Pomponius Mela
Pomponius Mela, født i Tingentera eller Baetia i det sydlige Spanien regnes som en fremstående romersk kartograf. Navnet Pomponius antyder, at han var af en kendt romersk plebejisk slægt, til hvilken også Ciceros ven Pomponius Atticus og tragedieforfatteren Publius Pomponius Secundus hørte. Flere omtales i Publius Cornelius Tacitus Annales. Andre har antaget, at han er den samme som L. Annaeus Mela af Corduba, en søn af Seneca den Ældre..
Som hans hovedværk regnes De Situ Orbis, hvilket formodentlig er fra ca 43-44 efter, at Claudius havde erobret Britannien, og det publiceredes 1471. Værket er tillige blevet udgivet under navnet De Chorographia, og overvejende identisk med små forskelle. I De Chorographia kaldes Skandinavien (latin) "Scadinavia", men i De Situ Orbis "insula Codanonia" (latin, øen Codanonia).
Jordanes hævdes at have læst dette værk, da han skrev Getica.
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Sider om Pomponius Mela
- Reconstruction of the World map according to Pomponius Mela Arkiveret 28. juli 2012 hos Wayback Machine
- Pomponius Mela Arkiveret 5. december 2004 hos Wayback Machine fra University of Wales Swansea
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Forfatter/Opretter: Silar, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Man and women of fine, slender build, long narrow heads and fine features. The women wears a blue line shirts without sleeves, red-trimmed at neck and shoulder edges and fastened together in front with bronze pin and on the shoulders with silver-inlaid iron pins. Long green checered skirt , tied at the wast with a leather thong. Leather belt with the iron buckle, a knife hanging from it in a leather sheath , along with a clay whorm and iron key; spindle with a decorated clay whorl stuck in the belt. Melon-sheped bead of green grass hung around the neck. Sheep's fleece over the shoulders. Hair in thin braids arranged in a bun. Openwork leather shoes tied with thong aboves the ankle. The man's dress consists of a brown woolen shirt, long trousers of fulled wool gathered at the waist into a belt with beltv carries and kept in place with string. Short fringed cape over the shoulders, fastened with a silver brooch on of the shoulder blades. Shirt with wide leather belt fitted with an iron openwork buckle and bronze rivets, also an iron ferrule with ring. Hung at the waist : archer scissors of iron, knife in leather sheath , mounted on a leather belt colled a balteus with bronze-coverd iron tip. Harpoon and iron-headed spear in the hand, a wooden shield with iron umbo and handle in the left.Hair pulled up in a 'Swebian knot'. [Prehistory and early middle ages of Lesser Poland, Guide, Archaeological Museum in Cracow, 2006, ISBN 978-83-911543-7-3 p. 33, January 2024
World Map of Pomponius Mela as reconstructed by K. Miller (1898).