
Rumfartøjets navn:Columbia (13)
Antal besætningsmedlemmer:7
Affyringsrampe:39A KSC
Opsendelse:22. oktober 1992
Landing:1. november 1992
Landet på:KSC
Varighed:9 dage
Foto af besætningen
Sts-52 crew.jpg
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STS-52 var Columbias 13. rumfærge-mission. Opsendt 22. oktober 1992 og vendte tilbage den 1. november 1992.


  • USA Mand James Wetherbee (kaptajn)
  • USA Mand Michael Baker (pilot)
  • USA Mand Charles Veach (1. missionsspecialist)
  • USA Mand William Shepherd (2. missionsspecialist)
  • USA Kvinde Tamara Jernigan (3. missionsspecialist)
  • Canada Mand Steven MacLean (nyttelastspecialist)



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Oceanside Aerial of Columbia Launch - GPN-2000-001876.jpg
The Space Shuttle Columbia is launched from Pad 39B on a ten-day mission with a crew of five NASA Astronauts and a Canadian Payload Specialist. The Photograph was taken by astronaut Steven R. Nagel from a Shuttle Training Aircraft. Mission STS-52 payloads onboard include the Laser Geodynamic Satellite II.
STS-52 crew
  • In orbit crew portrait of STS-52 crewmembers in the aft flight deck.
STS-52 Columbia, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 102, crew insignia (logo), the Official insignia of the NASA STS-52 mission, features a large gold star to symbolize the crew's mission on the frontiers of space. A gold star is often used to symbolize the frontier period of the American West. The red star in the shape of the Greek letter lambda represents both the laser measurements to be taken from the Laser Geodynamic Satellite (LAGEOS II) and the Lambda Point Experiment, which is part of the United States Microgravity Payload (USMP-1). The LAGEOS II is a joint Italian \ United States (U.S.) satellite project intended to further our understanding of global plate tectonics. The USMP-1 is a microgravity facility which has French and U.S. experiments designed to test the theory of cooperative phase transitions and to study the solid\liquid interface of a metallic alloy in the low gravity environment. The remote manipulator system (RMS) arm and maple leaf are emblematic of the Canadian payload specialist Steven MacLean.
Sts-52 crew.jpg
Five NASA astronauts and one Canadian payload specialist composed the STS-52 crew. Pictured on the back row, left to right, are Michael A. Baker, pilot; James B. Wetherbee, commander; and Steven G. Maclean, payload specialist. On the front row, left to right, are mission specialists Charles (Lacy) Veach, Tamara Jernigan, and William Shepherd. Launched aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on October 22, 1992 at 1:09:39 p.m. (EDT), the crew's primary objectives were the deployment of the Laser Geodynamic Satellite (LAGEOS II) and operation of the U.S. Microgravity Payload-1 (USMP-1).
Symbol mars.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Rei-artur (diskussion · bidrag), reshaped by F l a n k e r (talk), Licens: CC-BY-SA-3.0

symbol of Mars. 400 × 400 pixels nominal dimensions, line 45 pixel tick, circle 295 × 295 pixel, not joined with arrow. Colour: red=0 green=0 blue=140. Inkscape-ws.svg Vektorgrafikken blev lavet med Inkscape.

Symbol venus.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: By Rei-artur (diskussion · bidrag)., Licens: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Venus/female symbol.
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
STS-1 Return to KSC.jpg
This scene represents the end of NASA's STS-1 mission and the beginning of STS-2 in that the orbiter Columbia is arriving at Kennedy Space Center in Florida to begin the lengthy process of preparing it for STS-2. The vehicle landed at Dryden Flight Research Center on April 14 after an historic 2 1/3 day flight in Earth orbit. It was mated to this 747 aircraft, titled NASA 905, and flown over the USA to its Florida destination. It was later removed from atop NASA 905 and moved to the orbiter processing facility for the beginning of refurbishment.