Nyrebladet tvetand
Nyrebladet tvetand | |
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Videnskabelig klassifikation | |
Rige | Plantae (Planter) |
Division | Magnoliophyta (Dækfrøede planter) |
Klasse | Magnoliopsida (Tokimbladede) |
Orden | Lamiales (Læbeblomst-ordenen) |
Familie | Lamiaceae (Læbeblomst-familien) |
Slægt | Lamium (Tvetand) |
Art | L. confertum |
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Lamium confertum Fr. | |
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Nyrebladet tvetand (Lamium confertum) er en enårig, 5-40 centimeter høj plante i læbeblomst-familien. Den ligner liden tvetand, men ofte er alle blomsterkransenes støtteblade stilkede og bægeret er i frugtstadiet længere (7,5-12 millimeter) med længere tænder (4,5-7,5 millimeter), der er udstående (ikke sammenstødende som hos liden tvetand) og tydeligt længere end selve bægerrøret. Nyrebladet tvetand er udbredt i Nordeuropa.
I Danmark er arten temmelig almindelig på agerjord og ved vejkanter i Nordjylland, men er sjælden i resten af landet. Den blomstrer i maj til september.[1]
Kilder og eksterne henvisninger
- ^ Signe Frederiksen et al., Dansk flora, 2. udgave, Gyldendal 2012. ISBN 8702112191.
- Arne og Anna-Lena Anderberg: Den virtuella floran, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (svensk)
- M. Skytte Christiansen og Henning Anthon: Danmarks Vilde Planter, Branner og Korchs Forlag 1958.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions
Identifier: englishbotanyorc07sowe (find matches)
Title: English botany, or, Coloured figures of British plants
Year: 1863 (1860s)
Authors: Sowerby, James, 1757-1822 Boswell, John T. (John Thomas), 1822-1888 Lankester, Mrs. (Phebe), 1825-1900 Sowerby, James de Carle, 1787-1871 Salter, John William, 1820-1869 Sowerby, John E. (John Edward), 1825-1870
Subjects: Plants Plants
Publisher: London : R. Hardwicke
Contributing Library: The LuEsther T Mertz Library, the New York Botanical Garden
Digitizing Sponsor: The LuEsther T Mertz Library, the New York Botanical Garden
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Bot. p. 246. Annual. Leaves stalked, deltoid-orbicular, cordate or subcordateat the base, obtuse, Avith a few large rounded entire or notchedcrenatures on each side. Verticillasters usually distant below, ap-proximate above. Lowest pair of bracts generally distinctly stalked,reniform-deltoid, cordate, obtuse or subobtuse, irregularly and coarselyinciso-crenate, not contiguous at the basal margins; upjiermostones transversely-rhomboidal-reniform, those of each pair overlap-ping each other at the margins and thus pseudo-connate. Calyx thinlypubescent; teeth longer than the tube, generally purple, triangular-subulate, sparingly ciliated, slightly divergent even after flowering.Corolla tube without an evident internal ring of hairs, rather slender,straight, half as long again as the calyx-teeth. Nucules thrice as longas broad, thickly dotted with white scales. In cultivated ground. Chiefly on sandy soil. Local. Rare inEngland, from whence I have not seen specimens. Not uncommon in MLXXXn.
Text Appearing After Image:
E. B. S. 2914. Lamium intermedium. Intermediate Dead-nettle. LABIATiE. 71 Scotland. Rather rare in Ireland, and confined to the north of theisland. England, Scotland, Ireland. Annual. Spring to Autumn. Stem 3 to 18 inches long, succulent, brittle, decumbent at the base,the flowering portion always erect. Leaves resembling those ofL. amplexicaule, but generally larger. Lowest pair of bracts com-monly stalked, sometimes with the stalk nearly as long as the lamina,but generally much shorter. Upper verticillasters generally approxi-mate, with the bracts rapidly decreasing in size towards the apex of thestem; the lower pairs much larger in proportion to the flowers thanis commonly the case in L. amplexicaule, often 3 inches across frompoint to point. Calyx i inch long, much less densely and softlypubescent than in the last-named species. CoroUa f inch long, palerred, with the tube shorter, and the limb much larger in proportionthan in L. amplexicaule. Nucules ^ inch long, olive, S2Jrinkled
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