Nuværende suveræne monarker

Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, konge af Bhutan siden 2006

Denne liste over nuværende suveræne monarker – altså monarker over suveræne stater - medtager både konstitutionelle og absolutte, regerende monarker.

For tiden er der 43 suveræne stater, der regnes for monarkier, heriblandt De Forenede Arabiske Emirater, der er en forbundsstat ledet af en monark som statsoverhoved men med titel af præsident. Listen medtager ikke monarker over ikke-suveræne delstater, som findes i f.eks. Malaysia, Indonesien, Uganda og De Forenede Arabiske Emirater.

En monark er en person, der leder et monarki – en regeringsform, hvor en stat eller et statssamfund ledes af en person, der normalt beholder posten hele livet eller indtil abdikation, og som typisk er arveberettiget til tronen ved fødslen.[1] Monarker kan være enevældige (som i mange absolutte monarkier)[2] eller ceremonielle figurer, der kun udøver formel magt, og hvor den egentlige magt ligger hos et parlament eller andre administrative enheder (som i mange konstitutionelle monarkier).[3] I mange tilfælde er en monark bundet af en statsreligion.[4] De fleste stater har kun én monark af gangen, selvom en regent kan have magten når monarken er mindreårig, ikke til stede eller på anden måde ude af stand til at udøve sit embede.[5] Tilfælde hvor to monarker på samme tid regerer i én stat, som situationen er i Andorra, kaldes fællesregeren[kilde mangler].[6]

Monarker adskiller sig ved deres titler og tiltaleformer, der i de fleste tilfælde defineres af traditioner og garanteres af statens grundlov. Flere titler kan bruges på dansk; for eksempel "konge" og "dronning", "fyrste" og "fyrstinde", "kejser" og "kejserinde". Selvom monarkerne normalt tiltales forskelligt på deres modersmål, er navnene og titlerne nedenfor angivet ved brug af den tilsvarende danske ækvivalent. På samme måde er den europæiske praksis med at bruge unikke romertal anvendt neden for hvor det vil være passende, selvom de normalt ikke bruges efter lokale traditioner.[7][8]

I politiske og sociokulturelle studier associeres monarkier normalt med arvekongedømmer; de fleste monarker, både historiske og nutidige, er født og opvokset i en kongefamilie.[6][9] Arvefølgen har været defineret ud fra en række forskellige kriterier – f.eks. tætheden af slægtskab, fødselsrækkefølgen og tilhørsskab til faderens slægt. Nogle monarkier er dog ikke arvelige, og i stedet afgøres regenten ved valg. Blandt moderne eksempler kan nævnes Malaysias[10] og Vatikanets[11] troner. Disse systemer afviger fra det normale monarkikoncept, men opfattes normalt som monarkier, da de har flere sammenlignelige karaktertræk.[12] Flere stater bruger en kombination af arv og valg, hvor en afstemning eller nominering af en efterfølger er begrænset til medlemmer af en kongelig blodlinje.[13][14]

Det senest etablerede monarki finder man i Cambodja, der d. 24. september 1993 genindførte monarkiet efter i 23 år at have haft forskellige republikanske styreformer. Den suveræne stat, der senest afskaffede monarkiet som styreform, er Barbados, der indførte republikansk styre d. 30. november 2021 efter at have været et selvstændigt monarki i personalunion med Storbritannien i præcis 55 år siden d. 30. november 1966.

Listen nedenfor angiver monarkernes respektive tilhørsforhold, der er listet alfabetisk. Disse monarker er statsoverhoveder[fn 1] i deres respektive suveræne stater.

