerne blev overrakt af Tricia Smith, IOC medlem, Canada og Tamás Ajan, præsident for International Weightlifting Federation.


Alle tider er brasiliansk tid (UTC-03:00)

6. august 201619:00Gruppe A


Snatch (kg)Clean & Jerk (kg)Total
1Tanasan, SopitaSopita Tanasan ThailandA47.9188909292106108110108200
2Agustiani, Sri WahyuniSri Wahyuni Agustiani IndonesienA47.2582858785107115115107192
3Miyake, HiromiHiromi Miyake JapanA47.9581818181105107107107188
4Pirón, BeatrizBeatriz Pirón Dominikanske RepublikA47.5085878785102105105102187
5Yelisseyeva, MargaritaMargarita Yelisseyeva KasakhstanA47.7280848480103106106106186
6King, MorghanMorghan King USAA47.7980828383100103103100183
7Chen Wei-ling Kinesisk TaipeiA47.137579818199100100100181
8Paratova, IuliaIulia Paratova UkraineA47.748486868495959895179
9Ranaivosoa, RoilyaRoilya Ranaivosoa MauritiusA47.9073788080939810093173
10Okoeva, ZhanylZhanyl Okoeva KirgisistanA47.5668727572929710197169
Mirabai Chanu, SaikhomSaikhom Mirabai Chanu IndienA47.7782828482104106106
Vương Thị Huyền VietnamA47.84838484


  1. ^ "Rio 2016: Weightlifting". Rio 2016. Arkiveret fra originalen 17. april 2015. Hentet 17. april 2015.

Medier brugt på denne side

Gold medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a gold medal
Flag of Thailand.svg
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand; there are total of 3 colours:
  • Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation.
  • White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation
  • Blue represents the monarchy of the nation, which is recognised as the centre of Thai hearts.
Silver medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a silver medal
Flag of Indonesia.svg
bendera Indonesia
Bronze medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a bronze medal
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg
Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag. According to the official website of Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Blue Sky(circle) & White Sun(triangles) above the Olympic rings is neither the National Emblem of the Republic of China, nor the Party Emblem of Kuomintang (KMT), but a design in between, where the triangles do not extend to the edge of the blue circle, as registered at International Olympic Committee in 1981 and digitally rendered in 2013. Besides, the blue outline of the five-petaled plum blossom is broader than the red one. Moreover, the CMYK code of the blue one and the Blue Sky & White Sun is "C100-M100-Y0-K0", and different from the Olympic rings (C100-M25-Y0-K0). Note that it's the only version recognized by IOC.
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Sri Wahyuni Agustiani (2016).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Australian Embassy Jakarta, Licens: CC BY 2.0

Semalam (06/09) Dubes Paul Grigson menepati janjinya mengundang dua peraih medali perak Olimpiade Rio de Janeiro 2016, Eko Yuli Irawan dan Sri Wahyuni untuk makan malam di kediamannya. Kedua atlet angkat besi Indonesia tersebut dan para tamu lainnya menikmati steak daging sapi Australia yang telah disiapkan oleh perusahaan asal Australia, Elders.

Seperti diketahui, tim angkat besi Indonesia untuk Olimpiade Rio bekerja sama dengan Elders dalam hal pasokan daging sapi untuk para atlet angkat besi.