Nationale kendingsbogstaver (biler)
- For alternative betydninger, se Nationale kendingsbogstaver. (Se også artikler, som begynder med Nationale kendingsbogstaver)
Det land, hvor et motorkøretøj er indregistreret, angives med nationale kendingsbogstaver, der står med fede blokbogstaver på et lille hvidt ovalt mærke i nærheden af nummerpladen på bagsiden af køretøjet.
- Mærket skal bestå af et til tre bogstaver fra det latinske alfabet. Bogstaverne skal være mindst 8 cm høje, og stregerne, de består af, skal være mindst 1 cm brede. Bogstaverne skal være sorte med en hvid baggrund, som er ellipseformet med horisontal hovedakse.
- Hvis mærket blot indeholder et bogstav, kan ellipsen være vertikal.
- Frem til 2006 måtte mærket ikke indgå i registreringsnummeret, eller sættes så det kan forveksles med registreringsnummeret eller bliver ulæseligt. Siden 2006 er Wienerkonventionen blevet ændret sådan at kendingsbogstaverne må indgå på nummerpladen. Kendingsbogstaverne skal da vises på begge nummerplader (foran og bag), og bogstaver skal placeres helt til venstre eller højre på pladen. Nationalt symbol, eller et symbol tilhørende en økonomisk organisation hvor landet er medlem må også vises. Kendingsbogstaver skal være nemme at skille fra registreringsnummeret, enten ved at de er placeret på en anden baggrundsfarve, eller separat med en linje.[1]
- På motorcykler og deres anhængere skal ellipsens akser være mindst 17,5 cm og 11,5 cm. På andre køretøjer og deres påhængsvogne skal dimensionerne være mindst:
- 24 cm og 14,5 cm hvis mærket består af tre bogstaver.
- 17,5 cm og 11,5 cm hvis mærket består af færre end tre bogstaver.
- Regler for mærkets anbringelse er de samme som for nummerplader.
Tildelingen af koder vedligeholdes af FN som kendetegn af køretøjer i international trafik, der er godkendt af FN's Genève-konventionen om vejtrafik[2] af 1949 og Wien-konventionen om vejtrafik[3] fra 1968. Mange køretøjskoder oprettet siden vedtagelsen af ISO 3166 falder sammen med ISO to- eller tre-bogstavkoder.
Indenfor EU behøver et køretøj fra et medlemsland, der kører i et andet medlemsland, ikke have det ovale mærke, hvis kendingsbogstaverne står på nummerpladen (EU-nummerplader). Siden 2006 tilfredsstiller også en nummerplade med kendingsbogstaver Wienerkonventionen i deltagende lande.[1]
Her følger en liste over de officielle kendingsbogstaver for de enkelte lande.
Forkortelse | Land | ISO | Siden | Tidl. | Betydning |
A | Østrig | AT | 1910 | Austria (lat.) | |
AFG | Afghanistan | AF | 1971 | 452 | |
AG | Antigua og Barbuda | AG | |||
AL | Albanien | AL | 1934 | ||
AND | Andorra | AD | 1957 | ||
ANG | Angola | AO | |||
AM | Armenien | AM | 1992 | ||
ARU[a] | Aruba | AW | |||
AUS | Australien | AU | 1954 | Australia (eng.) | |
AUT[a] | Det palæstinensiske selvstyre/Gazastriben | PS | Autonomous… | ||
AX | Ålandsøerne | AX | 2002 | ||
AXA | Anguilla | AI | |||
