Panchen Lama

Panchen Lama er den næstøverste lama i tibetansk buddhisme. Han bærer ansvaret for at finde den næste inkarnation af Dalai Lama og vice versa. Den nuværende Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, bekendtgjorde Gedhun Choekyi Nyima som den 11. reinkarnation af Panchen Lama den 14. maj 1995. Dog gjorde Folkerepublikken Kina bekendtgørelsen ugyldig, da de fremviste en anden dreng, Gyancain Norbu, hvorefter drengen som Dalai Lama udnævnte "forsvandt".

Den sidste Panchen Lamas datter er Yabshi Pan Rinzinwangmo bedre kendt som "Renji".

Liste over panchen lamaer

Khedrup Je.jpgKhedrup Je, 1. panchen lama1385–1438
Sonam Chhyog-Lan.jpgSönam Choklang, 2. panchen lama1438–1505
Lossan Tondub.jpgEnsapa Lobsang Döndrup, 3. panchen lama1505–1568
Lossan Chho Kyi Gyal -Tshan.jpgLobsang Chökyi Gyalsten, 4. panchen lama1570–1662
Lobsang Yeshe.jpgLobsang Yeshe, 5. panchen lama1663–1737
The Third Panchen Lama Receives George Bogle at Tashilhunpo, oil painting, Tilly Kettle, c. 1775.jpgLobsang Palden Yeshe, 6. panchen lama1738–1780
Palden Tenpai Nyima, 7. panchen lama1782–1853
Tenpai Wangchuk, 8. panchen lamaca. 1855–1882
9thPanchen.jpgThubten Chökyi Nyima, 9. panchen lama1883–1937
C-18.jpgLobsang Trinley Lhündrub Chökyi Gyaltsen, 10. panchen lama1938–1989
PanchenLama.jpgGedhun Choekyi Nyima, 11. panchen lama1989–?
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Medier brugt på denne side

Lhasa Potala.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: René Heise, Licens: CC0
Potala Palace, Lhasa
Forfatter/Opretter: Michaelovic, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Logo for the Dutch Wikipedia religion and filosofycafé
Khedrup Je.jpg
Khedrup Gelek Pelzang, better known as Khedrup Je, the first Panchen Lama
Lossan Chho Kyi Gyal -Tshan.jpg
Image taken from a publication by Sarat Chandra Das (1849-1917), "Contributions on Tibet", in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol. LI (1882), so it is in the public domain. John Hill 04:25, 24 September 2007 (UTC)
Sonam Chhyog-Lan.jpg
Image taken from a publication by Sarat Chandra Das (1849-1917), "Contributions on Tibet", in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol. LI (1882), so it is in the public domain.
Forfatter/Opretter: Claude-Max Lochu, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Panchen Lama par Claude-Max Lochu
Lobsang Yeshe.jpg
Image taken from a publication by Sarat Chandra Das (1849-1917), "Contributions on Tibet", in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol. LI (1882), so it is in the public domain. John Hill 02:23, 24 September 2007 (UTC)
Young Panchen Lama in 1947
The Third Panchen Lama Receives George Bogle at Tashilhunpo, oil painting, Tilly Kettle, c. 1775.jpg
Lossan Tondub.jpg
Image taken from a publication by Sarat Chandra Das (1849-1917), "Contributions on Tibet", in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol. LI (1882), so it is in the public domain. John Hill 04:20, 24 September 2007 (UTC)