Muses diskografi

Muses diskografi
Muse unde ren koncert i 2010
Muse unde ren koncert i 2010
Infoboksen er senest revideret 10. januar 2024.

Muses diskografi omfatter ni studiealbums, to livealbums, ét opsamlingsalbum, fire EP'er, 44 singler, 61 musikvideoer samt fire andre optrædener. Gruppen blev dannet i Teignmouth, Devon i 1994, og skrev kontrakt med Mushroom Records i Storbritannien og Maverick Records i USA før de udgav deres debutalbum Showbiz i 1999.[1] Albummet blev en succes i hele Europa og i Storbritannien nåede det nummer 29 på UK Albums Chart,[2] og blev certificeret platin af British Phonographic Industry (BPI).[3] Der blev udgivet fem singler fra Showbiz, og den sidste, "Unintended", blev gruppens første single i top 20 på UK Singles Chart.[4] Muse udgav deres andet album, Origin of Symmetry, i 2001, som nåede nummer 3 på UK Albums Chart og blev certificeret dobbelt platin af BPI.[2][3] De første tre singler fra albummet, "Plug In Baby", "New Born" og "Bliss", nåede alle i top 25 i Storbritannien.[4]

I 2002 udgav bandet deres første live videoalbum kaldet Hullabaloo: Live at Le Zenith, Paris, samt opsamlingsalbummet Hullabaloo Soundtrack.[1] Videoalbummet nåede nummer 2 pp UK Music Video Chart,[5] mens soundtrack-albummet nåede nummer 10 på UK Albums Chart.[2] Gruppens tredje studiealbum, Absolution, blev udgivet i 2003 via East West Records, og det blev gruppens først album der toppede UK Albums Chart.[2] Albummet nåede kun nummer 103 på US Billboard 200,[6] men er blevet certificeret platin af Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).[7] "Time Is Running Out" var den første af gruppens singler, der nåede ind i top 10, hvor den toppede som nummer otte.[4] Absolution Tour, der var et videoalbum som var optaget under Absolution promoveringskoncerter, nåede nummer ni UK Music Video Chart.[8]

Efter de havde etableret deres eget pladeselskab, Helium 3, og have skrevet kontrakt med Warner Bros. Records, udgav Muse Black Holes and Revelations i 2006. Albummet blev en kommerciel succes og toppede albumhitlister i flere alnde og det nåede ind i top 10 på Billboard 200.[6] Førstesinglen "Supermassive Black Hole" er gruppens hidtil mest succesfulde single, idet den toppede som nummer fire på UK Singles Chart.[4] Bandets første livealbum HAARP blev udgivet i 2008 og nåede andenpladsen på UK Albums Chart.[2] The Resistance blev herefter udgiveti 2009 og toppede albumhitlisterne i flere lande, og den nåede nummer 3 i USA.[6] Den første single fra albummet, "Uprising", blev gruppens første nummer som kom ind i top 40 på Billboard Hot 100,[9] og var samtidig deres fjerde der nåede ind i top 10 i Storbritannien.[4] Muse har fortsat med at have stor succes i de senere år – The 2nd Law (2012) og Drones (2015) toppede begge UK Albums Chart,[2] og sidstnævnte blev også bandets første udgivelse, som toppede Billboard 200.[6] I 2018 udkom Simulation Theory der nåede førstepladsen på UK Albums Chart. I 2022 udkom Will of the People, og det blev gruppens syvende album, der toppede UK Albums Chart.



Liste over studiealbums med udvalgte hitlisteplaceringer og certificeringer
TitleAlbumdetaljerPeak chart positionsCertificeringer
  • Udgivet: 7 September 1999
  • Pladeselskab: Mushroom/Taste
  • Formater: CD, LP, CS, MD
Origin of Symmetry
  • Udgivet: 17 July 2001
  • Pladeselskab: Mushroom/Taste
  • Formater: CD, LP, CS, MD
  • Udgivet: 15 September 2003
  • Pladeselskab: East West/Taste
  • Formater: CD, CD+DVD, LP, CS
Black Holes and Revelations
  • Udgivet: 3 July 2006
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3/Warner Bros.
  • Formater: CD, CD+DVD, DL
The Resistance
  • Udgivet: 14 September 2009
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3/Warner Bros.
  • Formater: CD, CD+DVD, LP, DL
The 2nd Law
  • Udgivet: 28 September 2012
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3/Warner Bros.
  • Formater: CD, CD+DVD, LP, DL
  • Udgivet: 5 June 2015
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3/Warner Bros.
  • Formater: CD, CD+DVD, LP, DL
Simulation Theory
  • Udgivet: 9 November 2018
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3/Warner Bros.
  • Formater: CD, LP, CS, DL
Will of the People
  • Udgivet: 26 August 2022
  • Pladeselskab: Warner, Helium-3
  • Formater: CD, LP, CS, DL
"—" nåede ikke hitlisterne eller blev ikke udgivet i dette område.


