Skylab 3
Missionsemblem | |||||
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Missionsstatistik | |||||
Missionsnavn: | Skylab 3 | ||||
Rumagentur: | NASA | ||||
Løfteraket: | Saturn IB | ||||
Antal besætningsmedlemmer: | 3 | ||||
Affyringsrampe: | Kennedy Rumcenter, Florida LC 39B | ||||
Opsendelse: | 28. juli 1973 11:10:50 UTC | ||||
Landing: | 25. september 1973 22:19:51 UTC | ||||
Landet på: | Stillehavet 30°47′N 120°29′V / 30.783°N 120.483°V | ||||
Varighed: | 59 d 11 t 9 m 1 s | ||||
Antal kredsløb: | 858 | ||||
Apogæum: | 441 km | ||||
Perigæum: | 423 km | ||||
Kredsløbets inklination: | 50°,0 | ||||
Tilbagelagt afstand: | ~39.400.000 km | ||||
Foto af besætningen | |||||
![]() V-H: Bean, Lousma, Garriott | |||||
Navigation | |||||
Skylab 3 eller SL-3 var den anden flyvning til den amerikanske rumstation Skylab. Ved opsendelsen blev der anvendt en Saturn IB-raket.
Under flyvningen begyndte to af de fire styreraketter på Apollos servicemodul at lække brændstof og måtte afbrydes. Dette efterlod fartøjet med kun to fungerende styreraketter, hvilket var minimum for at flyvningen måtte fortsætte. På Kennedy Rumcentret begyndte man at forberede en redningsmission i tilfælde af at situationen blev forværret yderligere. På et tidspunkt kørte man endda raketten ud til affyringsrampen LC 39-B. Men redningsflyvningen blev aldrig nødvendig.
Oversat fra svensk Wikipedia.
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These three men are the prime crewmen for the Skylab 3 mission. Pictured in the One-G trainer Multiple Docking Adapter (MDA) at JSC are, left to right, Scientist-Astronaut Owen F. Garriott, science pilot; and Astronauts Jack R. Lousma and Alan L. Bean, pilot and commander, respectively.
This is the emblem for the second manned Skylab mission. It will be a mission of up to 56 days. The patch symbolizes the main objectives of the flight. The central figure, adapted from Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, illustrates the proportions of the human form and suggests the many studies of man himself to be conducted in the zero-gravity environment of space. This drawing is superimposed on two hemispheres representing the two additional main areas of research - studies of the Sun and the development of techniques for survey of the Earth's resources. The left hemisphere show the Sun as it will be seen in the red light radiated by hydrogen atoms in the solar atmosphere. The right hemisphere is intended to suggest the studies of Earth resources to be conducted on Skylab. Although the patch denotes this mission as Skylab II, it is actually consided to be the Skylab III mission. Image ID: S72-51123
Astronaut Alan L. Bean, Skylab 3 commander, flies the M509 Astronaut Maneuvering Equipment in the forward dome area of the Orbital Workshop (OWS) on the space station cluster in Earth orbit. Bean is strapped in to the back-mounted, hand-controlled Automatically Stabilized Maneuvering Unit (ASMU). This ASMU exerperiment is being done in shirt sleeves. The dome area where the experiment is conducted is about 22 feet in diameter and 19 feet from top to bottom.