USS Enterprise (CV-6)

USS Enterprise
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USS Enterprise (CV-6) med kælenavnet Big E var den amerikanske flådes 6. hangarskib og det 7. skib, der hed USS Enterprise. Skibet blev færdigbygget i 1936 og var et af de tre amerikanske hangarskibe bygget før 2. verdenskrig, der overlevede krigen. Under Stillehavskrigen deltog det i stort set alle store slag som Slaget om Midway, Slaget om Guadalcanal, Slaget øst for Salomonøerne og Slaget om Leyte Gulf. Skibet var det højest dekorerede amerikanske krigskib under 2. verdenskrig og betragtes som måske det største skib i amerikansk militær historie.


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Koordinater: 23°45′00″N 155°35′00″V / 23.75°N 155.58333°V / 23.75; -155.58333

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Anchor pictogram.svg
an anchor symbol, fit for U+2693
USS Enterprise (CV-6) clears the ways.jpg
Crowds look on as Enterprise CV-6 clears the ways of Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., 3 October 1936.
U.S. Navy Torpedo Squadron 6 (VT-6) Douglas TBD-1 Devastator aircraft are prepared for launching aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6) at about 0730-0740 hrs, 4 June 1942. Eleven of the fourteen TBDs launched from Enterprise are visible. Three more TBDs and ten Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighters must still be pushed into position before launching can begin.

The TBD in the left front is Number Two (BuNo 1512), flown by Ensign Severin L. Rombach and Aviation Radioman 2nd Class W.F. Glenn. Along with eight other VT-6 aircraft, this plane and its crew were lost attacking Japanese aircraft carriers somewhat more than two hours later.

The heavy cruiser USS Pensacola (CA-24) is in the right distance and a destroyer is in plane guard position at left.
Uss enterprise cv6.jpg
The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6) steams toward the Panama Canal on 10 October 1945, while en route to New York (USA) to participate in Navy Day celebrations.
A SBD Dauntless goes overboard from USS Enterprise (CV-6) during the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942.jpg
A parked Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless topples off of the flight deck of the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6) as she heels sharply over after being hit by a bomb during the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands on 26 October 1942.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) en route to Pearl Harbor, October 1939.jpg
USS Enterprise (CV-6) en route to Pearl Harbor, 8 October 1939. Photographed from USS Minneapolis (CA-36).
Japanese bomb hits USS Enterprise (CV-6) flight deck during Battle of the Eastern Solomons, 24 August 1942 (80-G-17489).jpg

A Japanese 241-kilogram (531 lb) high-explosive "land" bomb explodes on the flight deck of USS Enterprise, 24 August 1942 during the Battle of the Eastern Solomons, causing minor damage. This was the third and last bomb to hit Enterprise during the battle. The bomb was dropped by a Japanese Aichi D3A1 "Val" dive bomber piloted by Kazumi Horie who died in the attack.

According to the original photo caption in the US Navy's archives, this explosion killed the photographer, Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Robert F. Read. This image, however, was actually taken by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Marion Riley, who was operating a motion picture camera from the aft end of the ship's island, above the flight deck and who survived the battle although his photographic equipment was damaged. The film Riley took that day, and of which this still was extracted together with others and published in Life, can be seen at this Youtube link (explosion at 03:05). Robert Read was stationed in the aft starboard 5" gun gallery and was killed by the second bomb to hit Enterprise. The smoke from the bomb explosion that killed Read can be seen in the upper left of this photograph. (Source: [1])
Crash landing of a U.S. Navy Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat (Number 30) of Fighting Squadron 2 (VF-2) aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6), into the carrier's port side 20mm gun gallery, 10 November 1943. Lieutenant Walter L. Chewning, Jr., USNR, the Catapult Officer, is seen climbing up the plane's side to assist the pilot from the burning aircraft. The pilot, Ensign Byron M. Johnson, escaped without significant injury. Enterprise was then en route to support the Gilberts Operation. Note the plane's ruptured belly fuel tank.
USS Enterprise (CVS-6) awaiting disposal at the New York Naval Shipyard on 22 June 1958.jpg
USS Enterprise (CVS-6) awaiting disposal at the New York Naval Shipyard on 22 June 1958. She was sold for scrapping ten days later, on 2 July. USS Independence (CVA-62) is fitting out on the opposite side of the pier. Ships visible in the left foreground include (from front): USS DeLong (DE-684), USS Coates (DE-685) and USS Hoe (SS-258). Ten other destroyers are also present, as is a "Liberty" type ship. The Schaefer brewery is visible in the center background.
Wrecked F6F Hellcat on USS Enterprise (CV-6) on 14 May 1945.jpg
Firefighting and the remains of a Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat on 14 May 1945 aboard the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6) after a kamikaze suicide plane hit the forward elevator.