Nehemias' Bog

Nehemias' Bog er en bog i den hebraiske bibel og i Det Gamle Testamente. Historisk anses bogen for at være fortsættelsen af Ezras Bog og bliver nogle gange omtalt som Anden Ezras Bog.[1]
Bogen indeholder fire hoveddele:
- Neh 1-7: Beretningen om genopbygningen af Jerusalems bymur og en liste med navne på dem, der var vendt tilbage fra Babylon.
- Neh 8-10: Beretningen om gudsdyrkelsens tilstand iblandt jøderne på dette tidspunkt.
- Neh 11-12,26: Forøgelsen af indbyggerantallet i Jerusalem; folketællingen af den mandlige del af indbyggerne og navnene på lederne, præsterne og levitterne.
- Neh 12,27-13: Færdiggørelsen af bymuren, fastsættelse af tempelpraksis og refomerne under Nehemias.
Forfatter og datering
Traditionelt anses Nehemias for at være bogens forfatter, hvilket mange teologer er uenige i. Dele af bogen er skrevet i første person (kap 1-7; 12,27-48 og 13); men der er også dele af bogen, hvor Nehemias omtales i tredje person (kap 8-10). Nogle teologer foreslår, at disse afsnit er skrevet af Ezra, og at Nehemias derefter har samlet disse og sine egne afsnit i ét værk. Nogle mener, at hele eller dele af værket er af en senere oprindelse.
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Forfatter/Opretter: Original tiny raster by Bastique, vectorization work by Booyabazooka, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Praying hands against quasi-stained-glass background.
Hult, Adolf, 1869-1943;
Augustana synod. [from old catalog], Licens: No restrictionsIdentifier: bibleprimeroldte00hult (find matches)
Title: Bible primer, Old Testament, for use in the primary department of Sunday schools
Year: 1919 (1910s)
Authors: Hult, Adolf, 1869-1943 Augustana synod. (from old catalog)
Publisher: Rock Island, Ill., Augustana book concern
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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kof it! One night the king could not sleep. He read in the booksthat told of happenings in his kingdom. Then he read of theman that had saved his life. Oh, thought the king, and Igave him no reward! He asked Haman, What shall be done to a man whom theking wants to honor? Haman thought he meant him. Sohe told the king to give him costly clothing and a crown andthe kings horse to ride upon. Then the king said to Haman,Do all these things to Mordecai. This made Haman afraid. One day there was a feast at the queens palace. Just asthey were eating, the king said, Ask anything of me thatyou wish for, Queen Esther. He loved the queen. Shebegged the king to spare her peoples lives and her own.There is one here who would kill us, she said. Who ishe? asked the king. Then Esther pointed to Haman. Atonce the king told the servants to hang Haman. But toMordecai he gave fine robes, and a ring for his finger, andhe made him one of his great men. Esther had saved the lives of her people. Esther 6, 7.
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BIBLE PRIMER 109 52. NEHEMIAH REPAIRS THE WALLS OF JERUSALEM. To Jerusalem! Home again, after seventy years in Babylon! I can hear them sing home-coming songs, can you? Home to the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! God ledIsrael home. But nothing was left of Jerusalem, except ruins, as afteran awful fire. Weeds grew in its streets, and screech-owlsflew about the ruined houses. What shall the people do now? Ezra, the good priest, teaches them the Law and the Wordof God. He helps them build up the temple again. It wasonly a small temple they built this time. The old folks thathad seen the old temple wept when they saw this little one.But the great God lived there just as He lived in theTabernacle of Moses and in the Temple of Solomon. God iswherever His Word is. Nehemiah next becomes governor of Jerusalem. He leadsthe people in building up strong walls with towers, allaround the city. Every one works willingly. All give theirmoney gladly. It is dear old Jerusalem they are building upag
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