Sportpalasttalen eller Den totale krig-talen var en tale, som den tyske propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels holdt i Berliner Sportpalast til et stort, men nøje udvalgt, publikum den 18. februar 1943, da slaget ved Stalingrad var tabt, og anden verdenskrig var begyndt at gå dårligt for Nazityskland.
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Joseph Goebbels' famous speech in the Sportpalast in Berlin on 18th February 1943.
My German countrymen and women!
It is now almost three weeks since I last spoke to you and the German people on the occasion of the reading of the Führer's proclamation on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the seizure of power. The crisis in which our eastern front is currently located was at its peak at that time. On the 30th of January of that year, in the sign of the hard calamity that had plagued the nation in the battle for the Volga, we had come together for a demonstration of unity, unity, but also firm willpower, and the difficulties that this war had in his fourth year before us, piled up to cope.
It was shocking for me and probably for all of you, a few days later, to hear that the last heroic fighters of Stalingrad, in this hour connected with us by the etheric waves, participated in our uplifting sports palace rally. They wrote in their final report that they had heard the proclamation of the Führer, and perhaps for the last time in their lives they had sung the national anthems together with their hands upraised. What attitude of German soldierhood in this great time! But what obligation does this attitude include for all of us, especially for the whole German homeland? Stalingrad was and is the great alarm call of fate to the German nation. A people that has the strength to endure and overcome such misfortune, even to extract additional strength from it, is invincible. The memory of the heroes of Stalingrad should be a deep commitment for me and for all of us today in my speech before you and before the German people. ...(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-J05235 / Schwahn / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Am Donnerstagabend fand im Berliner Sportpalast eine Grosskundgebung der Bevölkerung Berlins statt, in der Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels mit schonungsloser Offenheit die Gefahr aufzeigte, in der Europa schwebt. Die von dem alten nationalsozialistischen Kampfgeist getragene Veranstaltung brachte das einmütige und leidenschaftliche Bekenntnis der Teilnehmer, der Männer und Frauen, der Ritterkreuzträger und Rüstungsarbeiter, der Verwundeten und zahllosen Männer aus allen Schaffens- und Wissensgebieten, den Krieg rücksichtslos und in seiner radikalsten Totalität zu führen und den Sieg über den Bolschewismus zu erzwingen.
UBz: Uebersicht über den Sportpalast während der Kundgebung.