National Security Agency
National Security Agency | |||||
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![]() NSA's hovedkvarter i Fort Meade, Maryland | |||||
Overblik | |||||
Etableret | 4. november 1952[1] | ||||
Foregående | |||||
Jurisdiktion | USA | ||||
Antal ansatte | (30.000-40.000, estimeret)[2][3][4][5] | ||||
Årligt budget | Klassificeret (10.8 milliarder USD, 2013 (estimeret)[6][7] | ||||
Underlagt | USA's forsvarsministerium | ||||
Ledelse | |||||
Direktør | General Paul M. Nakasone,, United States Army | ||||
Vicedirektør | George C. Barnes | ||||
Eksterne henvisninger | |||||
Myndighedens hjemmeside |
NSA (National Security Agency / Central Security Service NSA/CSS) er en af USA's sikkerhedstjenester (efterretningstjenester). NSA har især til opgave at aflytte, indsamle og analysere alle former for kommunikation.
NSA er underlagt forsvarsministeriet. Etatens budget er hemmeligstemplet, men det antages at være betragtelig større end CIA's. NSA er verdens største arbejdsgiver for matematikere. Hovedkvarteret ligger på militærbasen Fort George G. Meade i Maryland udenfor Washington D.C.
NSA samarbejder med øvrige NATO-landes efterretningstjenester. Som led i NSA's verdensomspændende net af elektronisk spionageanlæg er der bygget lytte- og pejlestationer også i Norge og Danmark – bl.a. på Bornholm.
NSA er specielt kendt for efterretningsnetværket Echelon.
NSA er også med i Dan Browns bog "Tankados Kode"(originaltitel: "Digital Fortress")
- ^ Thomas L. Burns. "The Origins of the National Security Agency" (PDF). s. 97. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 2016-03-22.
- ^ "60 Years of Defending Our Nation" (PDF). National Security Agency. 2012. s. 3. Arkiveret fra originalen (PDF) 23. juni 2018. Hentet 6. juli 2013. "On November 4, 2012, the National Security Agency (NSA) celebrates its 60th anniversary of providing critical information to U.S. decision makers and Armed Forces personnel in defense of our Nation. NSA has evolved from a staff of approximately 7,600 military and civilian employees housed in 1952 in a vacated school in Arlington, VA, into a workforce of more than 30,000 demographically diverse men and women located at NSA headquarters in Ft. Meade, MD, in four national Cryptologic Centers, and at sites throughout the world."
- ^ Priest, Dana (21. juli 2013). "NSA growth fueled by need to target terrorists". The Washington Post. Hentet 22. juli 2013. "Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, its civilian and military workforce has grown by one-third, to about 33,000, according to the NSA. Its budget has roughly doubled."
- ^ "Introverted? Then NSA wants you. Arkiveret 6. november 2020 hos Wayback Machine" Florida Championship Wrestling. April 2012. Hentet 1. april 2013.
- ^ "Prism Exposed: Data Surveillance with Global Implications". Spiegel Online International. 10. juni 2013. s. 2. "How can an intelligence agency, even one as large and well-staffed as the NSA with its 40,000 employees, work meaningfully with such a flood of information?"
- ^ Gellman, Barton; Greg Miller (29. august 2013). "U.S. spy network's successes, failures and objectives detailed in 'black budget' summary". The Washington Post. s. 3. Hentet 29. august 2013.
- ^ Shane, Scott (29. august 2013). "New Leaked Document Outlines U.S. Spending on Intelligence Agencies". The New York Times. Hentet 29. august 2013.
Eksterne henvisninger
- Officiel hjemmeside (engelsk)
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Medier brugt på denne side
The seal of the U.S. National Security Agency. The first use was in September 1966, replacing an older seal which was used briefly. For more information, see here and here.
US Intelligence Community Seal
The flag of the National Security Agency, the seal used was created in September 1966. The flag itself has been in use since at least 1992.
Headquarters of the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland.