Den ellevte sæson af tv-serien The Simpsons blev første gang sendt i 1999 og 2000.
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Beyond Blunderdome
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Brother's Little Helper
Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?
Treehouse of Horror X
E-I-E-I-(Annyed grunt)
Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
Eight Misbehavin'
Take My Wife, Sleaze
Grift of the Magi
Little Big Mom
Faith Off
The Mansion Family
Saddlesore Galactica
Alone Again, Natura-Diddly
Missionary: Impossible
Bart to the Future
Days of Wine and D'oh'ses
Kill the Alligator and Run
Last Tap Dance in Springfield
It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge
Behind the Laughter
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