Portal:Historie/Udvalgt billede/Arkiv 2007
Det første succesfulde permanente fotografi skabt af Nicéphore Niépce i 1826. Foto af: Nicéphore Niépce. |
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Stalin, Lenin og Mikhail Kalinin. Foto fra Sovjetunionens kommunistpartis VIII kongres i marts 1919. |
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Amerikansk soldat i Köln, 4. april 1945. Vejen fører ned til Rhinen, der er under observation af tyskerne, som her har et støttepunkt. Foto fra US-Army history images. |
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Foto af Yevgeny Khaldei. |
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Et United States Coast Guard-bemandet landgangsfartøj (LCVP), fra USS Samuel Chase, landsætter tropper fra U.S. Army's første division om morgenen den 6. juni 1944 (D-dag) på Omaha Beach.
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En britisk skyttegrav nær Albert-Bapaume-vejen ved Ovillers-La Boisselle, i juli 1916 under Slaget ved Somme. Soldaterne er fra A Company, 11. bataljon, The Cheshire Regiment
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Mosaik i loftet på mausoleumet i Galla Placidia i Italien |
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Præsident Ronald Reagan og generalsekretær Mikhail Gorbatjov underskriver INF-aftalen i Det Hvide Hus. |
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Begyndelsen af Gutenbergs bibel, Bind 1, Det gamle Testamente. |
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Amerikanske regoniceringsfotos der viser tidligere positioner af sovjetiske missiler på Cuba taget af et U-2 spionfly efter Cubakrisen. |
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Thomas Edison og hans første fonograf. |
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Medier brugt på denne side
U.S. aerial reconnaissance photograph of a medium range ballistic missile launch site at San Cristobal in Cuba, on 1 November 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis.
Stalin, Lenin and Mikhail Kalinin (falsified detail of a photo from the VIII Congress of the Russian Communist Party, March 1919). Part of much larger photo showing other Congress members.
President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev signing the INF Treaty in the East Room of the White House.
A German trench occupied by British Soldiers near the Albert-Bapaume road at Ovillers-la-Boisselle, July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. The men are from A Company, 11th Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment.
A LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) from the U.S. Coast Guard-manned USS Samuel Chase disembarks troops of the U.S. Army's First Division on the morning of June 6, 1944 (D-Day) at Omaha Beach.
Thomas Edison and his early phonograph. Cropped from U.S.A. Library of Congress copy. Edited Version. Dust removed by Arad.
The beginning of the Gutenberg Bible: Volume 1, Old Testament, Epistle of St. Jerome to Paulinus (letter 53). (The Epistle is not a part of the Bible itself, but an introduction by St. Jerome, the translator of the Bible into Latin Vulgate, which the Gutenberg Bible is written in.)
Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin.
Enhanced version by the Swiss, Helmut Gersheim (1913-1995) performed ca. 1952 of Niépce's View from the Window at Le Gras, (Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin) the first successful permanent photograph created by Nicéphore Niépce in 1826 or 1827, in Saint-Loup-de-Varennes. Captured on 20 × 25 cm oil-treated bitumen. Due to the 8-hour exposure, the buildings are illuminated by the sun from both right and left.
Original caption:
Cologne, Germany - Cpl. Luther E. Boger, Concord, N.C., skytrooper, reads a warning sign in the street. This street leads to the Rhine River and is under observation of the Germans who occupy a stronghold there. Cpl. Boger is with the 82nd Airborne Division. 4 April 1945. The German tank is burnt out and the torsion-bars have been destroyed by the immense heat of the fire.
Allied troops captured the western part of Cologne on 6th-7th March 1945. The German army still held the eastern shore of the Rhine and attacked the Allies with artillery. The rest of Cologne was captured between 12th and 15th April 1945. Until the 16th April a strip of about 500m along the shore had been declared as a restricted area and the cathedral was just within this zone.
Text on sign reads:
- Beyond this point you
- draw fire on our
- DO YOU??