Róðrarfelagið Knørrur
Róðrarfelagið Knørrur (RK) er en roforening i Torshavn. Foreningen blev stiftet 28. februar í 1985 og har ni både.
Juniorbåden Úlvur, femmandefarerne Jallurin, Pílur og Tambar, seksmandefarerne Jarnbardur og Herningur, ottemandefareren Knørrur og timandefarerne Ormurin Langi og Kongurin. Foreningens både er blå med færøsk stævne og bærer alle navn efter kvædet om Ormen Lange. Katrin Olsen, som har roet for Danmark til Sommer-OL 2008, har før roet med Jarnbardur, en af Róðrarfelagið Knørrur's både. I 2012 har hun roet enkelte gange med båden Herningur, som er den gamle Jarnbardur, den skiftede navn, da foreningen købte en ny Jarnbardur.
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Forfatter/Opretter: EileenSanda, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Fjarðastevna Rowing Cup 2012, this is the children's race, boys under 15. Junkarin from Kvívíkar Sóknar Róðrarfelag (a rowing club from Kvívík and its neighbour villages) won this race as well as all the previous four races this year. Fípan Fagra from Klaksvík was number two, Kollur from Kollafjørður was number three.
Forfatter/Opretter: RK.FO, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ormurin Langi a Faroese rowing boat, 26 ft.
Forfatter/Opretter: EileenSanda, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Rowing competition for children, girls, under 15 on Norðoyastevna in Klaksvík, Faroe Islands in 2012. The blue boat won the race, it is Jallurin from Róðrarfelagið Knørrur (a rowing club from Tórshavn). The other boats are Hulda from Tvøroyri (Froðbiar Sóknar Róðrarfelag), Royndin Fríða from Vágur (Vágs Kappróðrarfelag, black and white boat) and Blikur from Argja Róðrarfelag (a rowing club from Argir, the red boat).
Forfatter/Opretter: RK.FO, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Tambar is a 20 ft long Faroese rowing boat.
Forfatter/Opretter: EileenSanda, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Herningur is a wooden Faroese rowing boat, a 6-mannafar. At Fjarðastevna 2012 in Vestmanna the boat participated in the category 6-mannafør kvinnur Masters, Herningur won the race with 28 seconds: 1. Herningur 05:40.13, 2. Lómur 06:08.11, 3. Gongurólvur 06:08.20. At the following race they competed with the other category, the usual one, and they became second in that race. One of the rowers was Katrin Olsen, who has competed at the Olypics in 2008 in rowing for Denmark.
Forfatter/Opretter: EileenSanda, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Róðrarfelagið Knørrur (Knørrur Rowing Club) is a rowing club from Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. This photo was taken on Jóansøka festival 2012. The girls in the front row are the crew of Jallurin, childrens rowing, girls (under 15). They have won all four rowing events until now (3 July 2012) in their category, here they received a trophy and gold medals. The boys in the middle are the crew of Pílur, children's rowing, boys (under 15), they got bronze medals. The boys in the top row are the crew of Jallurin in the category "Boys, 5-mannafør" (under 18). The have won other races but on Jóansøka they were second and received silver medals.
Forfatter/Opretter: RK.FO, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
'Knørrur' a Faroese rowing boat, 24 ft.