Regency-perioden i Storbritannien var den tid, hvor prinsregenten regerede i den sindssyge kong Georg 3.s sted.
Ved Georg 3.s død i 1820 blev prinsregenten Georg 4.
Begrebet Regency (engelsk for "regentskab") kan strækkes længere end 1811–1820, det egentlige regentskab. Hele tiden fra 1795 til 1837 kan betegnes Regency-æraen med Regency-arkitektur, litteratur, mode, politik og kultur. (Den sidste del af Georg 3.s regeringstid og hans sønner Georg 4.s og Vilhelm 4.s tid)
Perioden endte i 1837, da Dronning Victoria fulgte Vilhelm 4. på tronen; den 'victorianske tid'.
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A map of the United Kingdom, overlaid with the UK flag.
George IV of the United Kingdom as the Prince Regent, circa 1814. He served as king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1820 to 1830. The Regency, George's nine-year tenure as Prince Regent, which commenced in 1811 and ended with George III's death in 1820, was marked by victory in the Napoleonic Wars in Europe.
George IV of the United Kingdom (1762-1830), Regent 1811-20; reigned 1820-30. Oil on canvas, 36 in. x 28 in. (914 mm x 711 mm), purchased, 1861, on display in Room 17 at the National Portrait Gallery.
Artist: (quoted from the National Portrait Gallery)
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830), Portrait painter, collector and President of the Royal Academy. Artist associated with 425 portraits, Sitter in 13 portraits.
In 1814, Lord Stewart, who had been appointed ambassador in Vienna and was a previous client of Thomas Lawrence, wanted to commission a portrait by him of the Prince Regent (later King George IV). He therefore arranged that Lawrence should be presented to the Prince Regent at a levée. Soon after, the Prince visited Lawrence at his studio in Russell Square. Lawrence wrote to his brother that To crown this honour, [he] engag'd to sit to me at one today and after a successful sitting of two hours, has just left me and comes again tomorrow and the next day. The result was a drawing in the Royal Collection, this dashing oil sketch of his head in profile like a Classical god and a large portrait of him in Field Marshall's uniform.
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0