United States Army

United States Army
Hærens segl
Grundlagt14. juni 1775[1]
Overordnet myndighedDepartment of the Army
Størrelse546.047 militært ansatte
557.246 reservister
FarverSort og guld
Årsdage14. juni (Hærens dag)
Fly fløjet
KamphelikopterMH-6 Little Bird
AH-64 Apache
TransporthelikopterBoeing CH-47 Chinook
MultirollehelikopterBell UH-1 Iroquois
Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk
UH-72 Lakota
ObservationshelikopterBell OH-58 Kiowa

United States Army (dansk: De Forenede Staters Hær eller blot Den amerikanske hær) er et af USA's seks militære værn. Hæren består pr. 2004 af 485.500 aktive soldater og har en stående reserve på 591.000 mand. Den har baser i bl.a. Tyskland, Japan og Sydkorea. Hæren deltog indtil 2014 i Operation Enduring Freedom som var en del af Krigen i Afghanistan.[2]

Hærens politiske ledelse er Department of the Army, et af tre militære departementer i USA's forsvarsministerium.

Historie, kort

Rekrutteringsplakat under 1. verdenskrig

Hæren blev oprettet i 1775 som Den kontinentale hær (engelsk: Continental Army). Hærens kerne af frivillige fuldtidssoldater blev suppleret af lokale militser fra de forskellige oprørske kolonier. Hæren kæmpede mod den britiske hær og amerikanske loyalister i Den amerikanske uafhængighedskrig. Efter sejren opløstes Den kontinentale hær i 1783 for at:

  1. mindske risikoen for et militærkup.
  2. spare udgiften til en stående hær.
  3. skabe en tilværelse uden konflikter for de mange kolonister, som var indvandret fra det krigshærgede Europa.


Hærenhedernes størrelse, sammensætning og ledelse som de så ud i 2005 fremgår af tabellen neden for, men kan skifte afhængig af tid, sted og andre omstændigheder som fred eller krig, og den kan være væsensforskellig fra andre landes.

EnhederAntal soldater, ca.SammensætningChef, normalt
* Army (armé)100.0002+ corps, HQ (hovedkvarter)General (firestjernet)
* Corps (armékorps)30.000+2+ divisionsLieutenant General (generalløjtnant)
* Division15.000+3+ brigades, HQ (hovedkvarter), støtteenhederMajor General (generalmajor)
* Brigade4.500+3+ regiments, HQ (hovedkvarter)Brigadier General (brigadegeneral)
* Regiment1.500+2+ battalions, HQ (hovedkvarter)Colonel (oberst)
* Battalion (bataljon)7004+ companies, HQ (hovedkvarter)Lieutenant Colonel (oberstløjtnant)
* Company (kompagni)1754 platoons, HQ (hovedkvarter)Captain (kaptajn)
* Platoon (deling)404 squadsLieutenant (løjtnant)
* Squad (gruppe)10Sergeant (sergent)


Se også

Eksterne henvisninger

US Army, engelsk


  1. ^ army birthday - Hentet: 25. januar 2017 (engelsk)
  2. ^ https://www.defense.gov/News/Article/Article/603860 Hentet 21. januar 2017

Medier brugt på denne side

CSA-2006-01-12-095303 M249SAW.jpg
PFC Phillip Ruiz, from 2nd Platoon, Company B, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, provides security for Soldiers and Marines during a presence patrol in Rawah, Iraq.
Iraq-m1 abrams.jpg
Soldiers from 1-3 Armored Cavalry Regiment conducts cordon and search operations with their M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank in the city of Bi'aj, Iraq.
101st Airborne Div at Tikrit.jpg
Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division fly to Forward Operating Base Dagger near Tikrit, Iraq, aboard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.
The Struggle at Concord Bridge. April 1775. Copy of engraving by W. J. Edwards after Alonzo Chappel, circa 1859., 1927 - - NARA - 532586.tif
  • General notes: Use War and Conflict Number 11 when ordering a reproduction or requesting information about this image.
Colonel Roosevelt at Montauk Point.jpg
Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt in camp at Tampa, Florida as colonel of the Rough Riders, prior to embarking for Cuba.
HAB ww1 1918.jpg
Portrait of Hugh A. Ball during his enlistment in the US Army as a WWI soldier.
Shermans disembarking from LST at Anzio.jpg
Tanks of an Armored regiment are debarking from an LST [US 77] in Anzio harbor [Italy] and added strength to the U.S. Fifth Army [VI Corps] forces on the beachead (WWII Signal Corps Photograph Collection).
Paratroopers of the 187th Regimental Combat Team put on parachutes and "Mae West" life preservers before boarding a... - NARA - 542289.tif
  • Scope and content: Paratroopers of the 187th Regimental Combat Team put on parachutes and "Mae West" life preservers before boarding a 483rd Troop Carrier Wing U.S. Air Force C-119 "Flying Boxcar," en route to Korea from southern Japan. Combat Cargo "Commandos" and C-119s airlifted the 187th RCT personnel, and weapons, vehicles and supplies, in a continuous operation lasting two nights and a day, which involved 300 round-trip flights across the Japan Sea. The big transport planes landed or took off every two minutes, in combat Cargo's eigth airlift of the 187th since the Korean war began.
Infantry 1-9 US Cavalry exiting UH-1D.jpg
A U.S. Army rifle squad from the Blue Team of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry exiting from a Bell UH-1D Huey helicopter in Vietnam. The 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment was the air cavalry reconnaissance squadron of the 1st Cavalry Division throughout the division's service in Vietnam from 1965 to 1972. The "Blue Team" wer UH-1 troop transport helicopters, the "Red Team" were UH-1 gunships, the "White Team" Scouts were OH 13 Bell Helicopters, (Low and Slow).
MIM-104 Patriot.JPG
An MIM-104 Patriot tactical air defense missile launcher of Btry. E, 3rd Bn., 43rd Air Defense Arty., is deployed in the desert during Operation Desert Shield. The truck is a HEMTT M983.
ANA humvee in 2009 cropped.jpg
Afghan National Army doing a route clearence patrol exercise at the Kabul Militairy Training Centre (KMTC)
Humvee and M-ATV (USMC).jpg
The Mine Resistant Ambush Protected – All Terrain Vehicle, right, offers more protection from roadside bombs as opposed to its predecessor, the humvee. The M-ATV’s V-shaped hull is designed to redirect blasts away from its crew.
Mark of the United States Army.svg
Service mark of the US Army
Flag of the United States Army.svg
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
US Army logo.svg
The official logo of the United States Army (USA). It can be seen on the official United States Army website in September 2001.
Logo of the United States Army.svg
The official logo of the United States Army (USA). It can be seen on the official United States Army website in September 2001.
Flag of the United States Navy.svg
The Flag of the United States Navy, as defined in Executive Order 10812 of April 24, 1959. The design is described there as:

The flag for the United States Navy is 4 feet 4 inches hoist by 5 feet 6 inches fly, of dark blue material, with yellow fringe, 2½ inches wide. In the center of the flag is a device 3 feet and 1 inch overall consisting of the inner pictorial portion of the seal of the Department of the Navy (with the exception that a continuation of the sea has been substituted for the land area), in its proper colors within a circular yellow rope edging, all 2 feet 6 inches in diameter above a yellow scroll inscribed "UNITED STATES NAVY" in dark blue letters.

The U.S. Navy flag is used for display purposes at ceremonies, parades, and other public functions where the U.S. Navy has an official presence, usually being carried by an honor guard on ceremonial occasions. It is not used for outdoor, fixed (permanent) purposes, and is not flown on Navy ships. Versions without fringe and different dimensions seem to be common, though it appears they are not technically the official U.S. Navy flag, as the executive order has not been amended.

Prior to 1959, the Navy Infantry Battalion flag was used to represent the U.S. Navy.

For more information, see the Navy's flag history page, SeaFlags, Flags of the World, U.S. Navy document NTP 13(B) [1], section 1710, and Navy regulation OPNAVINST 10520.1 (which replaced a similar SECNAVINST 10520.2D regulation from 1974).
Flag of the United States Marine Corps.svg
Image taken from united-states-flag.com. This is a faithful representation of an original U.S. government work. As such, it attracts no new copyright. However, the USMC flag is protected by U.S. Trademark Registration Nos. 4852947 and 4193304, and may not be used commercially without a trademark license from the USMC's Trademark Licensing Office. Originally uploaded to en.wikipedia by Mbr7975; description page is (was) here: Marine corps flag.gif
USCG Parade Flag.svg
The Service Color of the U.S. Coast Guard. This is not the same as the law enforcement ensign, which features vertical red stripes defaced with the anchor symbol of the USCG.
Flag of the United States Coast Guard.svg
The Service Color of the U.S. Coast Guard. This is not the same as the law enforcement ensign, which features vertical red stripes defaced with the anchor symbol of the USCG.
Seal of the United States Space Force.svg
Seal of the United States Space Force.