Liste over livealbums med udvalgte hitlisteplaceringer og certificeringer
TitleAlbumdetaljerHøjeste hitlisterplaceringCertificeringer
  • Udgivet: 17 March 2008
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3/Warner Bros.
  • Formater: CD+DVD, DL
Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
  • Udgivet: 2 December 2013
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3/Warner Bros.
  • Formater: CD+BD, CD+DVD, DL


Liste over opsamlingsalbums med udvalgte hitlisteplaceringer og certificeringer
TitelAlbumdetaljerHøjeste hitlisteplaceringCertificeringer
Hullabaloo Soundtrack
  • Udgivet: 1 July 2002
  • Pladeselskab: Mushroom/Taste
  • Format: 2CD


List of box sets, with selected chart positions
TitelAlbumdetaljerHøjeste hitlisteplacering
Origin of Muse
  • Udgivet: 6 December 2019
  • Pladeselskab: Helium-3, Warner
  • Formater: 9×CD+4×LP
Absolution XX
  • Udgivet: 17 November 2023
  • Pladeselskab: Warner
  • Formater: 2×CD+3×LP


Liste over EP'er
TitelEP detaljer
  • Udgivet: 11 May 1998
  • Pladeselskab: Dangerous
  • Format: CD
Muscle Museum
  • Udgivet: 11 January 1999
  • Pladeselskab: Dangerous
  • Format: CD
Random 1–8
  • Udgivet: 4 October 2000
  • Pladeselskab: Avex Trax
  • Format: CD
Summer Stadiums 2010
  • Udgivet: 15 November 2012
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3
  • Format: DL
Live at Köln Gloria Theatre
  • Udgivet: 24 September 2015
  • Pladeselskab: Helium 3
  • Format: DL


Liste over singler med udvalgte hitlisteplaceringer, certificeringer, udgivelseår og albumnavn
TitelÅrHøjeste hitlisterplaceringCertificeringerAlbum


"Muscle Museum"25[B]100
"Plug In Baby"2001114044426388Origin of Symmetry
"New Born"12653539
"Hyper Music/Feeling Good"24
"Dead Star/In Your World"200213763269Hullabaloo Soundtrack
"Stockholm Syndrome"2003Absolution
"Time Is Running Out"8[C]589026145038
"Sing for Absolution"200416[E]4736457
"Apocalypse Please"[F]
"Butterflies and Hurricanes"14703829
"Supermassive Black Hole"20064[G][H]511693933Black Holes and Revelations
"Knights of Cydonia"10[L][M]91
"Map of the Problematique"18[O][P]
"Uprising"200991267440111422837The Resistance
"Undisclosed Desires"493518197177021
"Exogenesis: Symphony"
"Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)"112433510253677The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
"Survival"20122213131887681240The 2nd Law
"Follow Me"313756
"Panic Station"[U][V]107
"Dead Inside"7149282353
"Dig Down"2017[AJ][AK]35[AL]47Simulation Theory
"Thought Contagion"201876[AM][AN]7[AO]24
"Something Human"[AP]4817[AQ][AR]77
"The Dark Side"[AS][AT]115
"Citizen Erased" (XX Anniversary RemiXX)2021Origin of Symmetry (XX Anniversary RemiXX)
"Megalomania" (XX Anniversary RemiXX)[56]
"Won't Stand Down"202256[AY]118[AZ]46Will of the People
"Will of the People"[BB]
"Kill or Be Killed"[BC]
"You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween"[BD]
"—" denotes a release that did not chart or was not issued in that region.

