
Et skelet fra en elefantCole Museum of Zoology, på University of Reading's Whiteknights Campus.

Et universitetsmuseum er en museumssamling, der drives af et universitet, der typisk er grundlagt til at understøtte undervisning og forskning på højere uddannelsesinstitutioner.[1] Ashmolean MuseumUniversity of Oxford i England er et tidligt eksempel, som blev grundlagt i 1683, der oprindeligt var indrettet i en bygning, der nu rummer Museum of the History of Science. Et mere moderne eksempel er Holburne Museum of Art i Bath, der oprindeligt blev opført i et hotel i 1796, og det er nu er det officielle museum på University of Bath.


  1. ^ Hamilton, J. (1995). The role of the university curator in the 1990s. Museum Management and Curatorship, 14(1), 73-79.

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Cole Museum of Zoology Elephant Skeleton.JPG
The Cole Museum of Zoology forms part of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Reading and is located on the university's Whiteknights Campus| in the town of Reading|, England. This photo shows the skeleton of a circus elephant that dominates the floor of the museum



The Cole Museum of Zoology forms part of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Reading and is located on the university's Whiteknights Campus in the town of Reading, England. This photo shows the skeleton of a circus elephant that dominates the floor of the museum