USA's delstater

Amerikas Forenede Stater, eller USA, består af 50 delstater. Hver delstat har sit eget parlament, som oftest består af to kamre, samt egne domstole og en folkevalgt guvernør. De enkelte delstatsregeringer og den amerikanske forbundsregering deler suverænitet idet en amerikaner er borger i både den lokale delstat og den føderale republik. Delstatsborgerskab er dog meget åbent og ingen statsgodkendelse kræves for at flytte mellem de individuelle delstater (med undtagelse for dømte, der er prøveløsladt). Delstaterne har en række delstatssymboler, så som deres egne flag.

Hovedstaden Washington, D.C. (ikke at forveksle med delstaten Washington) er ikke en delstat, men udgør sit eget føderale distrikt, der kontrolleres af den føderale regering. Derudover besidder USA adskillige territorier, hvoraf fem er befolkede: Amerikansk Samoa, Amerikanske Jomfruøer (det tidligere Dansk Vestindien), Guam, Nordmarianerne, og Puerto Rico. Befolkningen i Washington og alle territorierne på nær Amerikansk Samoa er amerikanske statsborgere. Kun borgere i Washington og de 50 delstater kan stemme ved præsidentvalg, og kun borgere i de 50 delstater kan stemme ved kongresvalg.


AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingDelawareMarylandNew HampshireNew JerseyMassachusettsConnecticutWest VirginiaVermontRhode Island

Liste over delstater

Dette er en oversigt over USA's delstater med forskellige oplysninger.

