Slovenien Rundt 2021

Slovenien Rundt 2021Cycling (road) pictogram.svg
2021 Tour of Slovenia (Stage 1).jpg
Rute27. Slovenien Rundt
KonkurrenceUCI ProSeries 2021 2.Pro
Datoer9. – 13. juni 2021
Distance803,7 km
LandSLO Slovenien
MålbyNovo Mesto
Startende ryttere139
Fuldførende ryttere117
Gennemsnitlig fart41,445 km/t
VinderSLO Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)
ToerITA Diego Ulissi (UAE Team Emirates)
TreerITA Matteo Sobrero (Astana-Premier Tech)
PointtrøjeSLO Matej Mohorič (Bahrain Victorious)
BjergtrøjeSLO Tadej Pogačar (UAE Team Emirates)
UngdomstrøjeSLO Kristjan Hočevar (Adria Mobil)
HoldkonkurrenceUAE UAE Team Emirates
Dokumentation Wikidata-logo S.svg

Slovenien Rundt 2021 var den 27. udgave af det slovenske etapeløb Slovenien Rundt. Cykelløbets fem etaper blev kørt fra 9. til 13. juni 2021. Løbet var en del af UCI ProSeries 2021. Den oprindelige 27. udgave blev i 2020 aflyst på grund af coronaviruspandemien.[1]

Løbets vinder blev slovenske Tadej Pogačar fra UAE Team Emirates.


Wikidata-logo S.svgEtapeDatoStart – MåltypeAfstand (km)EtapevinderFørende rytter
1. etape 9. junPtuj – Rogaška Slatina
flad etape
151,5GER Phil BauhausGER Phil Bauhaus
2. etape 10. junŽalec – Celje
kuperet etape
147SLO Tadej PogačarSLO Tadej Pogačar
3. etape 11. junBrežice – Krško
kuperet etape
165,8ESP Jon AberasturiSLO Tadej Pogačar
4. etape 12. junAjdovščina – Nova Gorica
164,1ITA Diego UlissiSLO Tadej Pogačar
5. etape 13. junLjubljanaNovo Mesto
flad etape
175,3GER Phil BauhausSLO Tadej Pogačar

1. etape

Ptuj - Rogaška Slatina
flad etape
(151,5 km)
Wikidata-logo S.svgEtaperesultat
1.GER Phil BauhausBahrain Victorious3t 33' 45"
2.ESP Jon AberasturiCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 0"
3.POR Rui OliveiraUAE Team Emirates+ 0"
4.POL Stanislaw AniolkowskiBingoal Pauwels Sauces WB+ 0"
5.ITA Matteo MalucelliAndroni Giocattoli-Sidermec+ 0"
6.AUS Alexander EdmondsonTeam BikeExchange+ 0"
7.POL Alan BanaszekHRE Mazowsze Serce Polski+ 0"
8.NZL Ryan ChristensenCanyon dhb SunGod+ 0"
9.GBR Matthew BostockCanyon dhb SunGod+ 0"
10.ESP Mikel Alonso FloresEuskaltel-Euskadi+ 0"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats
Wikidata-logo S.svgSamlede stilling
1.GER Phil Bauhaus den lysegrønne førertrøjeden røde pointtrøjeBahrain Victorious3t 33' 35"
2.ESP Jon AberasturiCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 4"
3.POR Rui OliveiraUAE Team Emirates+ 6"
4.NOR Daniel HoelgaardUno-X Pro Cycling Team+ 7"
5.NOR Jonas Iversby Hvideberg den hvide ungdomstrøjeUno-X Pro Cycling Team+ 7"
6.GBR Matthew BostockCanyon dhb SunGod+ 8"
7.ITA Diego UlissiUAE Team Emirates+ 9"
8.POL Stanislaw AniolkowskiBingoal Pauwels Sauces WB+ 10"
9.ITA Matteo MalucelliAndroni Giocattoli-Sidermec+ 10"
10.AUS Alexander EdmondsonTeam BikeExchange+ 10"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats

2. etape

Žalec - Celje
kuperet etape
(147 km)
Wikidata-logo S.svgEtaperesultat
1.SLO Tadej PogačarUAE Team Emirates3t 32' 00"
2.SLO Matej MohoričBahrain Victorious+ 1' 22"
3.ITA Diego UlissiUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 22"
4.ITA Matteo SobreroAstana-Premier Tech+ 1' 22"
5.EST Tanel KangertTeam BikeExchange+ 1' 25"
6.GBR James ShawRibble Weldtite Pro Cycling+ 1' 25"
7.POL Rafał MajkaUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 25"
8.ITA Giovanni CarboniBardiani CSF Faizanè+ 1' 25"
9.ESP Jonathan LastraCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 1' 25"
10.SLO Jan PolancUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 30"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats
Wikidata-logo S.svgSamlede stilling
1.SLO Tadej Pogačar den lysegrønne førertrøjeden blå bjergtrøjeUAE Team Emirates7t 05' 37"
2.SLO Matej MohoričBahrain Victorious+ 1' 24"
3.ITA Diego UlissiUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 28"
4.ITA Matteo SobreroAstana-Premier Tech+ 1' 33"
5.ITA Giovanni CarboniBardiani CSF Faizanè+ 1' 36"
6.ESP Jonathan LastraCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 1' 36"
7.GBR James ShawRibble Weldtite Pro Cycling+ 1' 36"
8.POL Rafał MajkaUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 36"
9.EST Tanel KangertTeam BikeExchange+ 1' 36"
10.SLO Jan PolancUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 41"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats

3. etape

Brežice - Krško
kuperet etape
(165,8 km)
Wikidata-logo S.svgEtaperesultat
1.ESP Jon AberasturiCaja Rural-Seguros RGA3t 50' 26"
2.SLO Matej MohoričBahrain Victorious+ 0"
3.ITA Matteo TrentinUAE Team Emirates+ 0"
4.BEL Rémy MertzBingoal Pauwels Sauces WB+ 0"
5.DEN Jeppe Aaskov PallesenColoQuick+ 0"
6.GBR James ShawRibble Weldtite Pro Cycling+ 0"
7.COL Daniel MuñozAndroni Giocattoli-Sidermec+ 0"
8.ITA Giovanni CarboniBardiani CSF Faizanè+ 0"
9.RUS Dmitrij StrakhovGazprom-RusVelo+ 0"
10.ESP Javier RomoAstana-Premier Tech+ 0"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats
Wikidata-logo S.svgSamlede stilling
1.SLO Tadej Pogačar den lysegrønne førertrøjeUAE Team Emirates10t 56' 03"
2.SLO Matej Mohorič den røde pointtrøjeBahrain Victorious+ 1' 15"
3.ITA Diego UlissiUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 26"
4.ITA Matteo SobreroAstana-Premier Tech+ 1' 33"
5.GBR James ShawRibble Weldtite Pro Cycling+ 1' 36"
6.ITA Giovanni CarboniBardiani CSF Faizanè+ 1' 36"
7.ESP Jonathan LastraCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 1' 36"
8.POL Rafał MajkaUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 36"
9.EST Tanel KangertTeam BikeExchange+ 1' 36"
10.SLO Jan PolancUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 41"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats

4. etape

Ajdovščina - Nova Gorica
(164,1 km)
Wikidata-logo S.svgEtaperesultat
1.ITA Diego UlissiUAE Team Emirates4t 15' 28"
2.SLO Tadej Pogačar den lysegrønne førertrøjeUAE Team Emirates+ 1"
3.ITA Matteo SobreroAstana-Premier Tech+ 1"
4.POL Rafał MajkaUAE Team Emirates+ 27"
5.GBR James ShawRibble Weldtite Pro Cycling+ 48"
6.EST Tanel KangertTeam BikeExchange+ 53"
7.ITA Giovanni CarboniBardiani CSF Faizanè+ 1' 05"
8.SLO Matej Mohorič den røde pointtrøjeBahrain Victorious+ 1' 19"
9.ESP Javier RomoAstana-Premier Tech+ 1' 28"
10.SLO Jan PolancUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 35"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats
Wikidata-logo S.svgSamlede stilling
1.SLO Tadej Pogačar den lysegrønne førertrøjeden blå bjergtrøjeUAE Team Emirates15t 11' 26"
2.ITA Diego UlissiUAE Team Emirates+ 1' 21"
3.ITA Matteo SobreroAstana-Premier Tech+ 1' 35"
4.POL Rafał MajkaUAE Team Emirates+ 2' 08"
5.GBR James ShawRibble Weldtite Pro Cycling+ 2' 29"
6.EST Tanel KangertTeam BikeExchange+ 2' 34"
7.SLO Matej Mohorič den røde pointtrøjeBahrain Victorious+ 2' 39"
8.ITA Giovanni CarboniBardiani CSF Faizanè+ 2' 46"
9.SLO Jan PolancUAE Team Emirates+ 3' 21"
10.ESP Jonathan LastraCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 4' 45"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats

5. etape

Ljubljana - Novo Mesto
flad etape
(175,3 km)
Wikidata-logo S.svgEtaperesultat
1.GER Phil BauhausBahrain Victorious4t 12' 05"
2.AUS Alexander EdmondsonTeam BikeExchange+ 0"
3.AUS Heinrich HausslerBahrain Victorious+ 0"
4.ITA Matteo TrentinUAE Team Emirates+ 0"
5.ESP Jon AberasturiCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 0"
6.ESP Enrique SanzEquipo Kern Pharma+ 0"
7.GBR Matthew GibsonRibble Weldtite Pro Cycling+ 0"
8.POR Rui OliveiraUAE Team Emirates+ 0"
9.POL Alan BanaszekHRE Mazowsze Serce Polski+ 0"
10.ITA Matteo SobreroAstana-Premier Tech+ 0"
Kilde: ProCyclingStats



Wikidata-logo S.svgHoldkonkurrence
1.UAE UAE Team Emirates10t 14' 36"
2.RUS Gazprom-RusVelo+ 15' 26"
3.KAZ Astana-Premier Tech+ 15' 34"
4.AUS Team BikeExchange+ 17' 06"
5.ITA Bardiani CSF Faizanè+ 18' 03"
6.ITA Androni Giocattoli-Sidermec+ 19' 21"
7.ESP Equipo Kern Pharma+ 27' 27"
8.SLO Slovenien+ 33' 45"
9.ESP Caja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 34' 48"
10.BRN Bahrain Victorious+ 34' 54"

Hold og ryttere

WorldTeams (4)ProTeams (8)Kontinentalhold (7)Landshold
  • SLO Slovenien

Danske ryttere

Danmark Danske ryttere på startlisten[2]
66Julius JohansenUno-X Pro Cycling TeamDNF-3
161Kasper AndersenColoQuick CyclingDNF-3
162Oliver Wulff FrederiksenColoQuick CyclingDNF-3
163Sebastian Kolze ChangiziColoQuick Cycling77
164William Blume LevyColoQuick Cycling47
165Frederik MuffColoQuick Cycling112
166Nicolai BrøchnerColoQuick CyclingDNF-4
167Jeppe Aaskov PallesenColoQuick Cycling28

* DNF = gennemførte ikke


  1. ^ "Cancelled/postponed races". ProCyclingStats (engelsk). Hentet 16. december 2020. 
  2. ^ "Startlist" (engelsk). ProCyclingStats. Hentet 8. juni 2021. 

Eksterne henvisninger

Medier brugt på denne side

Cycling (road) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Cycling (road). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Flag of Slovenia.svg
The flag of Slovenia.
"The construction sheet for the coat of arms and flag of the Republic of Slovenia
is issued in the Official Gazette Uradni list Republike Slovenije #67, 27 October 1994
as the addendum to the Law on the coat of arms and flag."
Icon for plain stage in cycling stage race. Modeled after (but not taken from)
Icon for heuvel stage in cycling stage race. Modeled after (but not taken from) [1]
Icon for mountain stages in bicyling stage races. Modeled after (but not taken from)
Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857–1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Jersey green 2.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Appaches, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Maillot vert clair porté par le leader du classement général lors de la Semaine internationale Coppi et Bartali.
Jersey red.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: IIVQ - Tijmen Stam, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0

Differenty colored cycling jerseys as used in different cycling contests

Jersey white.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Iivq - Tijmen Stam, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0

Differenty colored cycling jerseys as used in different cycling contests

white jersey. Used by:

Jersey blue.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Tijmen Stam (User:IIVQ), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0

Differenty colored cycling jerseys as used in different cycling contests.

Flag of Croatia.svg
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
2021 Tour of Slovenia (Stage 1).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Petar Milošević , Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
This photo was taken during my Bicycle ride in 2021
You can see all of my photographs in category VeloPhoto