Sober (Lugo)

Sobers byvåben
Land Spanien
Autonom region Galicien
Provins Lugo
AmtTierra de Lemos
BorgmesterLuis Fernández Guitián[1] Rediger på Wikidata
Postnr.27460 Rediger på Wikidata
Nummerplade­bogstav(er)LU Rediger på Wikidata
Indbyggere2.129 (2024) Rediger på Wikidata
 - Areal133 km²
 - Befolknings­tæthed16,0 pr. km²
TidszoneUTC+1 Rediger på Wikidata
Højde m.o.h.600 m Rediger på Wikidata
Kommunens beliggenhed i provinsen Lugo
Kommunens beliggenhed i provinsen Lugo
Sober ligger i Spanien
Sobers beliggenhed i Spanien 42°27′42″N 7°35′13″V / 42.4618°N 7.587°V / 42.4618; -7.587

Sobers beliggenhed i Galicien

Sober er en by og kommune i det nordvestlige Spanien i provinsen Lugo. Den har et indbyggertal på 2.129 (2024) indbyggere.


  1. ^ Navnet er anført på engelsk og stammer fra Wikidata hvor navnet endnu ikke findes på dansk.

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Medier brugt på denne side

Flag of Lugo province.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Ulaidh, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Bandera de la provincia de Lugo (España)
Spain location map with provinces.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Roi González Villa (Vivaelcelta), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Spain

Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 130 %. Geographic limits of the map:

  • N: 44.4° N
  • S: 34.7° N
  • W: 9.9° W
  • E: 4.8° E
Silhouette Spain with Flag.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: jynus, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Silhouette of Spain with Spanish Flag.
Escudo de Sober.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: SanchoPanzaXXI, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Escudo de Sober (Lugo): De azur, unha cepa de vide de ouro, frutada do mesmo; bordura de prata con trece roeles de azur. Ó timbre, coroa real pechada. Decreto 38/1995, do 27 de xaneiro DOG núm. 27 (8 de febreiro de 1995) [1].
Karte Gemeinde Sober 2022.png
Forfatter/Opretter: Tschubby, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Gemeinde Sober
Pazo de Rosende, en el municipio de Sober (Lugo, España).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Pastorav, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
House integrate in

Pazos de Galicia Pazos de Galicia

Q de Calidad Certified Q Calidad


The Manor was built in 1511 by the Díaz Varela family in the enclave of Rosende.One of the descendants of the lineage , Carlos Recarey Díaz Varela , attained the viceroyalship of Mexico , later returning to his homeland to fulfil different public offices (such as royal tax collector and governer of Lugo).It was he who undertook the extension of the initial building towards the end of the 18th century. The decoration of the chapel and drawing rooms, with exceptional frescos painted by Juan Bernardo Castinandi , a Galician painter trained in Rome, which lend a unique courtly palace air to the Manor , dates back to this period. The Díaz Varela family has had a significant presence within the cultural world on both sides of the Atlantic. Outstanding amongst the latter inhabitants of the house were Roberto Díaz Varela, newspaper editor of "La Marina" of La Havana, Dalmiro de la Válgoma y Díaz Varela, chronicler of Monforte de Lemos and perpetual secretary of the National History Academy, or Elena Quiroga, one of Galicia's most relevant writers, also a member of the Language Academy.

The Manor is known by the name of "The Misses' House" within the area owing to the sisters who lived there at the middle of the last century and who were the last of the Díaz Varelas to dwell there.