DelstatFlagForkortelseHovedstadStørste byGuvernørLandareal (km2)Befolkning (2020)Befolknings-
tæthed (indb./km2)
TidszoneHøjeste punktMiddelhøjdeLaveste punkt
AlabamaAlabamaALMontgomeryBirminghamKay Ivey (R)131.4265.024.27938,214. december 1819Central: UTC -6/-57341520
AlaskaAlaskaAKJuneauAnchorageMike Dunleavy (R)1.481.347733.3910,53. januar 1959UTC -9 til -10/-8 til -96.1943.0600
ArizonaArizonaAZPhoenixDoug Ducey (R)294.3127.151.50224,314. februar 1912Mountain: UTC -73.8511.25021
ArkansasArkansasARLittle RockAsa Hutchinson (R)134.8563.011.52422,315. juni 1836Central: UTC -6/-583919817
CalifornienCalifornienCASacramentoLos AngelesGavin Newsom (D)403.93339.538.22397,99. september 1850Pacific: UTC -8/-74.148884-86
ColoradoColoradoCODenverJared Polis (D)268.6275.773.71421,51. august 1876Mountain: UTC -7/-64.3992.0731.021
ConnecticutConnecticutCTHartfordBridgeportNed Lamont (D)12.5483.605.944287,39. januar 1788Eastern: UTC -5/-47251250
DelawareDelawareDEDoverWilmingtonJohn C. Carney Jr. (D)5.068989.948195,37. december 1787Eastern: UTC -5/-4137180
FloridaFloridaFLTallahasseeJacksonvilleRon DeSantis (R)139.67021.538.187154,23. marts 1845Eastern: UTC -6/-5105300
GeorgiaGeorgiaGAAtlantaBrian Kemp (R)149.97610.711.90871,42. januar 1788Eastern: UTC -5/-41.4581800
HawaiiHawaiiHIHonoluluDavid Ige (D)16.6351.455.27187,521. august 1959UTC -104.2059250
IdahoIdahoIDBoiseBrad Little (R)214.3151.839.1068,63. juli 1890Mountain: UTC -7/-6
Pacific: UTC -8/-7
IllinoisIllinoisILSpringfieldChicagoJ.B. Pritzker (D)143.96112.812.50889,03. december 1818Central: UTC -6/-537618285
IndianaIndianaINIndianapolisEric Holcomb (R)92.8946.785.52873,011. december 1816Eastern: UTC -5/-4
Central: UTC -6/-5
IowaIowaIADes MoinesKim Reynolds (R)144.7013.190.36922,029. december 1846Central: UTC -6/-5509335146
KansasKansasKSTopekaWichitaLaura Kelly (D)211.9002.937.88013,929. januar 1861Central: UTC -6/-5
Mountain: UTC -7/-6
KentuckyKentuckyKYFrankfortLouisvilleAndy Beshear (D)102.8964.505.83643,81. juni 1792Eastern: UTC -5/-4
Central: UTC -6/-5
LouisianaLouisiana (delstat)LABaton RougeNew OrleansJohn Bel Edwards (D)112.8244.657.75741,330. april 1812Central: UTC -6/-516330-2,5
MaineMaineMEAugustaPortlandJanet Mills (D)79.9311.362.35917,015. marts 1820Eastern: UTC -5/-41.6081800
MarylandMarylandMDAnnapolisBaltimoreLarry Hogan (R)25.3146.177.224244,028. april 1788Eastern: UTC -5/-41.0241050
MassachusettsMassachusettsMABostonCharlie Baker (R)20.3057.029.917346,26. februar 1788Eastern: UTC -5/-41.0631500
MichiganMichiganMILansingDetroitGretchen Whitmer (D)150.50410.077.33167,026. januar 1837Eastern: UTC -5/-4603275174
MinnesotaMinnesotaMNSaint PaulMinneapolisTim Walz (DFL)206.1905.706.49427,711. maj 1858Central: UTC -6/-5701365183
MississippiMississippiMSJacksonTate Reeves (R)121.4892.961.27924,410. december 1817Central: UTC -6/-5246900
MissouriMissouriMOJefferson CityKansas CityMike Parson (R)178.4136.154.91334,510. august 1821Central: UTC -6/-554024070
MontanaMontanaMTHelenaBillingsGreg Gianforte (R)376.9791.084.2252,98. november 1889Mountain: UTC -7/-63.9011.035549
NebraskaNebraskaNELincolnOmahaPete Ricketts (R)199.0991.961.5049,91. marts 1867Central: UTC -6/-5 og
Mountain: UTC -7/-6
NevadaNevadaNVCarson CityLas VegasSteve Sisolak (D)284.4483.104.61410,931. oktober 1864Pacific: UTC -8/-74.0051.676146
New HampshireNew HampshireNHConcordManchesterChris Sununu (R)23.2271.377.52959,321. juni 1788Eastern: UTC -5/-41.9173050
New JerseyNew JerseyNJTrentonNewarkPhil Murphy (D)19.2119.288.994483,518. december 1787Eastern: UTC -5/-4550750
New MexicoNew MexicoNMSanta FeAlbuquerqueMichelle Lujan Grisham (D)314.3092.117.5226,76. januar 1912Mountain: UTC -7/-64.0111.735866
New YorkNew York (delstat)NYAlbanyNew YorkKathy Hochul (D)122.28320.201.249165,226. juli 1788Eastern: UTC -5/-41.6293050
North CarolinaNorth CarolinaNCRaleighCharlotteRoy Cooper (D)126.16010.439.38882,721. november 1789Eastern: UTC -5/-42.0372150
North DakotaNorth DakotaNDBismarckFargoDoug Burgum (R)178.647779.0944,42. november 1889Central: UTC -6/-5
Mountain: UTC -7/-6
OhioOhioOHColumbusMike DeWine (R)106.05611.799.448111,31. marts 1803Eastern: UTC -5/-4472260139
OklahomaOklahomaOKOklahoma CityKevin Stitt (R)177.8463.959.35322,316. november 1906Central: UTC -6/-51.51639588
OregonOregonORSalemPortlandKate Brown (D)248.6314.237.25617,014. februar 1859Pacific: UTC -8/-73.4261.0050
PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPAHarrisburgPhiladelphiaTom Wolf (D)116.07413.011.844112,112. december 1787Eastern: UTC -5/-49793350
Rhode IslandRhode IslandRIProvidenceDaniel McKee (D)2.7091.097.379405,129. maj 1790Eastern: UTC -5/-4247600
South CarolinaSouth CarolinaSCColumbiaHenry McMaster (R)77.9835.118.42565,623. maj 1788Eastern: UTC -5/-41.0851050
South DakotaSouth DakotaSDPierreSioux FallsKristi Noem (R)196.540886.6674,52. november 1889Central: UTC -6/-5
Mountain: UTC -7/-6
TennesseeTennesseeTNNashvilleMemphisBill Lee (R)106.7526.910.84064,71. juni 1796Eastern: UTC -5/-4
Central: UTC -6/-5
TexasTexasTXAustinHoustonGreg Abbott (R)678.05129.145.50543,029. december 1845Central: UTC -6/-52.6675200
UtahUtahUTSalt Lake CitySpencer Cox (R)212.7513.271.61615,44. januar 1896Mountain: UTC -7/-64.1231.920610
VermontVermontVTMontpelierBurlingtonPhil Scott (R)23.956643.07726,74. marts 1791Eastern: UTC -5/-41.33930529
VirginiaVirginiaVARichmondVirginia BeachRalph Northam (D)102.5498.631.39384,225. juni 1788Eastern: UTC -5/-41.7462900
WashingtonWashington (delstat)WAOlympiaSeattleJay Inslee (D)172.3487.705.28144,711. november 1889Pacific: UTC -8/-74.3925200
West VirginiaWest VirginiaWVCharlestonJim Justice (R)62.3611.793.71628,820. juni 1863Eastern: UTC -5/-41.48245573
WisconsinWisconsinWIMadisonMilwaukeeTony Evers (D)140.6635.893.71841,929. maj 1848Central: UTC -6/-5595320177
WyomingWyomingWYCheyenneMark Gordon (R)251.489576.8512,310. juli 1890Mountain: UTC -7/-64.2072.040945