Monarker efter land

Charles 3. af Storbritannien er den monark, der er statsoverhoved for flest af verdens monarkier (15 i alt) og tillige er han den monark (og statsoverhoved), der regerer over det største sammenlagte landområde (ca. 18,7 millioner km²)
MonarkNavn på monark, indledt af titel.
SidenDato for overtagelse af tronen, kroningsdato listes i fodnoterne.
HusNavn på den kongelige familie.
TypeMonarkiform, med link til monarkens rolle i regeringen.
EfterfølgelseMetode eller mønster for efterfølgelse.
Flag/våbenKonge- eller kongefamilie-flag eller -standard
IntetViser hvor et specifikt felt ikke kan angives.
Viser hvor data ikke er tilgængeligt.
Andorra Andorra
Medfyrste Joan-Enric Vives i Sicília (en)
Medfyrste Emmanuel Macron
12. maj 2003
14. maj 2017
IntetKonstitutionelt diarkiEx officioCoat of arms of Andorra[15][16]
Antigua og Barbuda Antigua og BarbudaKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][18]
Australien AustralienKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeafventer[17][19]
Bahamas BahamasKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][20]
Bahrain BahrainKong Hamad ibn Isa6. marts 1999[fn 4]Al Khalifah[fn 5]BlandetArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of Bahrain[21]
Belgien BelgienKong Philippe21. juli 2013Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha[fn 6]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmePersonal Standard of Philippe, King of the Belgians[24]
Belize BelizeKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][25]
Bhutan Bhutan
(c) Ministry of Defence (GODL-India)
Kong Jigme Khesar Namgyel14. december 2006[fn 7]WangchuckKonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Emblem of Bhutan[27]
Brunei BruneiSultan Hassanal Bolkiah4. oktober 1967[fn 8]BolkiahEnevældeArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of Brunei[28]
Cambodja CambodjaKong Norodom Sihamoni14. oktober 2004[fn 9]Norodom[fn 10]KonstitutionelValg- og arvekongedømme [fn 11]Royal Standard of the King of Cambodia[29]
Canada CanadaKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeafventer[17][31]
Danmark DanmarkFrederik X
(b. 1968)
14. januar 2024Glücksburg[fn 12]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of Denmark[34]
Forenede Arabiske Emirater Forenede Arabiske EmiraterPræsident Mohamed bin Zayed
(Emir af Abu Dhabi)
14. maj 2022Al Nahyan[fn 13]Blandet[fn 14]Valg- og arvekongedømme[fn 15]Standard of the President of the United Arab Emirates[38]
Grenada GrenadaKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][39]
Jamaica JamaicaKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeafventer[17][40]
Japan JapanKejser Naruhito[fn 1]1. maj 2019[41]YamatoKonstitutionelArvekongedømmeStandard of the Japanese Emperor[42][43][44]
Jordan Jordan
CC-BY-4.0: © European Union 2020– Source: EP
Kong Abdullah II7. februar 1999[fn 16]HāshimKonstitutionelArvekongedømme [fn 17]Royal Standard of Jordan[46][47]
Kuwait KuwaitEmir Meshal al-Ahmad al-Sabah16. december 2023Al Sabah[fn 5]BlandetValg- og arvekongedømme[fn 18][48][51]
Lesotho LesothoKong Letsie III7. februar 1996[fn 19]MosheshKonstitutionelValg- og arvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of Lesotho[52][53]
Liechtenstein LiechtensteinFyrst Hans-Adam II13. november 1989[fn 20]LiechtensteinKonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of the Prince of Liechtenstein[55]
Luxembourg LuxembourgStorhertug Henri7. oktober 2000[fn 21]Nassau-Weilburg[fn 22]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg[57]
Malaysia MalaysiaKong Abdullah (af Pahang)[fn 23]31. januar 2019Bendahara (Pahang)KonstitutionelValg- og arvekongedømme[fn 24]Royal Standard of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia[58]
Marokko Marokko
(c) Prime Minister's Office (GODL-India)
Kong Muhammed VI23. juli 1999[fn 25]AlawiKonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of Morocco[59]
Monaco MonacoFyrst Albert II6. april 2005[fn 26]GrimaldiKonstitutionelArvekongedømmePersonal Standard of Prince Albert II of Monaco[62]
Nederlandene NederlandeneKong Willem-Alexander30. april 2013Orange-Nassau[fn 27]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of the Netherlands[65]
New Zealand New ZealandKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeafventer[17][66]
Norge NorgeKong Harald V17. januar 1991[fn 28]Glücksburg[fn 12]KonstitutionelArvekongedømme[67]
Oman Oman
(c) Prime Minister's Office (GODL-India)
Sultan Haitham11. januar 2020Al Bu Sa‘īdEnevældeArvekongedømmeStandard of the Sultan of Oman[68]
Papua Ny Guinea Papua Ny GuineaKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][69]
Qatar QatarEmir Tamim bin Hamad25. juni 2013Al ThaniEnevælde[fn 29]ArvekongedømmeIntet[71][72]
Saint Kitts og Nevis Saint Kitts and NevisKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][73]
Saint Lucia Saint LuciaKong Charles III[fn 2]8. februar 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][74]
Saint Vincent og Grenadinerne Saint Vincent og GrenadinerneKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][75]
Saudi-Arabien Saudi-ArabienKong Salman bin Abdul‘aziz Al Saud23. januar 2015[fn 30]Al SaudEnevældeValg- og arvekongedømme[fn 31]Royal Standard of Saudi Arabia[78]
Salomonøerne SalomonøerneKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][79]
Spanien SpanienKong Felipe VI19. juni 2014BourbonKonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of Spain
Storbritannien StorbritannienKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of the United Kingdom
Royal Standard of the United Kingdom in Scotland
Sverige SverigeKong Carl XVI Gustaf15. september 1973[fn 32]BernadotteKonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of Sweden[82]
Swaziland SwazilandKong Mswati III25. april 1986DlaminiEnevældeValg- og arvekongedømme[fn 33][85]
Thailand ThailandKong Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun13. oktober 2016ChakriKonstitutionelArvekongedømmeStandard of the King of Thailand[86]
Tonga TongaKong Tupou VI18. marts 2012Tupou[fn 34]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeRoyal Standard of Tonga[87]
Tuvalu TuvaluKong Charles III[fn 2]8. september 2022Windsor[fn 3]KonstitutionelArvekongedømmeIntet[17][89]
Vatikanstaten VatikanstatenPave Frans[fn 35]13. marts 2013IntetEnevældeEx officioPave Frans' våbenskjold[90]