Andre sange

Liste over sange med udvalgte hitlisteplaceringer, certificeringer, udgivelseår og albumnavn
TitelÅrHøjeste hitlisterplaceringCertificeringAlbum




"Assassin"2006158Black Holes and Revelations
"Take a Bow"160
"City of Delusion"183
"Soldier's Poem"187
"Citizen Erased"2007122Origin of Symmetry
"Feeling Good" (live)200854721139HAARP
"Knights of Cydonia" (live)507
"United States of Eurasia"20092001421The Resistance
"MK Ultra"27
"Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)"31
"Unnatural Selection"32
"I Belong to You (+Mon Cœur S'ouvre a ta Voix)"35
"Guiding Light"36
"Exogenesis: Symphony Part III (Redemption)"38
"The 2nd Law: Unsustainable"201224100The 2nd Law
"Uprising" (live)201449Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
"The Handler"201513964[BE]Drones
409352Simulation Theory
"We Are Fucking Fucked"202223Will of the People
"—" nåede ikke hitlisterne eller blev ikke udgivet i dette område.



Liste over videoalbums med udvalgte hitlisteplacering og certificeringer
TitelAlbumdetealjerHøjeste hitlisteplcaeringCertificeringer

Hullabaloo: Live at Le Zenith, Paris
  • Udgivet: 1 July 2002
  • Pladeselskab: Mushroom/Taste
  • Formater: 2DVD, VHS
Absolution Tour
  • Udgivet: 12 December 2005
  • Pladeselskab: Warner Bros.
  • Formater: DVD
Muse: Drones World Tour
  • Udgivet: 12 July 2018
  • Lebel: Warner Bros.
  • Formater: Digital Download
"—" denotes a release that did not chart or was not issued in that region.


Liste over musikvideoer med angivelse af instruktør(er) og udgivelsesår
"Uno" (version 1)1999unknown[76]
"Muscle Museum"Joseph Kahn[77]
"Uno" (version 2)Wolf Gresenz, Bernard Wedig[78]
"Uno" (version 3)unknown[76]
"Sunburn"2000Nick Gordon[79]
"Unintended"Howard Greenhalgh[80]
"Muscle Museum" (US version)unknown[76]
"Plug In Baby"2001Howard Greenhalgh[81]
"New Born"David Slade[82]
"Hyper Music"
"Feeling Good"
"Dead Star"2002Tim Qualtrough[84]
"In Your World"Matt Askem[85]
"Time Is Running Out"2003John Hillcoat[86]
"Hysteria"2004Matt Kirby[87]
"Time Is Running Out" (US version)Tom Kirk[88]
"Stockholm Syndrome"Tim Qualtrough[89]
"Sing for Absolution"Stephen Tappin[90]
"Butterflies & Hurricanes"Tim Qualtrough[91]
"Hysteria" (US version)Jens Gehlhaar, Rob Feng[92]
"Stockholm Syndrome" (US version)2005Patrick Daughters[93]
"Supermassive Black Hole" (version 1)2006Floria Sigismondi[94]
"Supermassive Black Hole" (version 2)Tom Kirk[88]
"Knights of Cydonia"Joseph Kahn[95]
"Starlight"Paul Minor[96]
"Invincible"2007Jonnie Ross[97]
"Undisclosed Desires"Tom Kirk[99]
"Resistance"2010Wayne Isham[100]
"Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)"Anthony Mandler[101]
"MK Ultra"Derek Henderson[102]
"Survival"2012IOC Media[103]
"The 2nd Law: Unsustainable"Tom Kirk[104]
"Madness"Anthony Mandler[105]
"The 2nd Law: Isolated System"Tom Kirk[106]
"Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)"Tekken[107]
"Follow Me" (version 1)Tom Kirk[108]
"Follow Me" (version 2)Tekken[107]
"Supremacy"2013Terry Hall[109]
"Animals"Inês Freitas, Miguel Mendes[110]
"Panic Station"Tim Qualtrough[111]
"Psycho"2015Tom Kirk, Simon Bennett[112]
"Dead Inside"Robert Hales[113]
"Reapers"Tom Kirk[114]
"The Handler"Tom Kirk, Simon Bennett, Tom Jantol[115]
"[JFK] + Defector"Tom Kirk, Mike Isted[116]
"Mercy"Sing J. Lee[117]
"Revolt"Guy Shelmerdine[118]
"New Kind of Kick"Tom Kirk[119]
"Dig Down"2017Lance Drake[120]
"Thought Contagion"2018[121]
"Something Human"[122]
"The Dark Side"[123]
"Algorithm"Lance Drake, Tom Teller[125]
"Break It To Me"Lance Drake[126]
"Won't Stand Down"2022Jared Hogan[128]
"Compliance"Jeremi Durand[129]
"Will of the People"Tom Teller[130]
"Kill or Be Killed"Ben Lowe[131]
"You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween"Tom Teller[132]

