
Rumfærge:Challenger (7)
Antal besætningsmedlemmer:7
Affyringsrampe:39A (KSC)
Opsendelse:29 april 1985
Landing:6 maj 1985
Landet på:Edwards Air Force Base
Varighed:7 døgn
Foto af besætningen
STS-51-B crew.jpg
Tidligere missionNæste mission
STS-51-D STS-51-DSTS-51-G STS-51-G

STS-51-B (Space Transportation System-51-B) var Challengers 7. rumfærge-flyvning, opsendt d. 29. april 1985 og vendte tilbage d. 6. maj 1985.

Missionen medbragte rumlaboratoriet Spacelab-3 og udførte 14 eksperimenter. To aber og 24 gnavere var med om bord og blev observeret for deres reaktioner i vægtløshed. Det var anden gang at Spacelab-laboratoriet var i rummet, men det kunne ikke hedde Spacelab-2 fordi den betegnelse var reserveret til en Spacelabmission bestående af paller. Da Spacelab-2's instrumenter var forsinkede overhalede Spacelab-3 den.


  • USA Mand Robert Overmyer (kaptajn)
  • USA Mand Frederick Gregory (pilot)
  • USA Mand Don Lind (missionsspecialist)
  • USA Mand Norman Thagard (missionsspecialist)
  • USA Mand William Thornton (missionsspecialist)
  • USA/Holland Mand Lodewijk van den Berg EG&G Corporation
  • USA/Kina Mand Taylor Wang JPL



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Shuttle mission 51-G patch
  • The STS-51G insignia illustrates the advances in aviation technology in the United States within a relatively short span of the twentieth century. The surnames of the crewmembers for the Discovery's mission appear near the center edge of the circular design.
Shuttle Patch.svg
SVG version of PNG Space Shuttle Logo/Patch.
STS-51-B crew.jpg
The crew assigned to the STS-51B mission included (seated left to right) Robert F. Overmyer, commander; and Frederick D. Gregory, pilot. Standing, left to right, are Don L. Lind, mission specialist; Taylor G. Wang, payload specialist; Norman E. Thagard, mission specialist; William E. Thornton, mission specialist; and Lodewijk van den Berg, payload specialist. Launched aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger on April 29, 1985 at 12:02:18 pm (EDT), the STS-51B mission's primary payload was the Spacelab-3.
Challenger's roll-out from the orbiter processing facility (OPF) to the vehicle assembly building (VAB) is underway as preparations continue towards launch of STS-8. Challenger is being towed into the VAB by tractor, with parked cars on all sides. Close-up view of the Challenger as it is towed in to the VAB. The Kennedy Space Center alternative photo number is 108-KSC-83PC-533 (39145).
Lodewijk van den Berg, STS 51-B payload specialist, observes the growth of mercuric iodide crystal in the vapor crystal growth system (VCGS) on the Spacelab 3 science module aboard the orbiter Challenger.
Symbol mars.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Rei-artur (diskussion · bidrag), reshaped by F l a n k e r (talk), Licens: CC-BY-SA-3.0

symbol of Mars. 400 × 400 pixels nominal dimensions, line 45 pixel tick, circle 295 × 295 pixel, not joined with arrow. Colour: red=0 green=0 blue=140. Inkscape-ws.svg Vektorgrafikken blev lavet med Inkscape.

Crystal in VCGS furnace.jpg
Vapor Crystal Growth System (VCGS), Flown on IML-1, Spacelab 3, Principal Investigator: w:Lodewijk van den Berg