  1. ^ a b Den japanske forfatning definerer formelt set ikke noget statsoverhoved for Japan, men kejseren kan træde ind i rollen som statsoverhoved, når det af situationen kræves eller forventes, at et statsoverhoved stiller op.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Charles III er for nuværende konge for femten separate Commonwealth-lande (se de separate punkter).
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Huset Windsor er en linje af Huset Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, der igen er en gren af Huset Wettin.[80]
  4. ^ Hamad ibn Isa regerede som Emir af Staten Bahrain indtil 14. februar 2002, hvor han skiftede til den nye titel Konge af Bahrain under en ny grundlov.[21]
  5. ^ a b En klan af Utub-stammen.[22]
  6. ^ En gren af Huset Wettin.[23]
  7. ^ Kroningen fandt sted 6. november 2008.[26]
  8. ^ Kroningen fandt sted 1. august 1968.[28]
  9. ^ Kroningen fandt sted 29. oktober 2004.[29]
  10. ^ En gren af Varman-dynastiet. Efternavnet "Norodom" bruges af efterkommere af Norodom I.[29]
  11. ^ Kongen vælges på livstid af et råd, der består af mandlige efterkommere af kongerne Ang Duong, Norodom og Sisowath af Cambodja.[30]
  12. ^ a b Det dynastiske navn er Slesvig-Holsten-Sønderborg-Glücksborg, der er en gren af Huset Oldenborg.[32][33]
  13. ^ Al Nahyan er en gren af Al Falahi, en klan af Yas-stammen.[35]
  14. ^ De Forenede Arabiske Emiraters statsminister er regeringsoverhovede. Embedet udnævnes dog - med det øverste råds samtykke - af præsidenten, der har betydelig magt.[36]
  15. ^ Ifølge de Forenede Arabiske Emiraters grundlov vælges præsidenten af det øverste råd blandt de individuelle herskere af de syv emirater.[36] Efter uformel aftale gives præsidentembedet dog altid til overhovedet for Al Nahyan-klanen, Emiren af Abu Dhabi, hvilket gør det til et de facto arvekongedømme. Derudover har statsministeren altid været overhovedet for Al Maktoum-klanen, emiren af Dubai.[37]
  16. ^ Formel tronbestigelse 9. juni 1999.[45]
  17. ^ Efterfølgeren afgøres ved primogenitur. Den regerende konge kan dog også vælge sin efterfølger blandt en gruppe gyldige prinser.[45]
  18. ^ Arvingen udpeges af den regerende emir, og nomineringen skal også godkendes af et flertal af medlemmer i nationalforsamlingen.[48] De to hovedgrene af Al Sabah-familien, Al Salem og Al Jaber skiftes traditionelt til at have tronen.[49][50]
  19. ^ Kroningen fandt sted 31. oktober 1997. Han havde tidligere regeret som konge fra 12. november 1990 til 25. januar 1995.[52]
  20. ^ Formel tronbestigelse 15. august 1990.[54] Før sin tronbestigelse havde Hans-Adam regeret som prinseregent siden 26. august 1984.[55] 15. august 2004 udnævnte prinsen formelt sin søn Prins Alois som regent som forberedelse til hans arv af tronen, men forblev statsoverhovede i overensstemmelse med grundloven.[56]
  21. ^ Før den formelle tronbestigelse havde Henri regeret som prinseregent siden 4. marts 1998.[57]
  22. ^ Luxemborgs kongefamilie nedstammer fra Huset Nassau og Huset Bourbon-Parma fra Huset Bourbon.
  23. ^ Officiel titel: Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Det kan groft oversættes til "Øverste statsoverhovede", og det bliver normalt ændret til "Konge" på dansk.[58]
  24. ^ Yang di-Pertuan Agong (oftest udadtil eller i udlandet benævnt som konge) vælges for en periode på fem år af og fra en gruppe på ni herskere af Malay-staterne, der udgør Herskerrådet. Positionen er indtil nu - ved uformel aftale - blevet roteret systematisk mellem de ni; rækkefølgen var oprindeligt baseret på staternes rang. Den samme person kan altså godt nå at være konge af Malaysia to gange i sin regenttid.[58] Ved dødsfald eller abdikation foretages et nyt valg, selvom der ikke er gået en fuld femårs periode.
  25. ^ Kroningen fandt sted 30. juli 1999.[59]
  26. ^ Albert II besteg officielt tronen i en todelt ceremoni som traditionen foreskriver - 12. juli og 19. november 2005.[60] Han havde tidligere været regent fra 31. marts 2005.[61]
  27. ^ Den hollandske kongefamilie nedstammer fra Huset Nassau og Huset Lippe.[63][64]
  28. ^ Formel tronbestigelse 21. januar 1991 og signet 23. juni 1991 i Nidarosdomen. Før bestigelsen regerede Harald som prinseregent siden 1. juni 1990.[67]
  29. ^ Monarkiet er konstitutionelt ved lov, men er stadig enevældigt i praksis.[70]
  30. ^ Besteg tronen 23. januar 2015.[76]
  31. ^ Efterfølgeren - kronprinsen -afgøres ved konsensus i Huset Saud. Denne konsensus kan ændre sig alt efter kronprinsens handlinger.[77]
  32. ^ Formel tronbestigelse 19. september 1973.[81]
  33. ^ Efterfølgelse bestemmes af en traditionel lov, og følger ikke primogenitur. Et råd af ældre vælger, hvem af kongens koner, der skal vælge moder til den næste konge. Denne kvinde blive Ndlovukati, når hendes søn bestiger tronen, og vil regere sammen med ham gennem hele hans styre. Kongens første to koner anses som ugyldige.[83][84]
  34. ^ En linje af Tuʻi Kanokupolu-dynastiet.[87][88]
  35. ^ Som "Overhovede for Vatikanstaten", ved at være Biskop af Rom.