Andre optrædener

Liste over andre optrædener med angivelse af år og albumnavn
"Balloonatic"1997Helping You Back to Work Volume 1[133]
"House of the Rising Sun"2002NME in Association with War Child Presents 1 Love[134]
"Man of Mystery"2007The Supermassive Selection[135]
"Lies" (live)2015BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge 2015[136]


  1. ^ "Origin of Muse" did not register on the Billboard 200, but did reach number 97 on the Current Album Sales chart.[36]
  2. ^ "Muscle Museum" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 13 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  3. ^ "Time Is Running Out" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 13 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  4. ^ "Hysteria" did not register on the Billboard Hot 100, but did reach number 18 on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart.[40]
  5. ^ "Sing for Absolution" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 17 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  6. ^ "Apocalypse Please" was not eligible to register on the UK Singles Chart, but did enter the UK Singles Downloads Chart at number 10.[41]
  7. ^ "Supermassive Black Hole" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 13 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  8. ^ "Supermassive Black Hole" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 13 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  9. ^ "Starlight" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 2 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  10. ^ "Starlight" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 6 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  11. ^ "Starlight" did not register on the Billboard Hot 100, but did reach number 1 on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart.[40]
  12. ^ "Knights of Cydonia" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 2 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  13. ^ "Knights of Cydonia" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 2 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  14. ^ "Invincible" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 23 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  15. ^ "Map of the Problematique" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 5 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  16. ^ "Map of the Problematique" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 15 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  17. ^ "Resistance" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 10 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  18. ^ "Resistance" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 5 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  19. ^ "Resistance" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 6.[45]
  20. ^ "Resistance" did not register on the Billboard Hot 100, but did reach number 14 on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart.[40]
  21. ^ "Panic Station" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 19 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  22. ^ "Panic Station" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 30 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  23. ^ "Dead Inside" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 7.[48]
  24. ^ "Dead Inside" did not register on the Billboard Hot 100, but did reach number 11 on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart.[40]
  25. ^ "Mercy" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 3 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  26. ^ "Mercy" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 11 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  27. ^ "Mercy" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 2.[49]
  28. ^ "Revolt" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 20 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  29. ^ "Revolt" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 19 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  30. ^ "Revolt" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 23.[48]
  31. ^ "Aftermath" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did register on the Ultratip Bubbling Under Singles chart.[37]
  32. ^ "Aftermath" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did register on the Ultratip Bubbling Under Singles chart.[38]
  33. ^ "Aftermath" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 28.[48]
  34. ^ "Reapers" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 43 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  35. ^ "Reapers" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 5.[48]
  36. ^ "Dig Down" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 13 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  37. ^ "Dig Down" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 13 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  38. ^ "Dig Down" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 17.[50]
  39. ^ "Thought Contagion" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 2 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  40. ^ "Thought Contagion" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 5 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  41. ^ "Thought Contagion" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 22.[51]
  42. ^ "Something Human" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 4 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  43. ^ "Something Human" did not enter the German Singles Chart, but peaked at number 5 on the Deutsche Alternative Singles Chart.[52]
  44. ^ "Something Human" did not enter the Netherlands Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 26.[53]
  45. ^ "The Dark Side" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 22 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  46. ^ "The Dark Side" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 20 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  47. ^ "The Dark Side" did not enter the Netherlands Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 14.[55]
  48. ^ "Pressure" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 3 on the Ultratip chart.[37]
  49. ^ "Pressure" did not register on the Ultratop 50 Singles chart, but did reach number 19 on the Ultratip chart.[38]
  50. ^ "Pressure" did not enter the Netherlands Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 15.[55]
  51. ^ "Won't Stand Down" did not enter the Australian ARIA Singles Chart but peaked at number 27 on the ARIA Digital Track Chart.[57]
  52. ^ "Won't Stand Down" did not enter the Netherlands Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number six.[58]
  53. ^ "Compliance" did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but peaked at number 45 on the UK Singles Sales Chart.[59]
  54. ^ "Will of the People" did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but peaked at number 96 on the UK Singles Sales Chart.[60]
  55. ^ "Kill or Be Killed" did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but peaked at number 81 on the UK Singles Sales Chart.[61]
  56. ^ "You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween" did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but peaked at number 3 on the UK Singles Sales Chart.[62]
  57. ^ "The Handler" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 9.[48]
  58. ^ "Defector" did not enter the Netherlands' Single Top 100 but peaked on the Netherlands' Single Tip Chart at number 18.[48]


