Portal:Cykling/Rytterportræt/ 4, 2013
Lance Armstrong (født Lance Edward Gunderson 18. september 1971) er en forhenværende amerikansk professionel cykelrytter.
I august 2012 bekendtgjorde de amerikanske anti-doping myndigheder, at Armstrong var fundet skyldig i ulovlig doping. Alle hans sejre i Tour de France og andetsteds tilbage til 1998 er blevet erklæret ugyldige og han er livsvarigt forvist fra cykelsporten. Armstrong har erklæret, at han ikke vil anke disse beslutninger.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Paul Coster, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Lance Armstrong and Astana general manager Johan Bruyneel in press conference for the 2009 Tour Down Under in Adelaide South Australia.
The press conference started out with talk of doping and testing, I felt bad for Lance and Johan that those were the first questions. Although both seemed relaxed and without expectations, they claimed that Armstrong was in better shape for this time of year than in a normal year due to a longer preparation for the season, this time starting in July rather than the usual December. He said that he still had some weight to lose and as a result he estimated that his current time-trial form would be better than climbing. The impression was that he had no great expectations for the Tour Down Under but stated that if opportunities arose that he would take them.