Peggy Whitson

Peggy Whitson
NASA Astronaut
NationalitetAmerikansk USA
Født9. februar 1960 (63 år)
Mount Ayr, Iowa
Andet arbejde
Ingeniør, Biokemiker
Iowa Wesleyan University
Rice University
Tid i rummet
665 dage
UdvælgelseNASA-gruppen fra 1996
Mission(er)STS-111 ISS Ekspedition 5 STS-113
Sojuz TMA-11 ISS Ekspedition 16
MissionsemblemerSts-111 emblem Sts-113 emblem
ISS Expedition 16 emblem

Peggy Annette Whitson (født 9. februar 1960) er en amerikansk biokemiker og NASA-astronaut. Hun har samlet opholdt sig 665 dage i rummet, og er derved den kvinde og amerikaner, der har opholdt sig længst tid i rummet. Sergej Krikaljov har verdensrekorden med 803 døgn i rummet.

Første rumflyvning (Ekspedition 5)

Hendes første rumflyvning var som menigt medlem af ISS-ekspedition 5 sammen med to russere; Sergei Tresjtjev og lederen Valerij Korzun. De blev opsendt med rumfærgen Endeavour (STS-111) i juni 2002 og fløj ned til Jorden med samme rumfærge i december 2002 (STS-113). Denne tur gav Peggy Whitson 184 dage, 22 timer og 14 minutter i rummet.

Anden rumflyvning (Ekspedition 16)

Hendes anden rumflyvning var som leder af ISS Ekspedition 16 på ISS og stambesætningerne udskiftes siden Columbias havari med Sojuzkapsler. Kaptajnen og 1. flyvemaskinisten fløj op til ISS sammen med en gæstekosmonaut eller en turist i et Sojuz-fartøj. 6 måneder senere forlod de rumstationen med det samme Sojuz-fartøj, blot med en ny passager. 2. flyvemaskinisten var der i kortere tid (1-2 måneder) og blev udskiftet med rumfærgen. Garrett Reisman var således en del af ISS ekspedition 16. Da Peggy Whitson forlod ISS, blev Garrett Reisman en del af ISS ekspedition 17, Whitson har i alt udført 5 rumvandringer på tilsammen 32 timer og 36 minutter, hvilket er rekorden for kvinder. Rekorden for mænd indehaves af Anatolij Solovjov med 82 timer og 22 minutter.

Peggy Whitson og russeren Jurij Malentsjenko fløj Sojuz TMA-11 op til ISS i oktober 2007 og landede med Sojuzfartøjet d. 19 april 2008 med den sydkoreanske gæstekosmonaut Yi So-yeon. Landingen blev voldsom med en G-påvirkning på 10, et redningshold måtte afhente besætningen, der landede næsten 420 km ude af kurs[1][2]. Sojuz 33 var udsat for samme G-påvirkninger men rekorden er Sojuz 18a med 21,3 G i 1975. Der fik Vasilij Lazarev indre skader og blev grounded.

Lederen af det russiske rumagentur, Anatolij Perminov, påstod, at Sojuz TMA-11's brutale nedstigning skyldtes, at der var flere kvinder end mænd om bord[3].

Tredje rumflyvning (Ekspedition 50/51/52)

Whitson under en rumvandring under ekspedition 50

Peggy Whitson ankom atter til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) den 19. november 2016,[4] under Ekspedition 50/51, der blev opsendt den 17. november 2016, fra Bajkonur-kosmodromen i Kasakhstan.[5] Hun var øverstbefalende på Ekspedition 51.[6][7] Med opsendelsen med Ekspedition 50/51 blev Whitson i en alder af 56 år den ældste kvinde i rummet.[8][9] Under missionen satte hun rekord som den amerikaner, der har opholdt sig flest dage i rummet. Den hidtidige rekord var 534 dage sat af Jeff Williams.[10] I begyndelsen af april 2017 blev missionen forlænget med yderligere tre måneder, og hun vendte tilbage til Jorden med en Soyuz-kapsel, der landede i Kasakstahn den 2. september 2017.[11]


  1. ^ Astronauter udsat for 10 G under dramatisk hjemtur Arkiveret 22. april 2008 hos Wayback Machine
  2. ^ Soyuz crew endures severe G-forces on re-entry (engelsk)
  3. ^ Russian space capsule misses landing by 420 km. Arkiveret 22. april 2008 hos Wayback Machine (engelsk)
  4. ^ "Welcome Aboard! New Arrivals Make Six Expedition 50 Crew Members | Space Station". Arkiveret fra originalen 25. november 2016. Hentet 2016-11-24.
  5. ^ "Biography of PEGGY A. WHITSON" (PDF). NASA. 2016. Hentet 16. februar 2016.
  6. ^ "NASA, Space Station Partners Announce Crew Members for Missions in 2017". NASA. 6. august 2015. Hentet 16. februar 2016.
  7. ^ "ISS Expedition 51 mission patch". 5. december 2015. Hentet 16. februar 2016.
  8. ^ "NASA's Peggy Whitson Becomes Oldest Woman in Space - ABC News". Hentet 2016-11-19.
  9. ^ Chiara Palazzo Associated Press. "Nasa veteran Peggy Whitson becomes the oldest woman in space as she blasts off for ISS". Hentet 2016-11-19.
  10. ^ "Peggy Whitson: Oldest woman in space blasts off to ISS". BBC News (britisk engelsk). 2016-11-17. Hentet 2016-12-04.
  11. ^ "Nasa record breaker back on Earth after logging 665 days in space". The Guardian. 3. september 2017. {{cite web}}: |access-date= kræver at |url= også er angivet (hjælp); Manglende eller tom |url= (hjælp)