AZ | Aserbajdsjan | AZ | 1992 | Azərbaycan (aserb.) | |
B | Belgien | BE | 1910 | ||
BD | Bangladesh | BD | 1978 | ||
BDS | Barbados | BB | 1956 | ||
BF | Burkina Faso | BF | 1990 | RHV / HV | Landets tidligere navn var Øvre Volta (fransk: République de Haute-Volta) |
BG | Bulgarien | BG | 1910 | ||
BHT | Bhutan | BT | |||
BIH | Bosnien-Hercegovina | BA | 1992 | Bosna i Hercegovina (bosn.) | |
BJ | Benin | BJ | 1978 | ||
BOL | Bolivia | BO | 1967 | ||
BR | Brasilien | BR | 1930 | ||
BRN | Bahrain | BH | 1954 | ||
BRU | Brunei | BN | 1956 | ||
BS | Bahamas | BS | 1950 | ||
BY | Hviderusland | BY | 1992 | Byelarus (eng. translitteration af Беларусь) | |
BZ | Belize | BZ | 1990 | BH | Belize (eng.) |
C | Cuba | CU | 1930 | Cuba (span.) | |
CAM | Cameroun | CM | 1952 | Cameroun/Cameroon (fr./eng.) | |
CDN | Canada | CA | 1952 | Canadian Dominion | |
CGO | Demokratiske Republik Congo | CD | 2006 | CD[b] | Congo (fr.); anvendte CGO 1961-1972 |
CH | Schweiz | CH | 1911 | Confoederatio Helvetica (lat.) | |
CHN[a] | Kina | CN | ? | RC | Officielt desuden RC - ekskl. Taiwan |
CI | Elfenbenskysten | CI | 1961 | Côte d'Ivoire (fr.) | |
CL | Sri Lanka | LK | 1961 | Tidl. Ceylon | |
CO | Colombia | CO | 1952 | Colombia (span.) | |
COM | Comorerne | KM | Comores (fr.) | ||
CR | Costa Rica | CR | 1956 | ||
C | Kap Verde | CV | 1930 | Cabo Verde (port.) | |
CY | Cypern | CY | 1932 | Cyprus (lat./eng.) | |
CZ | Tjekkiet | CZ | 1993 | CS | Czechia (eng.) |
D | Tyskland | DE | 1909 | Deutschland (ty.) | |
DJI | Djibouti | DJ | Djibouti (frz.) | ||
DK | Danmark | DK | 1914 | ||
DOM | Dominikanske Republik | DO | 1952 | ||
DZ | Algeriet | DZ | 1963 | Al Djazaïr (arab.) | |
E | Spanien | ES | 1910 | España (span.) | |
EAK | Kenya | KE | 1938 | East Africa Kenya (eng.) | |
EAT | Tanzania | TZ | 1938 | East Africa Tanzania (eng.) | |
EAU | Uganda | UG | 1938 | East Africa Uganda (eng.) | |
EC | Ecuador | EC | 1962 | ||
ER | Eritrea | ER | 1993 | ||
ES | El Salvador | SV | 1978 | ||
EST | Estland | EE | 1993 | EW | |
ET | Egypten | EG | 1927 | Egypt (eng.) | |
ETH | Etiopien | ET | 1964 | Ethiopia (eng.) | |
F | Frankrig | FR | 1910 | ||
FIN | Finland | FI | 1993 | SF | (SF står for Suomi - Finland) |
FJI | Fiji | FJ | 1971 | Fiji (eng.) | |
FL | Liechtenstein | LI | 1923 | Fürstentum Liechtenstein | |
FO | Færøerne | FO | 1996 | FR | Føroyar (færøsk) |
FSM | Mikronesien | FM | Federated States of Micronesia (eng.) | ||
G | Gabon | GA | 1974 | ||
GBA | Alderney | 1924 | Great Britain Alderney (eng.) | ||
GBG | Guernsey | GG | 1924 | Great Britain Guernsey (eng.) | |
GBJ | Jersey | JE | 1924 | Great Britain Jersey (eng.) | |
GBM | Isle of Man | GB | 2007 | IM | Great Britain Isle of Man (eng.)/ISO IM: fra 1932 til 2007 |
GBZ | Gibraltar | GI | 1924 | Great Britain Gibraltar (eng.), Z | |
GCA + GT | Guatemala | GT | 1956 | Guatemala Central America (eng.) | |