  1. ^ American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; Collins English Dictionary: Complete and Unabridged. "Monarch". The Free Dictionary. Farlex, Inc. Hentet 2010-09-10.
  2. ^ Herb, Michael (1999). All in the family: absolutism, revolution, and democracy in the Middle East. New York: SUNY Press. s. 235. ISBN 9780791441688.
  3. ^ Spellman, W. M. (2001). Monarchies 1000–2000. London: Reaktion Books. s. 22-23. ISBN 9781861890870.
  4. ^ Harris, Nathanial (2009). Systems of Government: Monarchy. London: Evans Brothers. s. 38. ISBN 9780237539320.
  5. ^ American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; Collins English Dictionary: Complete and Unabridged. "Regent". The Free Dictionary. Farlex, Inc. Hentet 2010-09-10.
  6. ^ a b Hindley, Geoffrey (2000). The Royal Families of Europe. London: Constable & Robinson. s. 1–6. ISBN 9780786708284.
  7. ^ Smith, Doug. "A Review of Common Late Roman Coins: Falling Horseman". Ancient Greek & Roman Coins. Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd;, LLC. Arkiveret fra originalen 21. juli 2011. Hentet 2010-11-08.
  8. ^ Buyers, Christopher. "Sintang". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-11-08.
  9. ^ Forty, Sandra; Millidge, Judith; Riley, Ed (2009). World Royal Families. USA: Book Sales, Inc. s. 94. ISBN 9780785825302.
  10. ^ Malaysias grundlov, Art. 32, Sek. 3.
  11. ^ McLachlan, Paul. "Electing a Pope". Arkiveret fra originalen 28. april 2019. Hentet 2010-11-08.
  12. ^ Bouvier, John; Rawle, Francis (1914). Bouvier's Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia. Vol. 2 (3rd udgave). Vernon Law Book Company. s. 2237-2238.
  13. ^ Shawcross, William (1994). Cambodia's new deal: a report. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. s. 106. ISBN 9780870030512.
  14. ^ Garner, James Wilford (1910). Introduction to Political Science: A Treatise on the Origin, Nature, Functions, and Organization of the State. American Book Company. s. 169–178. ISBN 9781115595995.
  15. ^ Andorras regering (2009-12-23). "Recepció de Nadal del copríncep episcopal Joan-Enric Vives". Portal web del Govern d’Andorra (catalansk). Andorras regering. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  16. ^ Andorras grundlov: Kap. 3.
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Storbritanniens regering. "The Queen and the Commonwealth". Official website of the British Monarchy. Den Royale Husholdning. Arkiveret fra originalen 25. oktober 2016. Hentet 2010-04-12.
  18. ^ Antigua og Barbudas grundlov: Art. 68.
  19. ^ Australiens grundlov: Art. 61.
  20. ^ Bahamas' grundlov: Art. 71.
  21. ^ a b Buyers, Christopher. "Bahrain". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  22. ^ Alghanim, Salwa (1998). The reign of Mubarak al-Sabah: Shaikh of Kuwait, 1896-1915. I.B.Tauris. s. 5. ISBN 9781860643507.
  23. ^ Herzogliche Hauptverwaltung. "The House of Wettin". Das Herzogliche Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha. Hertugen af Sachsen-Coburg-Gothas Familiefond. Arkiveret fra originalen 14. december 2011. Hentet 2010-12-09.
  24. ^ Bundgaard, Maria (21. juli 2013). "Her får Belgien en ny konge". Hentet 18. september 2013. {{cite web}}: Mere end en |author= og |last= angivet (hjælp)
  25. ^ Belizes grundlov: Art. 36.
  26. ^ Buyers, Christopher. "Bhutan". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  27. ^ Soszynski, Henry. "Bhutan". Genealogical Gleanings. Queenslands Universitet. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  28. ^ a b Buyers, Christopher. "Brunei". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  29. ^ a b c Buyers, Christopher. "Cambodia". The Royal Ark. Arkiveret fra originalen 17. december 2010. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  30. ^ Cambodjas grundlov: Art. 14.
  31. ^ Canadas grundlov: Art. 9.
  32. ^ Sainty, Guy Stair; Heydel-Mankoo, Rafal (ed). "History of the Royal House of Denmark". Almanach de la Cour. Hentet 2010-12-07. {{cite web}}: |first2= har et generisk navn (hjælp)
  33. ^ Adams Woods, Frederick (2009). Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty. BiblioBazaar, LLC. s. 225. ISBN 9781115334259.
  34. ^ Danmarks regering. "Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark". The Danish Monarchy. Danmarks kongelige hof. Arkiveret fra originalen 27. maj 2015. Hentet 2010-04-12.
  35. ^ Shoup, John A; Maisel, Sebastian (2009). Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab States Today: A-J. Greenwood Publishing Group. s. 323. ISBN 9780313344442.. "The Al Nahyan ... are a branch of the Al Bu Falah tribe of the Bani Yas confederation, and although they have been a small section of the tribe, the Al Nahyan have traditionally provided the paramount shaykh for the confederation."
  36. ^ a b De Forenede Arabiske Emiraters grundlov: Art. 51 & 54.
  37. ^ Noack, Sascha (2007). Doing Business in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. GRIN Verlag. s. 16. ISBN 9783638797665.
  38. ^ Soszynski, Henry. "United Arab Emirates". Genealogical Gleanings. Queenslands Universitet. Hentet 2010-04-12.
  39. ^ Grenadas grundlov: Art. 57.
  40. ^ Grenadas grundlov: Art. 68.
  41. ^ Den traditionelle indsættelsesceremoni fandt sted 22. oktober 2019.
  42. ^ Japans regering (2007-12-07). "National Day of Japan to be celebrated". Pressemeddelelse. Hentet 3. august 2011. Arkiveret fra originalen den 3. januar 2009.
  43. ^ Japans regering. "Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress". Imperial Household Agency. Hentet 2010-04-12.
  44. ^ Seagrave, Sterling; Seagrave, Peggy (2001). The Yamato Dynasty: The Secret History of Japan's Imperial Family. Broadway Books. s. 4-10. ISBN 9780767904971.
  45. ^ a b Buyers, Christopher. "Jordan". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  46. ^ "His Majesty King Abdullah II". Abdullah II Official Website. Jordans regering, Det Kongelige Hashemitiske Hof. Arkiveret fra originalen 30. maj 2010. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  47. ^ Business Optimization Consultants B.O.C. "The Hashemites: Introduction". King Hussein I's kontor. Jordans regering, Det Kongelige Hashemitiske Hof. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  48. ^ a b Buyers, Christopher. "Kuwait". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  49. ^ Cordesman, Anthony H (2007). Gulf military forces in an era of asymmetric wars. Vol. 2. Greenwood Publishing Group. s. 111. ISBN 9780275992507.: "The royal family, Al Sabah, has two branches—Al Jaber and Al Salem—and has traditionally alternated in ruling Kuwait. This tradition, however, has changed following the death of Jaber Al Sabah [1977–2006]."
  50. ^ Political Risk Yearbook, 1998. Political Risk Services. 1998. s. 48. ISBN 9781852713713.: "The two branches of the Al-Sabah family, the Jabers and the Salems, have traditionally alternated their rule, one providing the emir and the other the crown prince (also serving as prime minister)."
  51. ^ Laura Kirkebæk-Johansson (16. december 2023), Kuwaits emir er død - erstattes af halvbror, DR
  52. ^ a b Lesothos regering. "His Majesty King Letsie III". The Lesotho Monarchy. Arkiveret fra originalen 26. juni 2009. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  53. ^ Olivier, J. "Basotho in Lesotho". Sesotho Online. Sesotho Online. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  54. ^ Leistra, Netty. "Furstentum Liechtenstein". Netty's Royalty Page. Arkiveret fra originalen 30. april 2003. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  55. ^ a b Liechtensteins regering. "Prince Hans-Adam II". Portal of the Principality of Liechtenstein. Regeringens Talsmandskontor. Arkiveret fra originalen 29. juni 2009. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  56. ^ Image Liechtenstein. "The Principality of Liechtenstein" (PDF). Fyrstedømmet Liechtensteins Portal. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 9. juni 2011. Hentet 2011-07-09.
  57. ^ a b Luxembourgs regering. "Grand Duke Henri". Presse- og Informationsservice. Hentet 2010-07-11.
  58. ^ a b c Buyers, Christopher. "Malaysia". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  59. ^ a b Buyers, Christopher. "Morocco". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  60. ^ Agence France-Presse (2005-11-20). "Prince Albert's Monaco enthronement complete". ABC News Online. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  61. ^ Sector, Charlotte (2005-04-06). "Playboy Prince Fulfills His Destiny". ABC News. ABC News Internet Ventures. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  62. ^ "The House of Grimaldi". Infinite Public Relations. Hentet 2010-04-12.
  63. ^ Hollands regering. "Orange and Nassau". The Dutch Royal House. Regeringens Informationsservice. Hentet 2010-12-09.
  64. ^ Steinberg, Glenn A. "The Former Ruling House of Lippe, 1939-1945". European Royalty during World War II. The College of New Jersey. Arkiveret fra originalen 15. juli 2010. Hentet 2010-12-09.
  65. ^ Hollands regering. "The Queen of the Netherlands". The Dutch Royal House. Regeringens Informationsservice. Arkiveret fra originalen 4. august 2011. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  66. ^ Constitution Act 1986: Part 1.
  67. ^ a b Norges regering. "His Majesty King Harald". Official website of the Royal House of Norway. Norges kongelige hof. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  68. ^ Omans sultan er død - hans fætter er indsat som arvtager,, 11. januar 2020, hentet 11. januar 2020
  69. ^ Papua Ny Guineas grundlov: Art. 82.
  70. ^ World and Its Peoples: Arabian Peninsula. Marshall Cavendish. 2006. s. 64. ISBN 9780761475712.
  71. ^ Buyers, Christopher. "Qatar". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  72. ^ "Qatari emir Sheikh Hamad hands power to son Tamim". BBC. 25. juni 2013. Hentet 18. september 2013.
  73. ^ Saint Kitts and Nevis' grundlov: Art. 51.
  74. ^ Saint Lucias grundlov: Art. 59.
  75. ^ Saint Vincent og Grenadinernes grundlov: Art. 50.
  76. ^ JPostPedia. "Abdullah of Saudi Arabia". The Jerusalem Post. Inter Media Ltd. Arkiveret fra originalen 22. maj 2011. Hentet 2010-12-07."Obituary for King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud". The Times Online. Times Newspapers Ltd. 2005-08-01. Arkiveret fra originalen 29. juni 2011. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  77. ^ Cordesman, Anthony H (2009). Saudi Arabia: national security in a troubled region. ABC-CLIO. s. 9. ISBN 9780313380761.: "In October 2006, King Abdullah issued a new succession law that amended the 1992 Basic Law and formalized the process by creating the Allegiance Commission. The new law both defines how a king will choose among possible candidates and provides a formal way for developing a consensus to choose the king's successor. The Allegiance Commission will select a king and crown prince upon the death or incapacitation of either. This commission expands the role of the ruling family in the selection process. ... It is composed of some 35 sons and grandsons of the late founder of the Kingdom, Abd al-Aziz al-Saud, who will vote in secret ballots on who could and could not be eligible to be future kings and crown princes."
  78. ^ Frontline (2005-08-01). "The House of Saud". Public Broadcasting Service. Hentet 2010-04-12.
  79. ^ Salomonøernes grundlov: Art. 1.
  80. ^ Storbritanniens regering. "The House of Windsor". Official website of the British Monarchy. Den Kongelige Husholdning. Hentet 2010-12-09.
  81. ^ Sveriges regering (1973-09-19). "Kungl Maj:ts kungörelse (1973:702)". Justitsministeriet. Hentet 2010-06-12.
  82. ^ Sveriges regering. "H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf". Sveriges Kungahus (svensk). Informations- og Presseafdelingen. Arkiveret fra originalen 18. februar 2010. Hentet 2010-12-07.
  83. ^ Marwick, Brian Allan (1940). The Swazi: an ethnographic account of the natives of the Swaziland Protectorate. Cambridge University Press. s. 5-75.
  84. ^ Rubin, N.N (2009-07-28). "The Swazi Law of Succession: A Restatement". Journal of African Law. Cambridge University Press. 9 (2): 90-113. doi:10.1017/S0021855300001108. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= kræver at |url= også er angivet (hjælp)
  85. ^ Soszynski, Henry. "Swaziland". Genealogical Gleanings. Queenslands Universitet. Arkiveret fra originalen 13. juni 2011. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  86. ^ "The Illustrious Chakri Family". Mahidol Universitet. Arkiveret fra originalen 1. februar 2009. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  87. ^ a b Buyers, Christopher. "The Tupou Dynasty". The Royal Ark. Hentet 2010-04-28.
  88. ^ Tongas regering (2008-07-28). "Geneology{{{1}}} of King George Tupou V". Lord Chamberlains Kontor. Hentet 2010-12-09.
  89. ^ Tuvalus grundlov: Art. 48.
  90. ^ "Argentina's Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected Pope". BBC News. BBC. Hentet 13. marts 2013.

