UnitedHealth Group Incorporated er en amerikanskmultinationalhealth care- og sundhedsforsikringskoncern. Der tilbydes sundhedsplejeprodukter og forsikringsprodukter. UnitedHealth Group havde i 2021 300.000 ansatte og en omsætning på 285 mia. US$.[1][2]
I 1974 etablerede Richard Taylor Burke Charter Med Incorporated en Minnetonka, Minnesota-baseret privat virksomhed. I 1977 blev the United HealthCare Corporation' etableret for reorganisere virksomheden. Det blev moderselskab til Charter Med.[3]
^"Our History". UnitedHealth Group. Arkiveret fra originalen 20. juni 2019. Hentet 23. juni 2019. 1974: Charter Med Incorporated is founded by a group of physicians and other health care professionals who want to expand health coverage options for consumers. 1977: United HealthCare Corporation is created to reorganize the company and becomes the parent company of Charter Med Incorporated. United HealthCare introduces such health care innovations as pharmacy/drug formularies, hospital admission pre-certification processes, physician office software to manage and control costs, mental health/chemical dependency intermediaries (behavioral health), and an insurance wrap as one feature on top of traditional HMO products.