Singapores premierministre

Singapores første premierminister, Lee Kuan Yew

Positionen som Singapores premierminister blev oprettet i 1959. Singapore blev uafhængig i 1965. Singapores premierministre har været følgende:

Singapores premierminister
1Lee Kuan Yew5. juni 195928. november 1990People's Action Party
2Goh Chok Tong28. november 199012. august 2004People's Action Party
3Lee Hsien Loong12. august 200415. maj 2024People's Action Party
4Lawrence Wong15. maj 2024NuværendePeople's Action Party

Lee Hsien Loong er søn af Lee Kuan Yew.

Se også

  • Singapores præsidenter

Medier brugt på denne side

Lee Kuan Yew cropped.jpg
Senior Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew during a meeting with Singapore's Ambassador to the United States Chan Heng Chee and U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen in his Pentagon office on February 29, 2000.
Lawrence Wong 20230526.jpg
, CC BY 4.0
Singapore's Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong responding to a reporter's question during a joint press conference with United States Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld outside the Pentagon. Goh, Rumsfeld and some of their top advisors met earlier to discuss a range of policy and security issues of interest to both nations. See DefenseLINK news photos. United States Department of Defense (2001-06-14). Retrieved on 2009-05-10.