
Rumfærge:Challenger (4)
Antal besætningsmedlemmer:5
Affyringsrampe:LC-39A (KSC)
Opsendelse:3. februar 1984
Landing:11. februar 1984
Landet på:Kennedy Space Center
Varighed:7 dage, 23 timer
Foto af besætningen
STS-41-B crew.jpg
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STS-41-B (Space Transportation System-41-B) var Challengers fjerde rumfærge-mission.

Opsendt 3. februar 1984 og vendte tilbage den 11. februar 1984.




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Symbol mars.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Rei-artur (diskussion · bidrag), reshaped by F l a n k e r (talk), Licens: CC-BY-SA-3.0

symbol of Mars. 400 × 400 pixels nominal dimensions, line 45 pixel tick, circle 295 × 295 pixel, not joined with arrow. Colour: red=0 green=0 blue=140. Inkscape-ws.svg Vektorgrafikken blev lavet med Inkscape.

Challenger's roll-out from the orbiter processing facility (OPF) to the vehicle assembly building (VAB) is underway as preparations continue towards launch of STS-8. Challenger is being towed into the VAB by tractor, with parked cars on all sides. Close-up view of the Challenger as it is towed in to the VAB. The Kennedy Space Center alternative photo number is 108-KSC-83PC-533 (39145).
Shuttle Patch.svg
SVG version of PNG Space Shuttle Logo/Patch.
STS-41-B Palapa B-2 deployment.jpg
View of the Palapa B-2 satellite after deployment on STS-41-B.
View of the Palapa-B and the Shuttle Challenger begining their separation after deployment of the communications satellite. This view is from the aft windows on the flight deck. The Shuttle pallet satellite (SPAS-01A) is partly visible at lower center. The Canadian-built remote manipulator system (RMS) arm is in its stowed position at lower right. Both shields for the Palapa and the Westar VI satellite were opened for the deployment.
STS-41-B crew.jpg
The crew assigned to the STS-41B (STS-11) mission included (seated left to right) Vance D. Brand, commander; and Robert L. Gibson, pilot. Standing left to right are mission specialists Robert L. Stewart, Ronald E. McNair, and Bruce McCandless.
EVAtion - GPN-2000-001087.jpg
Mission Specialist Bruce McCandless II, is seen further away from the confines and safety of his ship than any previous astronaut has ever been. This space first was made possible by the Manned Manuevering Unit or MMU, a nitrogen jet propelled backpack. After a series of test maneuvers inside and above Challenger's payload bay, McCandless went "free-flying" to a distance of 320 feet away from the Orbiter. This stunning orbital panorama view shows McCandless out there amongst the black and blue of Earth and space.
STS-41-B EVA.jpg
View of Astronaut Bruce McCandless during EVA

Astronaut Bruce McCandless, II, 41-B mission specialist, tests a the manned maneuvering unit (MMU) during an a test involving the trunion pin attachmet device (TPAD) he carries and the shuttle pallet satellite (SPAS-01A), partially visible at bottom of the frame. The Challenger was flying with its aft end aimed toward the Earth. This photo show the astronaut hanging above the open payload bay with the TPAD in his hands.

Film type: 70mm