  1. ^ a b Trendell, Andrew (6. november 2013). "Becoming Supermassive - the 23 defining moments of Muse's career". Gigwise. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Muse Official Chart History". Official Charts Company. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x "Certified Awards". British Phonographic Industry. Hentet 11. maj 2017. Note: User must manually define 'Keywords' parameter as "Muse" and click the 'Search' button in order to yield results.
  4. ^ a b c d e f UK Singles Chart peak positions for Muse singles:
  5. ^ "Official Music Video Chart Top 50: 07 July 2002 - 13 July 2002". Official Charts Company. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g "Muse Chart History: Billboard 200". Billboard. Hentet 5. september 2018.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Gold & Platinum: Search "Muse"". Recording Industry Association of America. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  8. ^ "Official Music Video Chart Top 50: 18 December 2005 - 24 December 2005". Official Charts Company. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  9. ^ a b "Muse Chart History: Hot 100". Billboard. Hentet 5. september 2018.
  10. ^ a b "Discography Muse". Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  11. ^ a b "Discographie Muse". (tysk). Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  12. ^ "Discography Muse". Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  13. ^ a b c d e "Discographie Muse". (fransk). Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  14. ^ a b c d e "Discography Muse". Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  15. ^ a b c d e "Discography Muse". Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  16. ^ a b c d e f "Discografie Muse". (tysk). Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  17. ^ a b c "Discography Muse". Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  18. ^ "ARIA Charts - Accreditations - 2008 Albums". Australian Recording Industry Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  19. ^ a b c d e f "Goud/Platina" (nederlandsk). Nederlandse Vereniging van Producenten en Importeurs. Arkiveret fra originalen 3. december 2019. Hentet 1. august 2018. Enter Muse in the field Artiest of titel.
  20. ^ "ARIA Charts - Accreditations - 2010 Albums". Australian Recording Industry Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p "Italian certifications – Muse" (PDF) (italiensk). Federation of the Italian Music Industry.
  22. ^ a b "ARIA Charts - Accreditations - 2007 Albums". Australian Recording Industry Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  23. ^ a b c "Tilastot: Kulta- ja platinalevyt: Artistit: Muse" (finsk). Musiikkituottajat. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  24. ^ "2006 Certification Awards - Platinum". Irish Recorded Music Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g h "Les Certifications: Notre Base de Données: Search "Muse"" (fransk). Syndicat National de l'Édition Phonographique. Arkiveret fra originalen 20. oktober 2017. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  26. ^ "ARIA Charts - Accreditations - 2009 Albums". Australian Recording Industry Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  27. ^ a b "Gold & Platin" (tysk). IFPI Austria. Arkiveret fra originalen 1. februar 2010. Hentet 11. maj 2017. Note: User must manually define the 'Interpret' parameter as "Muse" and click the 'Suchen' button in order to yield results.
  28. ^ "2009 Certification Awards - Platinum". Irish Recorded Music Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  29. ^ "2012 Certification Awards - Gold". Irish Recorded Music Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  30. ^ "ARIA Charts - Accreditations - 2015 Albums". Australian Recording Industry Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  31. ^ "Discography Muse". Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  32. ^ Scottish Albums Chart peak positions for Muse live albums:
  33. ^ a b c d e "Discographie Muse". (tysk). Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  34. ^ "Muse Longplay-Chartverfolgung". (tysk). Phononet. Arkiveret fra originalen 17. februar 2018. Hentet 16. februar 2018.
  35. ^ "Discographie von Muse" (tysk). GfK Entertainment. Hentet 13. december 2019.
  36. ^ "Muse Chart History: Current Album Sales". Billboard. Hentet 16. juli 2021.