Eksterne henvisninger

Medier brugt på denne side

Flag of Brunei.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Nightstallion, Licens: CC0
Bruneis flag
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Royal Standard of Denmark.svg
Det danske kongeflag
Flag of Jamaica.svg
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg
Flag of Liechtenstein
Flag of Malaysia.svg
Flag of Malaysia – Jalur Gemilang (Stripes of Glory)
Flag of Oman.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: See File history below for details., Licens: CC0
Flag of Oman
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg
Flag of Papua New Guinea
Colours: Pantone 186 C for red and 116 C for yellow
Flag of Thailand.svg
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand; there are total of 3 colours:
  • Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation.
  • White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation
  • Blue represents the monarchy of the nation, which is recognised as the centre of Thai hearts.
Flag of Tuvalu.svg
Flag of Tuvalu.

Flag of Vatican City (2023–present).svg
The Flag of Vatican City State, as per the 2023 w:en:Fundamental Law of Vatican City State, reproducing Annex A which contains the official depiction of this version. See 2023 Fundamental Law of Vatican City State, art. 23, n. 1.
This 2023 flag is very similar to the flag used in the 1929 Fundamental Law of Vatican City State, see here, p. 35. Thus, it is in the public domain.
King Tupou VI exits the church after his coronation ceremony in Nuku'alofa, Tonga, July 4, 2015. The U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific Band participated in the coronation ceremonies alongside bands from Tonga, Australia and New Zealand. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Brittney Vito/Released)
Flag of the President of the United Arab Emirates.svg
Flag of the President of the United Arab Emirates (Presidential Standard)
King Mswati III 2014.jpg
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet His Majesty King Mswati III, Kingdom of Swaziland, and Her Royal Highness Queen Inkhosikati La Mbikiza, in the Blue Room during a U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit dinner at the White House, Aug. 5, 2014. [Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon/ This official White House photograph is in the public domain from a copyright perspective, so while restrictions such as personality or privacy rights may apply, in general, manipulations are allowed.]
Royal standard of Morocco.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal Standard of Morocco
Emblem of Bhutan.svg
Emblem of Bhutan — used by the Parliament of Bhutan, first established in 2007.
Royal Standard of Jordan.PNG
Royal Standard of Jordan
Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani 2015.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Presidencia de la República Mexicana, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Visita Oficial del Emir de Qatar
Salman of Saudi Arabia - 2020 (49563590728) (cropped).jpg
Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo meets with the Custodian of Two Holy Mosques King Salman in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on February 20, 2020. [State Department Photo by Ron Przysucha/ Public Domain]
King Charles III in Belfast Sep 2022 (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Northern Ireland Office, Licens: OGL 3
His Majesty The King and The Queen Consort attended a Service of Reflection for the life of HM Queen Elizabeth II at St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast. Dignitaries, representatives from civic society & the wider community across NI were among the congregation paying their respects.
King Charles III's procession to Lying-in-State of Elizabeth II.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: UK Government, Licens: CC BY 2.0
14/09/2022. London, United Kingdom. The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, is followed by King Charles III and members of the Royal Family as she arrives to Lie in State at the Houses of Parliament. Picture by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street
King Philippe of Belgium (Belgian National Day, 2018).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Paul Hermans, Licens: CC BY 4.0
King Philippe of Belgium at the national parade on 21 July 2018.
Royal Standard of Oman.svg
Royal Standard of Oman
Royal Standard of Swaziland.svg
Royal Flag of Eswatini
Royal Standard of Spain.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Fry1989 eh?, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal Standard of the King of Spain.
Emperor Naruhito at TICAD7 (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: TICAD7 Photographs, Licens: CC0
The emperor of Japan Naruhito, in 2019.
OSCE PA President George Tsereteli and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg CROPPED Henri.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: claude piscitelli -, Licens: CC BY 2.5
Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg
(text from original picture: "CGDL Audience M. George Tsereteli, président de l'Assemblée Parlementaire de l'OSCE - Luxembourg - Ville - Palais Grand-Ducal - 25/03/2019 - photo: claude piscitelli"
King's Standard of Thailand.svg
King's Standard of Thailand. This flag was first adopted by King Vajiravudh in 1910. This flag features red dancing Garuda on the yellow square.
CharlesinCanada2014 (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Korona Lacasse, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Charles in Canada - Halifax, NS
HRH The Prince of Wales Allan Warren.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Allan warren, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
portrait HRH The Prince of Wales
Royal Standard of the United Kingdom (in Scotland).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Eget arbejde, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Standard of the United Kingdom for use in Scotland.
Prince Charles in Aotearoa (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Mark Tantrum, Licens: CC BY 4.0
Official portrait of Charles, Prince of Wales in New Zealand, 2019
Royal Standard of King Philippe of Belgium.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Vektorgrafikken blev lavet med Inkscape. ., Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal standard of the King of the Belgians
Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark in 2018.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Saeima, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
December 6, 2018. Speaker of the Saeima Ināra Mūrniece receives Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Crown Princess Mary in the parliament.

Photo: Ernests Dinka, Saeima

Terms of use:
Forfatter/Opretter: No machine-readable author provided. Hosmich assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal Standard of Norway 1905, design by Eilif Peterssen
Prince Charles, David Wynne (2).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: No Swan So Fine, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Prince Charles, David Wynne
Prince of Wales (enthroned) 2022.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Annabel Moeller (for the House of Lords), Licens: CC BY 2.0
The Prince of Wales, in full dress uniform, reads his mother's speech from the consort's throne in the House of Lords.
The Minister of State for Defence, Dr. M.M. Pallam Raju called on the King of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, in Thimpu on April 25, 2011 (cropped).jpg
(c) Ministry of Defence (GODL-India)
The Minister of State for Defence, Dr. M.M. Pallam Raju called on the King of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, in Thimpu on April 25, 2011.
Al-Sultan Abdullah (cropped) 2.jpg
His Majesty the 16th Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (King) of Malaysia on 14 October 2019 during his visit to Pahang English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Showcase 2019
Flag of the Supreme Head of Malaysia.svg
Flag of the Supreme Head of Malaysia
Personal standard of Prince Alberto II of Monaco.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Proof02, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Personal standard of Prince Alberto II of Monaco.

Sources: [1] and [2]

The standard of Prince Albert includes the fringe. See (Images): [3] and [4]
In-Australia HRH The Prince of Wales and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall (8166427208) 2012(cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Eva Rinaldi , Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0

HRH Prince of Wales and HRH Duchess of Cornwall touchdown at Sydney Airport

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall arrive in Sydney, Australia; Australian Federal Police motorcade; Royals get ready for a big day in Sydney tomorrow...

This evening Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall (Camilla Parker-Bowles) touched down at Sydney Airport, having flown up from Melbourne.

The media appearance was delayed for well over an hour due to rain and storm conditions. No, mother nature was not doing any favours for the Royal's on their Sydney welcome.

Dozens of Australian Federal Police, spooks and security guards remained close and on alert to ensure that the Sydney Airport visit went according to plan...allowing for the reschedule with the rain.

After walking off the aircraft they where whisked away in a limousine via police motorcade in the direction of Sydney CBD, where they will spend overnight, ready for an early morning tomorrow which will include crossing Sydney Harbour on the Admiral's Barge to Garden Island, meeting Australian Defence Force and their families, a visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art and viewing football on Sydney's iconic Bondi Beach.

The day will finish off with The Diamond Jubilee Reception at the Sydney Opera House at 6.15pm, followed by a reception at Admiralty House hosted by the Governor General Quentin Bryce.

We wish the lovely couple a safe and enjoyable visit to Australia as they continue to explore the land down under, and thanks to everyone involved in organsing fair and balanced coverage on the royal visit to our shores.


