Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | ||
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Teaterdirektøren (Der Schauspieldirektor), KV 486, er et syngespil af Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Den tyske libretto er skrevet af Gottlieb Stephanie der Jüngere.
Mozart skrev stykket som sit bidrag til en konkurrence, der var blevet udskrevet af den østrigske kejser Josef 2. Det fik urpremiere på Schloß Schönbrunn i Wien. Det andet konkurrencebidrag var ikke et tysk syngespil, men en italiensk opera, nemlig Prima la Musica, poi le Parole af Antonio Salieri.
Handlingen i Teaterdirektøren drejer sig om teaterdirektørens problemer med sin trup i almindelighed og med primadonnaerne i særdeleshed ("Ich bin die erste Sängerin!").
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Detail of the face of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Part of the painting where Mozart is seen with Anna Maria (Mozart's sister) and father, Leopold, on the wall a portrait of his deceased mother, Anna Maria.
Forfatter/Opretter: User:Booyabazooka, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The dramatic masks of Thalia and Melpomene, the Muses of Comedy and Tragedy; rendered in highly stylized form.
Forfatter/Opretter: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions
Identifier: Highland_Echo_1915-1925 (find matches)
Title: Highland Echo 1915-1925
Year: 1915 (1910s)
Authors: Maryville College student body
Subjects: Maryville College
Publisher: Maryville, TN : Maryville College
Contributing Library: Maryville College
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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ege, was in those days bearingburdens that were too heavy forthe strongest t(r bear. His wife triedto share those burdens witli him,whether they were local ones con-nected with the administration ofthe College or those carried in ihesecuring of help for the institutionfrom people at a distance. In it allshe was a true and sympatheticcolleague, cheering and hearteningher. heavy-laden companion in hisself-denying service. She bore withhim the heat and burden of his day. Her Childlessness. But thegreatest of sorrows came to thesedevoted parents. On a Decemberda^ in 1880, the little boy was notfor God had taken him. Meningitiswas the fatal disease. The parentswere crushed by the blow. They (Continued on page four) LYCEUM SEASON OPENS ON OCTOBER 17111 WITH SPLENDID NEW YORK PRODUCTION fniie Impresario/ Mozarts Greatest Opera, to Be Presented! Here, With Noted Cast of New York Artists, Headed by Percy Hemus, the American Baritone, Ruth Miller of the Metropolitan and Other Well Known Artists
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HIGHLANDERS CLASHWITH MILLIGAN William Wade Hinshaw, of New York, Is bringinj; Mozarts coiuic opera, on a tiftecn weeks tour this season,I with a noted cast of New York artists, headed by Tercy Honius, noted American baritone. Mr. Hemus will appearI in the title role. Miss Iliith Miller, of the Metropolitan Opera; Mr. Thomas Me<tranahnti. famous Irish tenor; MissHazel HuntinRton, well-known New YorV concert st**-; Morton Adk.ns, baritone, and Miss Gladys Graven at thepiano, complete this remakahle all-star cast. The Enplish version was written by Edward Krehblel. noted cora- poser and critic of the New York Tribune. It will undoubtedly prove the sen.satlon of the season. Mr. Hinshaw isi one of Americas greatest artist-producers. He has especially selected the cast front brilliant New York artists,( each member being carefully chosen for the particular role he or she is to play. Mr. Hinshaw is president of the( Society of American Sincers. It is Interesting to note that The Impresar
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