
Élisabeth Vigée-Le Brun: "musselin"-portrættet af Marie Antoinette, 1783

Musselin (også muslin; efter byen Mosul i Irak) kaldes de typer af glatte stoffer som er løstvævet af det fineste bomuldsgarn. Eksempler er batist, jaconet og lignende. Af fint uldgarn fremstilles uldmusselin, der benyttes til damekjoler, særlig med påtrykte farvemønstre.

Musselin kan også fremstilles af silke, viskose eller syntetiske fibre.


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Gnome globe current event.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: David Vignoni (globe, clock face/ring), Anomie (clock hands), David Göthberg (making the clock red, shadows). Anomie and David G (putting all the parts together)., Licens: LGPL
Globe with clock to represent a "current event"

The original uploader was Yzmo at engelsk Wikipedia.

Later versions were uploaded by Tene at en.wikipedia., Licens: LGPL
This image is combined from the following two images.
Jute nahtlos.png
Forfatter/Opretter: SoylentGreen, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Hessian Fabric made seamless. It will serve to create a normal map in Blender.
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Forfatter/Opretter: MartijnL, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
Batik cloth purchased in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
MacLachlan hunting tartan (D. W. Stewart).svg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5
A representation of the Maclachlan hunting tartan. This tartan is the oldest tartan to bear the name MacLachlan. This tartan is referred to as the Old MacLachlan, MacLachlan, and Hunting MacLachlan. This sett was first published in Old & Rare Scottish Tartans by D. W. Stewart in 1893.
Thread count: Y6, W4, Bk32, G32, Y6, W4, R48.
Sources: MacLachlan Clan Tartan WR1710 MacLachlan Hunting Tartan
Zoomed view of carbon nanotube.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Diagram of a carbon nanotube.
Portrait of Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793)