Mitsubishi Electric
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Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (三菱電機株式会社 Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki-gaisha) (TYO: 6503 LSE: MEL ) er en japansk multinational virksomhed indenfor fremstilling af elektronik og elektrisk udstyr. Koncernen har hovedsæde i Tokyo og beskæftiger 114.443 (2011) medarbejdere.[1] Det er et af kernemedlemmerne i Mitsubishi-konglomeratet. Virksomheden er grundlagt 15 januar 1921.
I USA fremstilles og sælges produkterne af Mitsubishi Electric US Holdings med hovedsæde i Cypress i Californien.[2]
- Mitsubishi Electric Global
- Mitsubishi Electric - Nordamerika
- Canada Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc. | Home Page
- Mitsubishi Electric United States Mitsubishi Electric USA - Changes for the Better - Mitsubishi Electric US
- Mitsubishi Electric Asia-Pacific MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ASIA-PACIFIC PORTAL WEB SITE Arkiveret 25. marts 2016 hos Wayback Machine
- Australien / New Zealand
- Kina
- Hongkong
- Taiwan
- Vietnam
- Japan - Mitsubishi Electric
- Der er i alt 11 faciliteter og 2 laboratorier, for eksempel i Kobe, Amagasaki og Kamakura.
- Sydkorea (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig)
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Mitsubishi Electric Saudi Ltd. (MELSA) - Saudi Arabien
- Mitsubishi Electric - Nordamerika
- Building Systems
- Klimaanlægs-systemer
- Elevatorer & rulletrapper
- Højhastighedshåndtører (markedsført som Mitsubishi Jet Towel[5])
- Communication Systems
- Kommunikationssystemer
- Informationssikkerhed
- Rumfartssystemer
- Industrial Automation
- Automationssystemer
- Industrielle automationsmaskiner
- Medical Systems
- Protonterapi - strålekanoner
- Power Systems
- Semiconductors & Devices
- Contact Image Sensors
- Elektroniske enheder
- Transportation
- Automobiludstyr
- Intelligente transportsystemer (ITS)
- Transportsystemer

- Radarsystemer til Mitsubishi F-2-jagerflyet.
- Tv-apparater
- Virksomhedens seneste mest notable tv-apparater i USA er kæmpestore HD-tv-fladskærme.
- Mitsubishi fremstillede LCD-TVs ind til 2008.
- Anno 2011 fokuserer virksomheden på DLP Højdefinitions-TV-apparater.
- Automobildele
- Fabriksautomatisering
- Elevatorer og rulletrapper Arkiveret 22. april 2005 hos Wayback Machine
- Virksomheden havde rekorden for verdens hurtigste elevator fra 1993 - 2005, det var elevatoren i den 70-etager høje Yokohama Landmark Tower-bygning.
- Klimaanlæg
- Energieffektive varmepumper og vandvarmere
- Affugtere
- Nødstrømsanlæg (UPS)systemer
- Mobiltelefoner fra 1999 til 2004. Fabrikeret for NTT DoCoMo
- Solcellepaneler[7].
- SCOPO - relæer.
- Mitsubishi har også tidligere fremstillet Videoer kendte som Mitsubishi Black Diamond VCR.
- Saffron Type System en spatial antialiasings tekstgengivelsesmaskine, udviklet af Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboritories (MERL)
- With you today and tomorrow (今日もあなたと共に 1962-1968 kun i Japan)
- Advanced and ever Advancing Mitsubishi Electric (未来を開発する三菱電機 1968-1985 i Japan, 1968-2001 udenfor Japan)
- SOCIO-TECH: enhancing lifestyles through technology (技術がつくる高度なふれあい SOCIO-TECH 1985-2001 i Japan. The "Blue MITSUBISHI"-logo blev introduceret til brug i Japan.)
- Changes for the Better (siden 2001)[8]
- Achievements
- Book Arkiveret 13. december 2012 hos Wayback Machine Site of former employee who wrote a book about working as a foreigner in the company.
- ^ "MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC About us - At-a-Glance". Hentet 2012-04-30.
- ^ "Mitsubishi Electric US Holdings, Inc".
- ^ "Mitsubishi Electric Locations".
- ^ "Mitsubishi Electric Products".
- ^ "Mitsubishi Jet Towl Website".
- ^ "Mitsubishi Digital Electronics Website".
- ^ "Mitsubishi Electric Introduces New UD5 Series of Photovoltaic Modules". Arkiveret fra originalen 10. oktober 2007. Hentet 17. oktober 2012.
