Mohammed Nadir Shah

Mohammed Nadir Shah

Mohammed Nadir Shah (født Mohammed Nadir 9. april 1883 - 8. november 1933) var konge af Afghanistan fra 1929 til han blev dræbt i 1933. Han havde tidligere været Amanullah Khans krigsminister.

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Flag of Afghanistan pre-1901.svg
The flag of Afghanistan between 1880 and 1901. The file is a solid black rectangle, and we also use it for the "black banner" of early Islam, i.e. the "Abbasid flag", i.e. the black flag used in the Abbasid Revolution from 747; equivalent in appearance but with a more intuitive (albeit misspelled) filename, File:Abbassid banner.svg may be used for that.
Mohammed Nadir Shah.jpg
Mohammed Nadir Khan, King of Afganistan (b.1880-d.1933)
Flag of Afghanistan (1880–1901).svg
The flag of Afghanistan between 1880 and 1901. The file is a solid black rectangle, and we also use it for the "black banner" of early Islam, i.e. the "Abbasid flag", i.e. the black flag used in the Abbasid Revolution from 747; equivalent in appearance but with a more intuitive (albeit misspelled) filename, File:Abbassid banner.svg may be used for that.