GE | Georgien | GE | 1992 | ||
GH | Ghana | GH | 1959 | WAC | |
GQ[a] | Ækvatorialguinea | GQ | Guinée équatoriale (fr.) | ||
GR | Grækenland | GR | 1913 | ||
GUB | Guinea-Bissau | GW | |||
GUY | Guyana | GY | 1972 | ||
H | Ungarn | HU | 1910 | Hungaria (lat.) | |
HK | Hongkong | HK | 1932 | ||
HN | Honduras | HN | |||
HR | Kroatien | HR | 1992 | CRO | Hrvatska (kroat.) |
I | Italien | IT | 1910 | ||
IL | Israel | IL | 1952 | ||
IND | Indien | IN | 1947 | ||
IR | Iran | IR | 1936 | ||
IRL | Irland | IE | |||
IRQ | Irak | IQ | 1930 | Iraq (internat. translitteration fra arab. عراق) | |
IS | Island | IS | 1936 | ||
J | Japan | JP | 1964 | ||
JA | Jamaica | JM | 1932 | ||
JOR | Jordan | JO | HKJ | ||
K | Cambodja | KH | 1956 | ||
KAN[a] | Saint Kitts og Nevis | KN | |||
KIR | Kiribati | KI | |||
KN | Grønland | GL | GRO | Kalaallit Nunaat (grønl.) | |
KP | Nordkorea | KP | Korea, Democratic People's Republic (eng.) | ||
KS | Kirgisistan | KG | 1992 | ||
KSA | Saudi-Arabien | SA | Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia (eng.) | ||
KWT | Kuwait | KW | 1954 | ||
KZ | Kasakhstan | KZ | 1992 | Kazakhstan (eng.) | |
L | Luxembourg | LU | 1911 | ||
LAO | Laos | LA | 1959 | ||
LAR[a] | Libyen | LY | 1972 | Libyan Arab Republic (eng.) | |
LB[a] | Liberia | LR | 1967 | ||
LS | Lesotho | LS | 1967 | ||
LT | Litauen | LT | 1992 | Lietuva (lit.) | |
LV | Letland | LV | 1992 | Latvija (lett.) | |
M | Malta | MT | 1966 | GBY | |
MA | Marokko | MA | 1924 | ||
MAL | Malaysia | MY | 1967 | ||
MC | Monaco | MC | 1910 | ||
MD | Moldova | MD | 1992 | ||
MEX | Mexico | MX | 1952 | ||
MGL | Mongoliet | MN | |||
MH | Marshalløerne | MH | |||
MK | Nordmakedonien | MK | 1992 | Македониjа (maked.) | |
MNE | Montenegro | ME | 2006 | SCG | |
MOC | Mozambique | MZ | 1975 | Moçambique (port.) | |
MS | Mauritius | MU | 1938 | ||
MV[a] | Maldiverne | MV | |||
MW | Malawi | MW | 1965 | ||
MYA | Burma | MM | BUR | Myanmar | |
N | Norge | NO | 1922 | ||
NA | Nederlandske Antiller | AN | 1957 | ||
NAM | Namibia | NA | 1990 | SWA | |
NAU | Nauru | NR | 1968 | ||
NCL | Ny Kaledonien | NC | Nouvelle-Calédonie (fr.) | ||
NEP[a] | Nepal | NP | 1970 | ||
NGR | Nigeria | NG | 1992 | WAN | |
NIC | Nicaragua | NI | 1952 | ||
NL | Holland | NL | 1910 | Nederland | |
NZ | New Zealand | NZ | 1958 | New Zealand (eng.) | |
OM | Oman | OM | |||
P | Portugal | PT | 1910 | ||
PA | Panama | PA | 1952 | ||
PAL | Palau | PW | |||
PE | Peru | PE | 1937 | ||
PK | Pakistan | PK | 1947 | ||
PL | Polen | PL | 1921 | ||
PNG[a] | Papua Ny Guinea | PG | 1978 | ||
PRI | Puerto Rico | PR | |||
PY | Paraguay | PY | 1952 | ||
Q | Qatar | QA | 1972 | Qatar (translitteration) | |
RA | Argentina | AR | 1927 | República Argentina (span.) | |
RB | Botswana | BW | 1967 | Republic of Botswana (eng.) | |
RC | Taiwan | CN | 1932 | Republic of China (eng.) (se også Folkerepublikken Kina) | |
RCA | Centralafrikanske Republik | CF | 1962 | République centrafricaine (fr.) | |
RCB | Congo | CG | 1962 | République du Congo Brazzaville (fr.) | |
RCH | Chile | CL | 1930 | República de Chile (span.) | |
RG (GUI[a]) | Guinea | GN | 1972 | République de Guinée (fr.) | |
RH | Haiti | HT | 1952 | République d'Haïti (fr.) | |
RI | Indonesien | ID | 1955 | Republik Indonesia (indones.) | |
RIM | Mauretanien | MR | 1964 | République islamique de Mauritanie (fr.) | |
RKS | Kosovo | 2008 | KS | Republic of Kosovo (eng.) | |
RL | Libanon | LB | 1952 | République libanaise (fr.) | |
RM | Madagaskar | MG | 1962 | République de Madagascar (fr.) | |
RMM | Mali | ML | 1962 | République moslémique du Mali (fr.) | |
RN | Niger | NE | 1977 | République du Niger (fr.) | |
RO (ROM[a]) | Rumænien | RO | 1981 | R | România (rumæn.) |
ROK | Sydkorea | KR | 1971 | Republic of Korea (eng.) | |
ROU | Uruguay | UY | 1979 | República Oriental del Uruguay (span.) | |
RP | Filippinerne | PH | 1975 | Republic of the Philippines (eng.) | |
RS[a] | Republika Srpska | RS | 1992 | Republika Srpska (serb.) | |
RSM | San Marino | SM | 1932 | Repubblica di San Marino (ital.) | |
RT (TG[a]) | Togo | TG | 1973 | République togolaise (fr.) | |
RU | Burundi | BI | Republika y'Uburundi (kirundi) | ||
RUS | Rusland | RU | 1992 | Russia (eng.) | |
RWA | Rwanda | RW | 1964 | Rwanda (fr.) | |
S | Sverige | SE | 1911 | ||
SD | Swaziland | SZ | 1935 | ||
SGP | Singapore | SG | 1952 | ||
SK | Slovakiet | SK | 1993 | CS | |
SLO | Slovenien | SI | 1992 | ||
SME | Surinam | SR | 1936 | Suriname (nederlandsk) | |
S.M.O.M.[a] | Johanniterordenen | MT | Sovereign Military Order of Malta (eng.) | ||
SN | Senegal | SN | 1962 | ||
SO | Somalia | SO | 1974 | ||
SOL | Salomonøerne | SB | Solomon Islands (eng.) | ||
SRB | Serbien | RS | 2006 | SCG | Srbija (serbisk) |
STP | São Tomé og Príncipe | ST | |||
SUD[a] | Sudan | SD | 1963 | ||
SY | Seychellerne | SC | 1938 | ||
SYR | Syrien | SY | 1952 | ||
T | Thailand | TH | 1955 | ||
TD | Tchad | TD | 1973 | Tchad (fr.) | |
TJ | Tadsjikistan | TJ | 1992 | Tajikistan (eng.) | |
TL | Østtimor | TL | Timor-Leste (portug.) | ||
TM | Turkmenistan | TM | 1992 | ||
TN | Tunesien | TN | 1957 | ||
TON[a] | Tonga | TO | |||
TR | Tyrkiet | TR | 1935 | Türkiye (tyrk.) | |
TT | Trinidad og Tobago | TT | 1964 | ||
TUV | Tuvalu | TV | |||
UA | Ukraine | UA | 1992 | Ukrajina (ukrainsk i translitteration) | |
UAE | Forenede Arabiske Emirater | AE | United Arab Emirates (eng.) | ||
UK | Storbritannien | GB | 2021 | GB | United Kingdom (eng.) |
USA | USA | US | 1952 | US | United States of America (eng.) |
UZ | Usbekistan | UZ | 1992 | Uzbekistan (eng.) | |
V | Vatikanstaten | VA | |||
VAN[a] | Vanuatu | VU | |||
VN | Vietnam | VN | 1953 | ||
WAG | Gambia | GM | 1932 | West Africa The Gambia (eng.) | |
WAL (SLE[a]) | Sierra Leone | SL | 1937 | West Africa Sierra Leone (eng.) | |
WB[a] | Vestbredden | PS | West Bank (engl.) | ||
WD | Dominica | DM | 1954 | Windward Islands Dominica (eng.) | |
WG | Grenada | GD | 1932 | Windward Islands Grenada (eng.) | |
WL | Saint Lucia | LC | 1932 | Windward Islands St. Lucia (eng.) | |
WS | Samoa | WS | 1962 | tidligere West Samoa | |
WSA[a] | Vestsahara | EH | 1932 | West Sahara (eng.) | |
WV | Saint Vincent og Grenadinerne | VC | 1932 | Windward Islands St. Vincent (eng.) | |
YEM | Yemen | YE | Yemen (eng.) | ||
YV | Venezuela | VE | YV er kendingsbogstaver for fly fra Venezuela | ||
Z | Zambia | ZM | 1966 | Zambia (eng.) | |
ZA | Sydafrika | ZA | 1936 ? | SAU | Zuid-Afrika (nederlandsk) |
ZW | Zimbabwe | ZW | 1977 | RSR | Zimbabwe (eng.) |
Uofficielle kendingsbogstaver
Denne liste er arbitrær og på ingen måde repræsentativ.
- BOR Bornholm
- LL Lapland
- NJ New Jersey Flere andre stater har også deres egne uofficielle kendingsbogstaver
- J Jylland
Eksterne henvisninger
- ^ a b Part I: Convention on Road Traffic
- ^ "Convention of Road Traffic signed at Geneva September, 19 1949 - Annex 4. Distinguishing Sign of Vehicles in International Traffic". Auto Driver Club. NYS ZONE INC. Arkiveret fra originalen 25. november 2016. Hentet 2016-11-24.
- ^ "Convention on Road Traffic on 8 November 1968 - Index Page". Auto Driver Club. NYS ZONE INC. Hentet 2016-11-24.
Medier brugt på denne side
Flag of Austria with the red in the Austrian national colours which was official ordered within the Austrian Armed Forces (Bundesheer) in the characteristic “Pantone 032 C” (since May 2018 the Red is ordered in the characteristic “Pantone 186 C”.)
The flag of Aruba
Anguillas flag (taget i brug den 30. maj 1990) - RGB farverne, 1:2 dimensionerne og konstruktionsdetajlerne baseret delvist på skabelonerne: Flag of Anguilla – A Brief History
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Flag of the Ivory Coast, written by Jon Harald Søby, modified by Zscout370. The colors match to what is reported at
Flag of the Ivory Coast, written by Jon Harald Søby, modified by Zscout370. The colors match to what is reported at
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Finlands flag
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
Flag of Iran. The tricolor flag was introduced in 1906, but after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 the Arabic words 'Allahu akbar' ('God is great'), written in the Kufic script of the Qur'an and repeated 22 times, were added to the red and green strips where they border the white central strip and in the middle is the emblem of Iran (which is a stylized Persian alphabet of the Arabic word Allah ("God")).
The official ISIRI standard (translation at FotW) gives two slightly different methods of construction for the flag: a compass-and-straightedge construction used for File:Flag of Iran (official).svg, and a "simplified" construction sheet with rational numbers used for this file.
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857–1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
The national and official state flag of Haiti; arms obtained from The civil flag can be found at here.
The flag of Slovenia.
- "The construction sheet for the coat of arms and flag of the Republic of Slovenia
- is issued in the Official Gazette Uradni list Republike Slovenije #67, 27 October 1994
- as the addendum to the Law on the coat of arms and flag."
Flag of Senegal
Trinidad og Tobagos flag
Forfatter/Opretter: See File history below for details., Licens: CC0
The Flag of Dominica.
Used color: National flag | South African Government and Pantone Color Picker
grøn | rendered as RGB 0 119 73 | Pantone 3415 C |
gul | rendered as RGB 255 184 28 | Pantone 1235 C |
rød | rendered as RGB 224 60 49 | Pantone 179 C |
blå | rendered as RGB 0 20 137 | Pantone Reflex Blue C |
hvid | rendered as RGB 255 255 255 | |
sort | rendered as RGB 0 0 0 |
Forfatter/Opretter: Ukendt , Licens: CC0
Flag of the Vatican City, as described in the 2000 w:en:Fundamental Law of Vatican City State (which took effect in Feb. 2001), Article 20, Attachment A. See here and here.
Flag of Namibia
Flag of the Serb Republic (not to be confused with the Republic of Serbia).
Forfatter/Opretter: böhringer friedrich, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
Ferrari F430 im Gütle in Dornbirn.
bendera Indonesia
Flag of Ethiopia
Flag of Burkina Faso
The national flag of Nauru. Pantone 280c (Blue) and Pantone 123c (Yellow). On Pantone's official website these colours have the hexadecimal codes of #012169 and #FFC72C.
Laplandske kendingsbogstaver set i Lycksele.
The national flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Created according to the 2006 constitution : Son emblème est le drapeau bleu ciel, orné d’une étoile jaune dans le coin supérieur gauche et traversé en biais d’une bande rouge finement encadrée de jaune. (Its symbol is a sky blue flag, decorated with a yellow star in the upper left corner and crossed in the diagonal by a red strip with thin yellow borders) It seems to be identical, except for a lighter field hue, to the 1966–1971 flag.
Det er let at give dette billede en kant
Flag of Mauritania, adopted in 2017. The National Assembly added red stripes to the top and bottom edges to represent “the blood shed by the martyrs of independence”.
Flag of Gibraltar
Flag of Laos
Forfatter/Opretter: Fry1989 eh?, Licens: CC0
Flag of the Isle of Mann. This version has the triskelion centered as a whole rather than based upon the imaginary circle created by the prongs of each leg.
Flag of Maldives. The colours used are Pantone 186 C for red and Pantone 348 C for green.
The national flag of Kingdom of Thailand; there are total of 3 colours:
- Red represents the blood spilt to protect Thailand’s independence and often more simply described as representing the nation.
- White represents the religion of Buddhism, the predominant religion of the nation
- Blue represents the monarchy of the nation, which is recognised as the centre of Thai hearts.
Forfatter/Opretter: Vektorgrafikken blev lavet med Inkscape. ., Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Bornholm, Denmark international vehicle registration
Flag of Liechtenstein
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe
Flag of Rwanda. The flag ratio is 2:3 with the stripes being 2:1:1. Colors are the following officially: Pantone 299 C 2X (blue), RAL 6029 (green), RAL 1023 (yellow) and RAL 1003 (golden yellow). (As of 03/08/2010, the only color used is the Pantone 299 C, which is from here. The rest of the colors are RAL shades from here.)
Forfatter/Opretter: Ukendt , Licens: CC0
Flag of the Vatican City, as described in the 2000 w:en:Fundamental Law of Vatican City State (which took effect in Feb. 2001), Article 20, Attachment A. See here and here.
Flag of Albania
Flag of Papua New Guinea
Colours: Pantone 186 C for red and 116 C for yellow