Demografiske og historiske kort

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Flag of California.svg
Flag of California. This version is designed to accurately depict the standard print of the bear as well as adhere to the official flag code regarding the size, position and proportion of the bear, the colors of the flag, and the position and size of the star.
Flag of Minnesota.svg
The flag of Minnesota, since May 11, 2024.
Flag of Utah.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: The State of Utah, Licens:
The flag of Utah (2024-present). This is the final design submitted for consideration to be adopted as a new state flag of Utah. The design evokes images of snowy mountains and red rocks to represent the geography of Utah, the beehive represents "Industry" (the state's slogan) and Utah's nickname as "the Beehive State".
Flag of Alaska.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC0
Flag of Alaska
Map of USA showing regions.png
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
US states by date of statehood.gif
Forfatter/Opretter: User:Roke~commonswiki, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Animation showing US states by date of statehood, see List of U.S. states by date of statehood for more details. The first thirteen states are shown in the order by the date each ratified the present United States Constitution, the rest show the year of admission to the union in the sliding scale at the bottom.
Note that this shows present day state boundaries, which in some cases do not correspond with the historical boundaries of the state, such as West Virginia which was a part of Virginia until 1861.
Flag of Oregon.svg
Flag of Oregon (obverse): The flag was adopted by the state on February 26, 1925.[1] The state seal was decided in 1903.[2][3]
US population map.png
(c) JimIrwin, CC BY-SA 3.0
United States population density map based on Census 2010 data. See the data lineage for a process description. Also see U.S. state population maps.
Flag of Idaho.svg
Flag of Idaho, from the xrmap flag collection 2.7.
Flag of Mississippi.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Rocky Vaughn, Sue Anna Joe, Dominique Pugh, Clay Moss, Kara Giles, Micah Whitson and the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Licens: Copyrighted free use
The flag of the U.S. state of Mississippi - aspect ratio of 5:3. Designed in 2020 and adopted in 2021, the "New Magnolia" flag was selected by the Commission to Redesign the Mississippi state flag in 2020.
Map of USA with state names.svg

The original was edited by Andrew c to include Nova Scotia, PEI, Bahamas, and scale key.

It was originally uploaded to the English Wikipedia with the same title by Wapcaplet:

  • 20:57, 9 October 2005 . . Dbenbenn . . 959x593 (339217 bytes) (fix South Carolina label)
  • 20:27, 9 October 2005 . . Dbenbenn . . 959x593 (339227 bytes) (typo, Massachussetts -> Massachusetts)
  • 19:01, 9 October 2005 . . Dbenbenn . . 959x593 (371653 bytes) (crop, and remove some shapes (rivers, highways, capitals, lakes) that didn't display anyway)
  • 13:18, 23 September 2005 . . Ed g2s . . 990x855 (978668 bytes) (fix (removed <image /> tag))
  • 23:48, 23 September 2004 . . Wapcaplet . . 0x0 (978926 bytes) (SVG map of the United States. Created by Wapcaplet. {{GFDL} })
, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A map of the United States, with state names (and Washington D.C.).
US state names language2.PNG
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of New Mexico.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC0
Flag of Ohio.svg
The flag of the U.S. state of Ohio, officially known as the "Ohio Burgee"
Flag of Oklahoma.svg
Flag of Oklahoma, adopted in November 2006.
Flag of Nevada.svg
Flag of the State of Nevada. The flag is described in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 235, Sec. 20 as follows: The body of the flag must be of solid cobalt blue. On the field in the upper left quarter thereof must be two sprays of Sagebrush with the stems crossed at the bottom to form a half wreath. Within the sprays must be a five-pointed silver star with one point up. The word “Nevada” must also be inscribed below the star and above the sprays, in a semicircular pattern with the letters spaced apart in equal increments, in the same style of letters as the words “Battle Born.” Above the wreath, and touching the tips thereof, must be a scroll bearing the words “Battle Born.” The scroll and the word “Nevada” must be golden-yellow. The lettering on the scroll must be black-colored sans serif gothic capital letters.
US states by GDP per capita (nominal).PNG
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Colorado.svg
Flag of Colorado designed by Andrew Carlisle Johnson
United States evolution.gif
Forfatter/Opretter: Golbez, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Animation of the territorial evolution of the United States.