Official website of HRH The Prince of Wales

Sydney Airport

Prince's Trust' official website
Royal Standard of the Netherlands.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Vektorgrafikken blev lavet med Inkscape. ., Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal Standard of the Netherlands, used from 2013 to present.
Royal Standard of Bahrain.svg
Royal standard of Bahrain
Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Presidencia de la República Mexicana, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto with Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah
Charles Prince of Wales.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Mark Jones, Licens: CC BY 2.0
King Charles III (while still Prince of Wales) attending church with his family at Sandringham on Christmas Day 2017
Femmy Otten - Willem Alexander 2014.jpeg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC0
In april 2013 maakte Koos Breukel staatsiefoto's van Koning Willem-Alexander. In september van dat jaar gaven het ministerie van OCW en de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst aan het Mondriaan Fonds de opdracht om de totstandkoming van drie staatsieportretten te begeleiden. Na een uitgebreide voorselectie werden in januari 2014 drie kunstenaars geselecteerd die een staatsieportret van de Koning mochten maken: Iris van Dongen, Rineke Dijkstra en Femmy Otten. Minister Bussemaker van OCW presenteerde de kunstwerken op 24 april 2014 in Paleis Het Loo.
King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden 1 2013.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Bengt Nyman, Licens: CC BY 2.0
King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at the Swedish National Day 6th of June 2013 at Skansen Stockholm Sweden
Emmanuel Macron (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Arno Mikkor, EU2017EE Estonian Presidency, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Emmanuel Macron, Tallinn Digital Summit, 2017
King Norodom Sihamoni (2019).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Website of the Prime Minister of Japan, Licens: CC BY 4.0
On October 22, 2019, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held bilateral meetings and other events at the Akasaka Palace State Guest House. Prime Minister Abe held meetings with His Majesty King Philippe, King of the Belgians, His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in Billah, The Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI of Malaysia, H.M. Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia, and His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, King of the Kingdom of Bhutan, respectively.
Harald V en 2018 (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Aeltegop, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Harald V, le 17 mai 2018 à Oslo
Royal standard of Sweden.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal standard of the King of Sweden
Charles, Prince of Wales in 2021 (cropped) (3).jpg
President Joe Biden greets Britain's Prince Charles, Tuesday, November 2, 2021, during the COP26 U.N. Climate Change Conference at the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow, Scotland. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
Haitham bin Tariq Al Said.jpg
(c) Prime Minister's Office (GODL-India)
PM in a bilateral meeting with the Sultan of Oman, Majesty Haitham Bin Tarik at Hyderabad house, in New Delhi on December 16, 2023.
Ιωάννης Αδάμ Β΄ του Λίχτενσταϊν.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: GuentherZ, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ο πρίγκιπας Ιωάννης Αδάμ Β΄ του Λίχτενσταϊν το 2013
Letsie III.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: IAEA Imagebank, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
King Letsie III
Charles (52877352018) (cropped).jpg
Photo by Isaac Mayne/DCMS
Royal Standard of Brunei.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Heralder, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Standard of the Sultan of Brunei
HRH Prince Charles 2008.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Rodin777, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
HRH Prince Charles: painted by Victor Heyfron, M.A.
20151104 OH H1013410 0003 (22461205508).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: New Zealand Defence Force from Wellington, New Zealand, Licens: CC BY 2.0
His Royal Highness Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales visit to Westport. The Prince visited NZDF Exercise Southern Katipo 2015 and Westport Township. 7. Nov. 2015
Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Palácio do Planalt, Licens: CC BY 2.0
الشيخ محمد بن زايد آل نهيان
King Felipe VI at the Enthronement of Naruhito (1).jpg
(c) 首相官邸ホームページ, CC BY 4.0
On October 21, 2019, Prime Minister Abe held a bilateral talk with the King of Spain Felipe VI at the Guest House Akasaka Palace.
King Abdullah II (cropped).jpg
CC-BY-4.0: © European Union 2020– Source: EP
“Peace-making is the harder but higher path,” said King Abdullah II of Jordan addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg today.
Donald Trump meets with King Hamed bin Issa of Bahrain, May 2017 (cropped).jpg
King Hamed bin Issa of Bahrain during a bilateral meeting with President Donald Trump, Sunday, May 21, 2017, at a Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Prince Charles 2012.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Dan Marsh, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Charles, Prince of Wales in Jersey on 18 July 2012.
King Charles Visit Holyrood 10 (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Scottish Parliament, Licens: SPCL
King Charles III and the Queen Consort arrive today for Motion of Condolence at Queensberry entrance of the Scottish Parliament Holyrood Edinburgh.
King Rama X official (crop).png
Forfatter/Opretter: The Public Relations Department (กรมประชาสัมพันธ์), Licens: CC BY 3.0 th
King Maha Vajiralongkorn, Rama X of Thailand.
Standard of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Standard of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Royal Standard of the United Kingdom.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Eget arbejde, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Standard of the United Kingdom
King Mohammed VI of Morocco, Africa Forum Summit 2015 (cropped).jpg
(c) Prime Minister's Office (GODL-India)
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi meeting the King Mohammed VI of Morocco, on the sidelines of the 3rd India Africa Forum Summit 2015, in New Delhi on October 29, 2015.
Royal Standard of the King of Cambodia.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal Standard of the King of Cambodia. Gold outline of the Coat of Arms of Cambodia on a Blue Background, Since 1993
2019 Reunião Bilateral com o Príncipe Charles - 48948389972 (cropped).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Palácio do Planalto, Licens: CC BY 2.0
(Tóquio - Japão, 23/10/2019) Reunião Bilateral com o Príncipe Charles. Foto: José Dias/PR
Prince Albert II 2016.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Unclimaitechange, Licens: CC BY 2.0
H.E. Prince Albert II, Sovereign Prince Monaco and H.E. Ms. Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia