Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force | |
Grundlæggelse | 2020 |
Type | United States governmental study |
Juridisk status | Aktiv |
Formål | undersøgelse af unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP - incl. UFO) |
Hovedorganisation | Office of Naval Intelligence United States Department of Defense |
Eksterne henvisninger | |
Beskrevet i | USA's Forsvarsministeriet ![]() |
Information med symbolet ![]() | |
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) er et program i USAs Office of Naval Intelligence anvendt til at "standardisere indsamling og rapportering" af observationer af unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP - incl. UFO). Programmet blev uddybet ved en høring i juni 2020 ved United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.[1][2][3]
December 2017 bekræftede United States Department of Defense eksistensen af et forsvarsprogram anvendt til at indsamle data på militære ufo-observationer, på trods af opløsningen af Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) i 2012. Ligesom forgængerprogrammet, forvaltes UAP Task Force af Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence i samarbejde med Office of Naval Intelligence.
Efter senathøringen i juni 2020, har Senator Marco Rubio efterspurgt udgivelsen af videooptagelser af unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP - incl. UFO) indsamlet af United States Navy, inklusiv Pentagon ufo-videoerne.[4][5]
Den 24. juni 2020 stemte Intelligence Committee på at kræve United States Intelligence Community og United States Department of Defense til offentligt af opspore og analysere data indsamlet på UAPs.[6] En rapport fra UAP Task Force vil blive udgivet til Intelligence Committee 180 dage efter godkendelsen intelligence authorization act.[7][8]
Bryan Bender skriver for Politico og har citeret Christopher Mellon - daværende rådgiver for virksomheden To the Stars, for at sige "It further legitimizes the issue," tilføjende "That in itself is extremely important. People can talk about it without fear of embarrassment." Mellon sagde også "We are talking dozens of incidents in restricted military airspace over years."[9]
I juli 2020, udtalte Rubio at han var bekymret at et modstanderland havde opnået "some technological leap" som "allows them to conduct this sort of activity," men udtalte også at der kan være en konventionel forklaring som er "boring".[8]
Den 12. april 2021, bekræftede Pentagon autenticiteten af billeder og videoer indsamlet af UAP Task Force, angiveligt viser "pyramid shaped objects" svævende over USS Russell i 2019, ud for Californiens kyst, med talskvinde Susan Gough som fortæller "I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel. UAPTF har inkluderet disse hændelser i deres igangværende undersøgelser."[10][11][12][13] Videnskabsskribenten Mick West argumenter for at pyramiderne var et fly og to stjerner, var en linseartefakt.[14]
Den følgende måned, bekræftede Gough yderligere at en anden video var blevet optaget af flådepersonale og er under bedømmelse af UAP Task Force. Videoen blev optaget den 15. juli 2019 i Combat Information Center på USS Omaha, angivelligt visende et rundt objekt som flyver over havet via et infrarødt kamera om natten, bevægende sig over skærmen hvorefter den stopper op og glider ned i vandet.[15][16][17][18]
Program bekendtgørelse
Programmet blev officielt godkendt 4. august 2020 af Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist og bekendtgjort 4. august 2020. "The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security."[19]
- ^ Cooper, Helene; Blumenthal, Ralph; Kean, Leslie (2017-12-16). "Glowing Auras and 'Black Money': The Pentagon's Mysterious U.F.O. Program". The New York Times (amerikansk engelsk). ISSN 0362-4331. Hentet 2020-07-23.
- ^ Rogoway, Joseph Trevithick and Tyler. "Here Are The Air Force's Reports On Aircrew Encounters With Unidentified Flying Craft". The Drive. Hentet 2020-07-23.
- ^ Science, To the Stars Academy of Arts &. "TTSA Announces Support for UAP Task Force Inclusion in Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021". www.prnewswire.com (engelsk). Hentet 2020-07-24.
- ^ "Senators want public to see Pentagon UFO reports, citing "inconsistent" information sharing". www.cbsnews.com (amerikansk engelsk). Hentet 2020-07-23.
- ^ "Senate Intelligence Committee Confirms the US Navy Has a UFO Task Force". www.vice.com (engelsk). Hentet 2020-07-23.
- ^ Williams, Erika (2020-06-24). "Senate Panel Votes to Let Public Access UFO Records" (amerikansk engelsk). Hentet 2020-07-23.
- ^ Spocchia, Gino (24. juni 2020). "Pentagon UFO unit to publicly release some findings after ex-official says 'off-world vehicle' found". The Independent. Hentet 2. juli 2020.
- ^ a b Blumenthal, Ralph (23. juli 2020). "No longer in the shadows, Pentagon's UFO unit will make some findings public". The New York Times/The Baltimore Sun. Hentet 23. juli 2020.
- ^ Bender, Bryan (23. juni 2020). "Senators want the public to see the government's UFO reports". Politico.com. Hentet 23. juli 2020.
- ^ "Pentagon confirms leaked video of UFO 'buzzing' Navy warships is genuine". The Independent (engelsk). 13. april 2021.
- ^ "Leaked footage shows UFOs flying around navy vessels". in.news.yahoo.com.
- ^ "Pentagon Confirms That Leaked Video Is Part of UFO Investigation". Futurism.
- ^ Steinbuch, Yaron (12. april 2021). "Navy ships capture video of pyramid-shaped UFOs, orbs flying above". New York Post.
- ^ Lewis-Kraus, Gideon (30. april 2021). "How the Pentagon Started Taking UFOs Seriously". The New Yorker. Hentet 1. maj 2021.
- ^ "Leaked video appears to show UFO plunging under water off California". Global News.
- ^ "Leaked Navy video appears to show UFO off California". NBC News (engelsk).
- ^ Hanks, Micah (14. maj 2021). "Pentagon Confirms Leaked Video Showing "Transmedium" UFO is Authentic". The Debrief.
- ^ "Newly leaked video shows a UFO disappear into the water - CNN Video".
- ^ Establishment of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. defense.gov (August 14, 2020)
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Medier brugt på denne side
Gimbal is one of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and has been approved for public release.
FLIR1 is one of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and approved for public release. It is the only official footage captured by a US Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet present at the 2004 Nimitz incident off the coast of San Diego.
GO FAST is one of three official USG videos selected for release after official review by multiple government organizations. While To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science was the first to obtain a copy, it should be available to any member of the press or public via the Freedom of Information Act. This footage was captured by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet using the Raytheon ATFLIR Pod that was being operated by a highly trained aerial observer and weapons system operator whom the government has spent millions of dollars to train. Go Fast reveals a Navy encounter that occurred off the East Coast of the United States in 2015 and the object in view remains unidentified.