  37. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r "Muse". (nederlandsk). Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  38. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p "Muse". (fransk). Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  39. ^ "Muse Single-Chartverfolgung". (tysk). Phononet. Arkiveret fra originalen 2. marts 2018. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  40. ^ a b c d "Muse Chart History: Bubbling Under Hot 100". Billboard. Hentet 5. september 2018.
  41. ^ "Official Singles Downloads Chart Top 20: 29 August 2004 – 04 September 2004". Official Charts Company. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  42. ^ a b c "Awards Search "Muse"". (tysk). Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  43. ^ "Goud en Platina - Singles 2011". (nederlandsk). Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  44. ^ "Les Certifications: Notre Base de Données: Search "Muse"" (fransk). Syndicat National de l'Édition Phonographique. Arkiveret fra originalen 3. maj 2017. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  45. ^ "Netherlands Single Tip Chart – 13/03/2010". MegaCharts. 13. marts 2010. Hentet 1. august 2018.
  46. ^ "Top Singoli – Classifica settimanale WK 11 (dal 2015-03-09 al 2015-03-15)" (italiensk). Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana. Hentet 2. november 2018.
  47. ^ "Top Singoli – Classifica settimanale WK 13 (dal 2015-03-23 al 2015-03-29)" (italiensk). Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana. Hentet 2. november 2018.
  48. ^ a b c d e f "Netherlands Single Tip Chart - 13/06/2015". MegaCharts. 13. juni 2015. Hentet 1. august 2018.
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  63. ^ UK Singles Chart peak positions for Muse songs:
  64. ^ UK Singles Downloads Chart peak positions for Muse songs:
  65. ^ UK Rock & Metal Singles Chart peak positions for Muse songs:
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  69. ^ UK Music Video Chart peak positions for Muse video albums:
  70. ^ Australian DVD Chart peak positions for Muse video albums:
  71. ^ "Dvd Musicaux: 11/02/2006". (fransk). Hung Medien. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
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  73. ^ Dutch DVD Chart peak positions for Muse video albums:
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  75. ^ "ARIA Charts - Accreditations - 2006 DVD". Australian Recording Industry Association. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  76. ^ a b c Beaumont, Mark (8. oktober 2008). Out of This World: The Story of Muse. London, England: Omnibus Press. s. 86. ISBN 978-1847723772.
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  83. ^ Myers, Ben (7. juni 2007). Muse: Inside the Muscle Machine. John Blake Publishing. s. 133. ISBN 978-0955282256. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
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  86. ^ Beaumont, Mark (7. april 2010). Out of This World: The Story of Muse. Omnibus Press. s. 270. ISBN 978-1849383684. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  87. ^ Hysteria (Medienoter). Muse. East West Records. 2004.{{cite AV media notes}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: others i cite AV media (noter) (link)
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  91. ^ "The Prodigy – The Stories Behind 10 Of Their Best-Loved Dancefloor Anthems To Date". NME. Time Inc. UK. 19. marts 2009. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  92. ^ "Muse "Hysteria"". Vimeo. 20. december 2010. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  93. ^ Grant, Sarah (22. maj 2016). "Watch Adele's Hypnotic 'Send My Love (To Your New Lover)' Video". Rolling Stone. Arkiveret fra originalen 24. maj 2016. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  94. ^ Clarke, Cath (26. august 2010). "First sight: Floria Sigismondi". The Guardian. Guardian Media Group. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  95. ^ Montgomery, James (9. august 2006). "Cowboys, Lasers, Karate, Robots – Muse Left Nothing Out Of Buzzworthy Video". MTV. Arkiveret fra originalen 5. oktober 2017. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  96. ^ Gottlieb, Steven (20. juli 2006). "Shot: Muse - Paul Minor, director". VideoStatic. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  97. ^ Gottlieb, Steven (30. marts 2007). "New Release: Muse "Invincible"". VideoStatic. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  98. ^ "Muse - Uprising". Vimeo. 1. juni 2011. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  99. ^ "Undisclosed Desires - Muse". Vevo. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  100. ^ Anitai, Tamar (11. januar 2010). "Video Sneak Peek: Muse, 'Resistance'". MTV. Arkiveret fra originalen 21. februar 2021. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  101. ^ "Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) - Muse". Vevo. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  102. ^ "2011 World's Best Television & Film Winners". New York Festivals. International Awards Group. Hentet 11. maj 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link)
  103. ^ Warren, Christina (4. juli 2012). "Get Pumped For London 2012 With Official Music Video". Mashable. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
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  112. ^ "Muse - Psycho [Official Lyric Video]". YouTube. 12. marts 2015. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  113. ^ Renshaw, David (28. april 2015). "Drones film modern dancers in Muse's 'Dead Inside' video – watch". NME. Time Inc. UK. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
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  115. ^ "Muse - The Handler [Official Lyric Video]". YouTube. 2. juni 2015. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  116. ^ "Muse - JFK + Detector [Official Lyric Video]". YouTube. 3. juni 2015. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  117. ^ "Muse - Mercy [Official Music Video]". YouTube. 8. juni 2015. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  118. ^ "Revolt". Muse. 3. november 2015. Arkiveret fra originalen 10. marts 2016. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  119. ^ Monroe, Jazz (28. oktober 2016). "Watch Muse Dress Up as the Cramps, Cover "New Kind of Kick" for Halloween". Pitchfork Media. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  120. ^ Leight, Elias (18. maj 2017). "See Muse's Violent, Kung-Fu-Filled 'Dig Down' Video". Rolling Stone. Arkiveret fra originalen 26. april 2018. Hentet 18. maj 2017.
  121. ^ MUSE - Thought Contagion [Official Music Video]. YouTube. 15. februar 2018. Hentet 15. februar 2018.
  122. ^ "MUSE - Something Human [Official Music Video]". Youtube. 19. juli 2018. Hentet 19. juli 2018.
  123. ^ MUSE - The Dark Side [Official Music Video]. YouTube. 30. august 2018. Hentet 30. august 2018.
  124. ^ MUSE - Pressure [Official Music Video]. YouTube. 27. september 2018. Hentet 27. september 2018.
  125. ^ "MUSE - Algorithm [Official Music Video]". YouTube. Hentet 8. november 2018.
  126. ^ "MUSE - Break It To Me [Official Music Video]". YouTube. Hentet 8. november 2018.
  127. ^ "MUSE - Blockades [Official Music Video]". YouTube. Hentet 8. november 2018.
  128. ^ "MUSE - WON'T STAND DOWN (Official Video)". YouTube. Hentet 13. januar 2022.
  129. ^ "MUSE - COMPLIANCE [Official Music Video]". YouTube. Hentet 16. marts 2022.
  130. ^ "MUSE - WILL OF THE PEOPLE [Official Music Video]". YouTube. Hentet 1. juni 2022.
  131. ^ "MUSE - KILL OR BE KILLED [Official Music Video]". YouTube. Hentet 21. juli 2022.
  132. ^ "MUSE - YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE IT'S HALLOWEEN [Official Music Video]". YouTube. Hentet 26. august 2022.
  133. ^ Beaumont, Mark (7. april 2010). Out of This World: The Story of Muse. London, England: Omnibus Press. s. 96. ISBN 978-1849383684. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  134. ^ "NME Presents: 1 Love - Various Artists: Songs, Reviews, Credits". AllMusic. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  135. ^ "Wembley Stadium Rockers Muse Compile Exclusive CD for NME Readers – and Record a New Track!". Time Inc. UK. Arkiveret fra originalen 21. marts 2016. Hentet 11. maj 2017.
  136. ^ "BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge 2015 - Various Artists: Songs, Reviews, Credits". AllMusic. Hentet 11. maj 2017.

Eksterne henvisninger

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Muse melbourne28012010.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: swampa, Licens: CC BY 2.0
El grup anglès de rock Muse en directe al Big Day Out 2010 a Melbourne, Austràlia