Rhymesayers Entertainment

Rhymesayers Entertainment
Rhymesayers Entertainment/Fifth Element, Minneapolis.
GrundlæggerSean Daley (Slug)
Anthony Davis (Ant)
Musab Saad (Musab)
Brent Sayers (Siddiq)
DistributørWarner Music Group
GenreHip hop
LokalitetMinneapolis, Minnesota

Rhymesayers Entertainment er et pladeselskab, etableret af rapperen Sean Daley Slug, Anthony Davis (Ant), Musab Saad (Musab) og Brent Sayers (Siddiq). Pladeselskabet er baseret i Minneapolis, består hovedsagligt af folk fra byen, og er derfor blevet et slags samlested for byens rap musik. I 1999 åbnede selskabet sin egen pladeforretning ved navn The Fifth Element i Minneapolis.


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Forfatter/Opretter: User Dpbsmith on en.wikipedia, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
45 rpm record The image is a picture of a 45 rpm record from the mid-1950s The record label contains no copyright notice of any kind. It contains a notice, "MGM--Device of Lion's Head--Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." In the picture, the element, though recognizable, is small and of low quality and I do not think its use as an illustration of a 45 rpm record in an encyclopedia article can be considered infringing.
Forfatter/Opretter: Bobak Ha'Eri, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Fifth Element, an independent Hip Hop retail store owned and run by Rhymesayers Entertainment which is also headquartered in the building, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.