Miss Universe 1960
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Miss Universe 1960 var den 9. Miss Universe konkurrence. Den blev afholdt 9. juli i Miami Beach i Florida, USA. Miss USA, den 18-årige Linda Bement, vandt konkurrencen.
Final results | Contestant |
Miss USA 2023 | |
1st Runner-up |
2nd Runner-up |
3rd Runner-up |
4th Runner-up |
Top 10 |
Top 16 |
Final results | Contestant |
Miss World Universe 2021 | |
1st Runner-up |
2nd Runner-up |
Top 5 |
Top 10 |
Top 25 |
Final results | Contestant |
Miss Global World 2021 | |
1st Runner-up | |
2nd Runner-up | |
3rd Runner-up | |
4th Runner-up | |
Top 10 |
Top 16 |
Order | Episode | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |||||||||||||
1 | Mia | Zeline | Beauty | Kelley | Iko | Beauty | Kelley | Iko | Mia | Beauty | Mia | Beauty | Beauty | |||||||||||
2 | