
Et slæb er et langt stykke af en kjole eller skørt der går ned på jorden og slæber efter bæreren. Det er en almindelig del af kvinders hofbeklædning, aften- eller brudekjole. Store voluminøse slæb bruges især ved kongelige bryllupper, som det blandt andet sås ved brylluppet mellem Prins Harry og Meghan Markle i 2018.[1][2]
I den romersk katolske kirke er cappa magna (bogstavelig talt "stor kappe") en form for kappe som kan bæres af særlige kardinaler, biskopper og æresprælater.
- ^ "Royal wedding 2018: Meghan Markle's Givenchy dress in detail". BBC. 19. maj 2018. Hentet 19. maj 2018.
- ^ Friedman, Vanessa (19. maj 2018). "Meghan Markle's Wedding Dress Was Made for a Person, Not a Princess". The New York Times. Hentet 19. maj 2018.
- Litteratur
- Black, J. Anderson and Madge Garland: A History of Fashion, Morrow, 1975. ISBN 0-688-02893-4
- Payne, Blanche: History of Costume from the Ancient Egyptians to the Twentieth Century, Harper & Row, 1965. No ISBN for this edition; ASIN B0006BMNFS
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D.A.R.E. T-shirt
- Portugal, circa 1845
- Costumes; principal attire (entire body)
- a) Silk satin with metallic-thread embroidery and silk net (tulle) trim; b-c) Silk satin with metallic-thread embroidery
- a) Bodice center back length: 10 1/8 in. (25.72 cm); b) Petticoat center back length: 44 in. (111.76 cm); c) Train: 120 x 54 in. (304.8 x 137.16 cm); d) Fancy dress bodice center back length: 14 1/2 in. (36.83 cm); e) Standing Whisk (Medici) Collar: 15 x 17 in. (38.1 x 43.18 cm)
- Purchased with funds provided by Suzanne A. Saperstein and Michael and Ellen Michelson, with additional funding from the Costume Council, the Edgerton Foundation, Gail and Gerald Oppenheimer, Maureen H. Shapiro, Grace Tsao, and Lenore and Richard Wayne (M.2007.211.941a-e)
- Costume and Textiles