

En skærm bruger pixels til at gengive skærmbilledet. Skærmopløsningen angives som det totale antal pixels skærmen har i bredden gange det totale antal pixels i højden.

Oversigt over skærmopløsning hos computerbrugere

Dette er resultatet af en undersøgelse lavet af Steam i marts 2010.

KodeNavnFormatBreddeHøjde% af Steam-brugere
VGAVideo Graphics Array4:3640480n/a
SVGASuper Video Graphics Array4:3800600n/a
XGAeXtended Graphics Array4:3102476812,36%
XGA+eXtended Graphics Array Plus4:311528642,22%
WXGAWidescreen eXtended Graphics Array5:312807680,72%
WXGAWidescreen eXtended Graphics Array8:5 (16:10)12808006,44%
SXGASuper eXtended Graphics Array4:312809601,54%
SXGASuper eXtended Graphics Array5:41280102419,10%
WXGAWidescreen eXtended Graphics Array16:913667684,50%
WSXGAWidescreen Super eXtended Graphics Array8:5 (16:10)144090010,53%
UXGAUltra eXtended Graphics Array4:3160012001,01%
WSXGA+Widescreen Super eXtended Graphics Array Plus8:5 (16:10)1680105018,23%
HD-1080Full High Definition16:9192010809,68%
WUXGAWidescreen Ultra eXtended Graphics Array8:5 (16:10)192012005,93%

Komplet oversigt over skærmopløsninger

ForkortelseNavnOpløsning (pixel)SideforholdPixelantal
QQVGAQuarter QVGA160 × 1204:319 200
160 × 1601:125 600
220 × 1765:438 720
1/8 VGA1/8 VGA240 × 1804:343 200
CGAColor Graphics Adapter320 × 20016:1064 000
QVGAQuarter VGA320 × 2404:376 800
480 × 1603:176 800
PSPPlaystation Portable480 × 27230:17 (< 16:9)130 560
320 × 3201:1102 400
480 × 3203:2153 600
640 × 2408:3153 600
EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter640 × 35064:35 (>16:9)224 000
HGCHercules Graphics Card720 × 34860:29 (>16:9)250 560
VGAVideo Graphics Array640 × 4804:3307 200
WVGAWide VGA720 × 40018:10 (9:5)288 000
800 × 48015:9 (5:3)384 000
848 × 48053:30 (< 16:9)407 040
852 × 48071:40 (< 16:9)408 960
864 × 48018:10 (9:5)414 720
858 × 48439:22 (< 16:9)415 272
SVGASuper VGA800 × 6004:3480 000
832 × 6244:3519 168
964 × 544482:277 (< 16:9)524 416
WSVGAWide SVGA1024 × 600128:75 (< 16:9)614 400
1072 × 600134:75 (> 16:9)643 200
EVGAExtended VGA1024 × 7684:3786 432
XGAExtended Graphics Array
1152 × 8644:3995 328
Apple Macintosh-XGA1152 × 870192:145 (< 4:3)1 002 240
SGI-XGA, Sun-XGA1152 × 90032:25 (> 5:4)1 036 800
HD 720High Definition1280 × 72016:9921 600
WXGAWide XGA1280 × 76815:9 (5:3)983 040
1280 × 80016:101 024 000
1280 × 854640:427 (< 15:10 (3:2))1 093 120
1360 × 76885:48 (< 16:9)1 044 480
1366 × 768683:384 (> 16:9)1 049 088
1376 × 76843:24 (> 16:9)1 056 768
WXGA+WXGA Plus1400 × 90014:91 260 000
1440 × 90016:10 (8:5)1 296 000
(SXGA)1280 × 9604:31 228 800
SXGASuper XGA1280 × 10245:41 310 720
XGA-2XGA 21360 × 102485:64 (< 4:3)1 392 640
1366 × 1024683:512 (> 4:3)1 398 784
WSXGAWide SXGA1600 × 90016:91 440 000
1600 × 102425:16 (< 16:10)1 638 400
SXGA+SXGA Plus1400 × 10504:31 470 000
WSXGA+Wide SXGA+1680 × 105016:101 764 000
UXGAUltra XGA1600 × 12004:31 920 000
HD 1080High Definition1920 × 108016:92 073 600
WUXGAWide UXGA1920 × 120016:102 304 000
1920 × 14404:32 764 800
SUXGASuper UXGA2048 × 15364:33 145 728
QWXGAQuad WXGA2560 × 160016:10 (8:5)4 096 000
QSXGAQuad SXGA2560 × 20485:45 242 880
QUXGAQuad UXGA3200 × 24004:37 680 000
QWUXGAQuad WUXGA3840 × 240016:10 (8:5)9 216 000
HSXGAHex SXGA5120 × 40965:420 971 520
WHSXGAWide HSXGA6400 × 409625:16 (< 16:10)26 214 400
HUXGAHex UXGA6400 × 48004:330 720 000
WHUXGAWide HUXGA7680 × 480016:1036 864 000


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Medier brugt på denne side

Emoji u1f509.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Google, Licens: Apache License 2.0
A colored Emoji from Noto project, released under Apache license

Unicode name: Speaker with one sound wave

Annotations: Low, Sound, Speaker, Volume, Wave
Video Standards.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Jorp, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0

Comparison between MOST known Video Resolutions including relevant Aspect Ratio Lines. Made for use on Computer Video Standards page.

This is an SVG, though the drop shadows do not work with Firefox <=2.0 they do work in other browsers (namely IE with the Adobe plug-in) and it degrades nicely in those that they don't work in. The filters that are used to implement the drop shadows are however supported in the Trunk source of Firefox.

Also, I've reverted the licensing to the license specified in the original graphic.