Picornavirus er virus i virusfamilien Picornaviridae, som er små virus med icosahedral symmetri uden membranhylster (se billederne).[1]
Picornavirus forårsager en række alvorlige sygdomme, bl.a. lammelser, meningitis, hepatitis, polio og mund- og klovsyge.
De er 20-30 nm i diameter med et ydre af et kapsid sammensat af 60 kapsomerer, dvs. proteinelementer hver bestående af flere subunits. Det indre er et ikke-segmenteret enkelstrenget, positivt polariseret RNA, der koder for et polyprotein, der spaltes til 10-11 proteiner.
Blandt de flere anerkendte slægter er
- Enterovirus (Poliovirus)
- Cardiovirus
- Rhinovirus (almindelige forkølelsesvirus)
- Aphthovirus (Mund- og klovsygevirus).
Medier brugt på denne side
Forfatter/Opretter: Nidia H De Jesus (Crop of original image and caption), Licens: CC BY 2.0
Genomic structure of poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney) [PV1(M)] The PV genome consists of a single-stranded, positive-sense polarity RNA molecule, which encodes a single polyprotein. The 5' non-translated region (NTR) harbors two functional domains, the cloverleaf and the internal ribosome entry site (IRES), and is covalently linked to the viral protein VPg. The 3'NTR is poly-adenylated.
Electronmicrograph of the foot-and-mouth disease virus, a highly virulent pathogen in cattle, pigs, and sheep.
Image has been uploaded to the Commons as part of the Molecular and Cellular Biology WikiProject in collaboration with the public-domain database Rfam. Here is the link to the discussion.
Forfatter/Opretter: Manuel Almagro Rivas, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Type 3 poliovirus capsid, colored per chains.
Source: Structural factors that control conformational transitions and serotype specificity in type 3 poliovirus. Filman, D.J., Syed, R., Chow, M., Macadam, A.J., Minor, P.D., Hogle, J.M. (1989) EMBO J. 8: 1567-1579.
Available at: http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=2PLV [Checked on 26 Apr. 2016]
Image created using QuteMol and GIMP.