Nordiske korsflag

De nordiske flag. Fra venstre mod højre: Finlands, Islands, Norges, Sveriges og Danmarks flag.
Et udvalg af nordiske korsflag.

Nordiske korsflag (undertiden skandinaviske korsflag) er en gruppe flag, der almindeligvis forbindes med Norden, hvor flagmønsteret opstod. Flagene har et gennemgående kors[fodnote 1] med den lodrette stribe i korset forskudt mod flagstangen.

Det første flag med denne udformning var det danske Dannebrog. Derefter fulgte Sverige, Norge, Finland, Island og enkelte undernationale enheder i disse lande. Norges flag var det første nordiske korsflag med tre farver. Selv om mange flag bruger det samme mønster, har de forskellig historie og symbolik.

Flere nationale mindretal i lande omkring Østersøen er efter Sovjetunionens opløsning begyndt at anvende variationer af nordiske korsflag, blandt andet for at styrke forbindelserne til de skandinaviske lande og hævde en baltisk identitet, fri fra russisk indflydelse.

De nordiske landes nationalflag

Autonome regioner med nordiske korsflag

Andre nordiske korsflag

Uofficielle lokalflag i Norden




Andre regioner uden for de nordiske lande med nordiske korsflag

Finsk-ugriske folk



Tidligere nordiske korsflag




  1. ^ Et kors, hvor alle fire arme når flagkanten

Medier brugt på denne side

Flag of Finland.svg
Finlands flag
Flag of Denmark Bornholm.svg
Unofficial flag of Bornholm (Denmark), flag ratio 28:37
Flag Denmark Bornholmsflaget.svg
Unofficial flag of Bornholm (Denmark), flag ratio 28:37
Jack of Sweden and Norway (1844–1905).svg
Naval jack for the union between Sweden and Norway, as well as the diplomatic flag of the union with the proportions 5:4.
Forfatter/Opretter: Julia Friisia, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Dannebrog og Nordfrislands korsflag på Dannevirke Museum, Sydslesvig.
Skånska flaggan.svg
Flag of Scania. Colors:  red PMS179 (#e23d28),  yellow/gold PMS108 (#f7dd16). Proportion: 14:17
Flag of Stavropol Krai.svg
Flag of Stavropol Krai
2007 Flag of Orkney.svg
2007 Flag of Orkney
My own vector of the official flag of the Isles of Orkney, Scotland, created using Inkscape. This version is based upon the official version designed by Duncan Tullock of Birsay and voted for by the people of Orkney and approved by the Court of the Lord Lyon in 2007 from a short list of 5 designs. It is a Nordic Cross, in keeping with the flag's unofficial predecesor the Cross of St Magnus, and for which, according to Mr Tullock, "Orkney has always been represented by red, so that was an obvious choice. The yellow symbolizes the royal standards of both Scotland and Norway and blue is for Scotland, and also for the sea that surrounds us".
Flag of Normandy.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: andersersej, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Normandy inspired by the nordic flags, created by Jean Adigard des Gautries in 1937 to remember the history of Normandy. This kind of cross is called Nordic cross or Scandinavian cross. The Nordic cross flag of Normandy is called Cross of Saint Olaf. Olaf II of Norway was baptised in Rouen in 1014 by Robert (II) the danish, archbishop of Rouen and brother of Richard II of Normandy, Duke of Normandy. [1]. The traditional banner of Normandy( French region) is two yellow lions on red.
Votic people.svg
Flag of the Votes in Ingria
Flag of Oland.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: User:Gamnacke, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is a private flag ascribed the Swedish island province Öland, very seldom or never used. – The ordinary and often used province flag of Öland has the official heraldic motive of the province from 16th century: a golden deer at a blue field.
Union Jack of Sweden and Norway (1844-1905).svg
Naval jack for the union between Sweden and Norway, as well as the diplomatic flag of the union with the proportions 5:4.
Flag of Gotland.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Calais.svg
Flag of Calais, France
Swedish and Norwegian naval ensign (1815–1844).svg
Swedish and Norwegian naval ensign from 1815–1844, with the saltire on red in the canton symbolizing Norway.
Flag of Pula.svg
Flag of the Croatian municipality of Pula.
Swedish norwegian union flag.svg
Swedish merchant flag 1844-1905
Flag of Sweden (1562–1650).svg
Swallow-tailed flag used between the reign of Gustav I of Sweden until c. 1650, when it was succeeded by a triple-tailed flag.
Flag of Vendsyssel
Uofficielt svensk-finsk flag.
Flag of Härjedalen v 2.svg
Härjedalen (alternativ flagga)
Hälsingland flagga.svg
Flag of Hälsingland
Flag of the Finland Swedes.svg
An unofficial flag of the Swedish-speaking minority of Finns.
Flag of Ostergotland.svg
Flag of the Swedish province Östergötland.
Flag of Nordisk Flaggsallskap.svg
Flag of the FIAV member Nordisk Flaggsälllskap (Nordic Flag Society).
Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg
This is merely a recreation of what the flag is thought to have looked like. There are no surviving flags or pictorial evidence as to its appearance. See article at Flags of the World.
Flag of Härjedalen.svg
Unofficial Flag of Härjedalen
(c) Hansjorn, CC BY-SA 3.0
Flags of the Nordic countries - from left: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Taken outside Bella Center, Copenhagen.
Flag of Sweden (1897-1905) (alternative).svg
Alternative flag of Sweden (1818-1844)
Flag of et-Parnu.svg
flag of Pärnu, Estonia

PANTONE 300CV + white
Nordic cross flags of Northern Europe.svg


, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
A map of Northern Europe showing countries and regions whose official flags feature Nordic Crosses. Key:
Flag of Norway In 1844 a union badge combining Norwegian and Swedish colors was placed at the hoist of both countries' flags. The badge was popularly called Sildesalaten ("the herring salad") from its resemblance to a herring salad. Initially, the union flag was popular in Norway, since it clearly denoted the equal status of the two united states. But as the union with Sweden became increasingly less popular, the Norwegian parliament abolished the union badge from the national (merchant) and state flags in 1899. At the dissolution of the union in 1905, the badge was removed from the navy flag as well. Sweden kept it in all flags until 1905.
Flag of Frisia.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Ætoms, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of Frisia (unofficial)
Flag of West Sweden.svg
Unofficial regional flag of West Sweden (Västsverige). The flag was designed by Per Andersson in 1990, free for anyone to use. Dimensions: 16:10
Unofficial flag of Norrland. Colors:  white (#ffffff),  blue (#005293),  yellow (#fecb00). Proportion: 5:8
Bohusläns flagga.png
Forfatter/Opretter: Jan Oskar Engene, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This is the unofficial flag of the Swedish province of Bohuslän.
Flag of Sweden (1818-1844) (alternative).svg
Alternative flag of Sweden (1818-1844)
Itäkarjalaisten lippu.svg
Flag of East Karelians
Naval Ensign of Sweden (1844-1905).svg
Naval Ensign of Sweden (1844-1905)
Flag of Vepsia.svg
Flag of Veps people
Flag of Jutland.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Kenneth Christiansen, Licens: CC0
Den Jydske Fane, foreslået af billedkunstner Per Kramer i 1975. Rød-brun: hedens lyng, grøn: skov og blå: hav.