Public Ivy
Public Ivy er en gruppe offentlige universiteter i USA, hvor studieoplevelsen og den faglige kvalitet er på højde med Ivy League-universitetene, men hvor studiegebyret er betragteligt lavere. Normalt har disse universiteter betaling på 5-10.000 US dollar, mod et niveau på 30-35.000 dollar ved universiteterne, som tilhører Ivy league.
Begrebet "Public Ivy" blev opfundet af Richard Moll i bogen Public Ivys: A Guide to America's best public undergraduate colleges and universities (1985).
Begrebet "Public Ivy" defineres dels af Richard Moll i sin bog fra 1985 og dels i en senere gennemgang af amerikanske universiteter The Public Ivies: America's Flagship Public Universities (2001) af Howard og Matthew Green.
Richard Molls liste
Moll regner normalt følgende otte offentlige universiteter til Public Ivy-gruppen:
East coast | Inland & west coast
Moll udgav også en liste over offentlige universiteter, der efter hans opfattelse repræsenterede udfordrerne med et akademisk og fagligt udbytteniveau næsten på højde med de otte bedste:
- University of Colorado at Boulder
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Iowa State University
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of South Florida – New College of Florida
- Pennsylvania State University at University Park
- University of Pittsburgh
- State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton
- University of Washington at Seattle
- University of Wisconsin at Madison
Green Guide's liste
Siden har Howard og Matthew Green foretaget et mere indgående og alment accepteret studie af ren akademisk kvalitet i bogen The Public Ivies: America's Flagship Public Universities (2001). De medtager i alt 30 uddannelsesinstitutioner (uddannelsesinstitutioner medtaget på Molls liste er angivet i kursiv):
| Great Lakes & Midwest
Wilson Library ved University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hovedbygingen ved University of Texas at Austin
The Rotunda ved University of Virginia
Sather Tower set fra Memorial Glade ved Berkeley campus på University of California.
- Greene, Howard and Greene, Matthew. The Public Ivies: America's Flagship Public Universities (New York: HarperCollins, 2001). ISBN 0-06-093459-X
- Greene, Howard and Greene, Matthew. Hidden Ivies: Thirty Colleges of Excellence (New York: HarperCollins, 2000). ISBN 0-06-095362-4
- Moll, Richard. The Public Ivies: A Guide to America's best public undergraduate colleges and universities (New York: Penguin (Viking), 1985). ISBN 0-14-009384-2 or ISBN 0-670-58205-0
- Princeton Review. The Best 361 Colleges, 2007 Edition (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Review, 2006). ISBN 0-375-76558-1
Medier brugt på denne side
A photo of the Michigan Union in the Fall of 2009
Forfatter/Opretter: brainchildvn on Flickr, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Campus of the UC Berkeley in Berkeley, California, United States. Photo taken on Memorial Glade, showing the Doe Memorial Library as well as Sather Tower (The Campanile) in the background.
Forfatter/Opretter: Ildar Sagdejev (Specious), Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Louis Round Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Forfatter/Opretter: Guðsþegn, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
As seen from the South Mall, the main facade
Forfatter/Opretter: Jonathan Leo Connor (Gopats92), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Billings Memorial Library (now Billings Center) is one of the beautiful, historic buildings that sit along University Place on the campus of the University of Vermont in Burlington.
Harrison Hall at Miami University (Ohio)