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Medier brugt på denne side

ISS Expedition 16 patch.png
ISS016-S-001A (February 2007) --- This patch commemorates the sixteenth expeditionary mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The design represents the conjunction of two unique astronomical events: a transit of the ISS across the surface of a full moon, and a nearly complete annular eclipse of the sun. The ISS is shown in its complete configuration, symbolizing the role of this expedition in preparing for the arrival and commissioning of international partner modules and components. The ISS transit across the moon highlights its role in developing the techniques and innovations critical to enable long-duration expeditions to the lunar surface and beyond. The NASA insignia design for shuttle and space station flights is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the form of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which is not anticipated, it will be publicly announced.
STS111-S-001 --- The STS-111 patch symbolizes the hardware, people, and partner nations that contribute to the flight. The Space Shuttle rises on the plume of the Astronaut Office symbol, carrying the Canadian Mobile Base System (MBS) for installation while docked to the International Space Station (ISS). The mission is named UF-2 for ISS Utilization Flight number two. The ISS orbit completes the Astronaut Office symbol and is colored red, white, and blue to represent the flags of the United States, Russia, France, and Costa Rica. The Earth background shows Italy, which contributes the Multi Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) used on this flight to re-supply ISS. The ten stars in the sky represent the ten astronauts and cosmonauts on orbit during the flight, and the star at the top of the patch represents the Johnson Space Center, in the state of Texas, from which the flight is managed. The names of the STS-111 crew border the upper part of the patch, and the Expedition Five (going up) and Expedition Four (coming down) crews’ names form the bottom of the patch. The NASA insignia design for Shuttle flights is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the forms of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which is not anticipated, the change will be publicly announced.
Expedition 5 insignia (iss patch).png
ISS Expedition 5 insignia ISS005-S-001 (January 2002) -- The International Space Station (ISS) Expedition Five patch depicts the Station in its completed configuration and represents the vision of mankind's first step as a permanent human presence in space. The United States and Russian flags are joined together in a Roman numeral V to represent both the nationalities of the crew and the fifth crew to live aboard the ISS. Crew members’ names are shown in the border of this patch. This increment encompasses a new phase in growth for the Station, with three Shuttle crews delivering critical components and building blocks to the ISS. To signify the participation of each crew member, the Shuttle is docked to the Station beneath a constellation of 17 stars symbolizing all those visiting and living aboard Station during this increment. The NASA insignia design for Shuttle flights and Station increments is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the forms of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which is not anticipated, the change will be publicly announced.
ISS-50 EVA-1 (e) Peggy Whitson.jpg
NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson is seen during a spacewalk during Expedition 50 aboard the International Space Station. Whitson and fellow NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough successfully installed three new adapter plates and hooked up electrical connections for three of the six new lithium-ion batteries on the International Space Station. They also accomplished several get-ahead tasks, including a photo survey of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.
Peggy Whitson.jpg
portrait astronaut peggy whitson

This is the crew patch for the STS-113 mission, which will be the eleventh American (11A) assembly flight to the International Space Station (ISS). The primary mission will be to take the Expedition Six crew to the ISS and return the Expedition Five crew to Earth. STS-113 will be the first flight in the assembly sequence to install a major component in addition to performing a crew exchange. The Port 1 Integrated Truss Assembly (P1) will be the first truss segment on the left side of the ISS. P1 will provide an additional three External Thermal Control System radiators, adding to the three radiators on the Starboard 1 (S1) Integrated Truss Assembly. The installation and outfitting of P1 will require three extravehicular activities (space walks) as well as coordination between the Shuttle Robotic Manipulator System and the Space Station Robotic Manipulator System. The patch depicts the Space Shuttle Endeavour docked to the ISS during the installation of the P1 truss with the gold astronaut symbol in the background.

The seven stars at the top left center of the patch are the seven brightest stars in the constellation Orion. They represent the combined seven crew members (four Shuttle and three Expedition Six). The three stars to the right of the astronaut symbol represent the returning Expedition Five crew members. The Shuttle crew names are on the solar arrays of the P6 truss. The ISS Expedition crew names are in a chevron that also features the American and Russian flags. The Expedition 6 crew names are on top of the Expedition 5 crew names, since Expedition 6 goes up while Expedition 5 goes down. The Roman Numeral CXIII represents the mission number 113.