
Et ormehul, rumtidstunnel[1] eller Einstein-Rosen bro er en hypotetisk egenskab af rumtiden. Hermann Weyl opstillede i 1928 en hypotese om et fænomen, som er en slags tunnel, hvor det er muligt at rejse gennem rum og tid.[2][3] John Archibald Wheeler introducerede termen "wormhole" i 1957 om dette fænomen.[4]
Det er dog endnu ikke blevet bekræftet, at sådanne ormehuller eksisterer.[5]
Selvom det skulle vise sig, så er det meget usikkert om disse mystiske størrelser vil kunne bruges til f.eks. rejser til andre stjerner og galakser.[6]
Der findes forskere som mener at de kan laves med tilstrækkelig energi til rådighed.[7]
Se også
- ^ 22. februar 2015, videnskab.dk: Mælkevejen rummer muligvis tunnel til en anden verden.
- ^ NOVA #2612: Time Travel, Kip Thorne, Time Travel på Curlie (som bygger videre på Open Directory Project)
- ^ Defense Intelligence Reference Document. Acquisition Threat Support: 2 April 2010, Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions Citat: "...In recent years, however physicists have discovered two loopholes to Einstein's ultimate speed limit: the Einstein-Rosen bridge (commonly referred to as "wormhole") and the warp drive. Fundamentally, both ideas involve manipulation of spacetime itself in some exotic way that allows for faster-than-light (FTL) travel...Essentially, the wormhole involves connecting two potentially distant regions of space by a topological shortcut. Theoretically, one would would enter the wormhole and instantaneously be transported to the exit located in a distant region of space. Although no observational evidence of wormholes exists, theoretically they can exist as a valid solution to general relativity...", backup
- ^ Misner, C. W.; Wheeler, J. A. (1957). "Classical physics as geometry". Ann. Phys. 2 (6): 525. Bibcode:1957AnPhy...2..525M. doi:10.1016/0003-4916(57)90049-0.
- ^ 12 April, 2000, BBC News: Wormholes take on a new dimension Citat: "...New calculations suggest that wormholes large and stable enough to allow intergalactic travel really can exist..."
- ^ 12/05/2000, Ing.dk: Paa smuttur til en fjern galakse Citat: "...Ormehuller er genveje i universet. Hvis de altsaa findes..."
- ^ Med ormehuls opskrift (formodentlig uprøvet): Webarchive backup: Eric W. Davis, Ph.D.: Wormhole-Stargates: Tunneling Through The Cosmic Neighborhood (pdf) Citat: "...2.5 Designing a Stargate..."
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Time travel hypothesis ; using wormholes.
Forfatter/Opretter: CorvinZahn, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Wormhole: Wormholes are traversable connections between two universes or between two distant regions of the same universe. The wormhole shown here connects the place in front of the physical institutes of Tübingen university with the sand dunes near Boulogne sur Mer in the north of France. The image is calculated with 4D raytracing in the Morris Thorne wormhole metric , throat radius.