- ^ "MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION History of the Corporate Logo". Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
Eksterne henvisninger
- Global website - English
- Mitsubishi HiFi classics & History (private German project)
- Jet Towel Europe - English
Medier brugt på denne side
Forfatter/Opretter: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Licens: CC BY 4.0
ALMA observatory equipped with its first antenna
High in the Atacama region in northern Chile, one of the world's most advanced telescopes has just passed a major milestone. The first of many state-of-the-art antennas has just been handed over to the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) project. ALMA is under construction on the plateau of Chajnantor, at an altitude of 5000 m. The telescope is being built by a global partnership, including ESO as the European partner.
ALMA will initially comprise 66 high precision antennas, with the option to expand in the future. There will be an array of fifty 12-metre antennas, acting together as a single giant telescope, and a compact array composed of 7-metre and 12-metre diameter antennas.
With ALMA, astronomers will study the cool Universe — the molecular gas and tiny dust grains from which stars, planetary systems, galaxies and even life are formed. ALMA will provide new, much-needed insights into the formation of stars and planets, and will reveal distant galaxies in the early Universe, which we see as they were over ten billion years ago.
The first 12-metre diameter antenna, built by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation for the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, one of the ALMA partners, has just been handed over to the observatory. It will shortly be joined by North American and European antennas.
"Our Japanese colleagues have produced this state-of-the-art antenna to exacting specifications. We are very excited about the handover because now we can fully equip this antenna for scientific observations," said Thijs de Graauw, ALMA Director.
Antennas arriving at the ALMA site undergo a series of tests to ensure that they meet the strict requirements of the telescope. The antennas have surfaces accurate to less than the thickness of a human hair, and can be pointed precisely enough to pick out a golf ball at a distance of 15 km.
"ALMA is very important to European astronomers and to ESO, the European partner in this project, because it allows us to look at the Universe in a way that has never been possible before. It really marks the start of a new era in astronomy," said Wolfgang Wild, the European ALMA Project Manager.
This antenna handover is a major milestone, as the observatory team can now proceed with integrating the rest of the components, including the sensitive receivers that will collect the faint cosmic signals from space.
The antennas are tested at the Operations Support Facility, at an altitude of 2900 m, before being moved to the plateau of Chajnantor at 5000 m. The Operations Support Facility will also be the observatory's control centre.
ALMA is being built on the Chajnantor plateau, high in the Chilean Andes, because the site's extreme dryness and altitude offer excellent conditions for observing the submillimetre-wavelength signals for which the telescope is designed.
In addition, the wide plateau at Chajnantor offers ample space for the construction of the antenna array, which is spread out and linked together over distances of more than 16 kilometres.
"The ALMA antennas must withstand the harsh conditions at Chajnantor with strong winds, cold temperatures and a thin atmosphere with half as much oxygen as at sea level. This forbidding environment also poses challenges for the workers building ALMA," said de Graauw.
The antennas, which each weigh about 100 tons, can be moved to different positions in order to reconfigure the ALMA telescope. This will be carried out by two custom-designed transporters, each of which is 10 metres wide, 20 metres long, and has 28 wheels (ESO 32/07).
The ALMA Project is a partnership between the scientific communities of East Asia, Europe and North America with Chile.
Notes for editors
ALMA will be the leading astronomical instrument for observing the cool Universe – the molecular gas and dust that constitute the building blocks of stars, planetary systems, galaxies and of life itself.
ALMA will operate at wavelengths of 0.3 to 9.6 mm. At these wavelengths, a high, dry site is needed for the telescope to be able to see through the Earth's atmosphere. This is why ALMA is being built on the 5000 m high plateau of Chajnantor in the Atacama region of Chile. ALMA will offer unprecedented sensitivity and resolution. The 12-metre antennas will have reconfigurable baselines ranging from 15 m to 16 km. Resolutions as fine as 0.005 arcseconds will be achieved at the shortest wavelengths – a factor of ten better than the Hubble Space Telescope.
The ALMA project is a partnership between Europe, Japan and North America in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA is funded in Europe by ESO, in Japan by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences in cooperation with the Academia Sinica in Taiwan and in North America by the U.S. National Science Foundation in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada. ALMA construction and operations are led on behalf of Europe by ESO, on behalf of Japan by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and on behalf of North America by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which is managed by Associated Universities, Inc.