Reed-Solomon Identifier
Reed-Solomon Identifier[1] (kort RSID) er en digital kommunikationsprotokol primært for radioamatører, som muliggør automatisk identifikation af mange digitale protokoller (digimodes).[2] RSID udsendes lige før en digital radioudsendelse - og kan også sendes som en afslutning af den digitale radioudsendelse. I modtagerenden kan RSID modtages og få softwaren til at dekode den digitale radioudsendelse som RSIDen indikerede. RSID formidler også den efterfølgende digitale radioudsendelses centerfrekvens.[2][3]
RSID blev skabt november 2006 af den franske radioamatør Patrick Lindecker; kaldenavn F6CTE.[1] RSID blev hovedsageligt udviklet med kortbølge for øje. Hvert et RSID-tal identificerer en modulationsform. Patrick Lindecker forvalter en tabel over RSID-tal og protokoller. RSID er udgivet som public domain.[3]
En RSID varer 1,4 sekunder og benytter en båndbredde på 172 Hz. Kodningen benytter Reed-Solomon-fejlkorrektion. RSID sendes i MFSK-modulation. RSIDen kan afkodes med signal-til-støj-forhold ned til −16 Decibel, dvs at afkodningen virker for signaler langt under støjniveauet. RSIDens robusthed gør at RSIDen kan afkodes uden at den digital radioudsendelse kan afkodes hvis den kræver højere signal-til-støj-forhold end RSIDens.
RSID bliver understøttet af flere PC-programmer - fx:
- MultiPSK af Patrick Lindecker. MultiPSK kan automatisk detektere RSID over en båndbredde på 192kHz.[4][5]
- FLDIGI for Linux und Windows.[3]
- Ham Radio Deluxe[6][7]
- PocketDigi[4]
Se også
- ^ a b Fil: RS_ID_English.DOC: Reed-Solomon identifier (" RS ID ") of mode and frequency Citat: "...Origin. The "RS" ("RS" for "Reed-Solomon") identifier has been created by the author (Patrick Lindecker) and added to the version 4.1.1 of Multipsk (November 2006)...RS ID programs sources are available either, in C++, from Vojtech (OK1IAK) or from the author (in Delphi and including SdR detection)...", backup
- ^ a b The RS ID easy with Multipsk: Citat: "...It is detected : * in one hand, the used mode and, * in the other hand, the central frequency of the identifier (which is also the central frequency of the transmission), with a precision of +/- 2.7 Hz......", backup
- ^ a b c Reed-Solomon Identification Citat: "...Reed-Solomon Identification (RSID) of digital modes is a creation of Patrick Lindecker, F6CTE, and kindly released to the public domain. It is used in several digital mode programs. Patrick maintains the master list of code / mode assignments in order to maintain compatibility between these programs...RSID allows the automatic identification of any digital transmission which has been assigned a unique code identifier...List of assigned RSID codes by RSID code, mode, and whether supported by fldigi...", backup
- ^ a b pocketdigi: News Citat: "...RSID is the famous Reed Solomon ID of Patrick Lindecker F6CTE. Patrick added this feature into his MultiPSK software year ago...Instead of CW ID or Image ID, a sequence of 15 MFSK tones is sent at the beginning of every TX to identify mode and center of frequency of the following data stream...", backup
- ^ Multipsk and wide range RSID detection Citat: "...Multipsk is still the only commonly available digital mode software that supports the ability to detect a Reed-Solomon ID over a range up to 192 Khz...", backup
- ^ How to Set the Reed Solomon Identifier (RSID) Feature in DM780 (Video)
- ^ Youtube: Setting the RSID in DM780 Ham Radio Deluxe
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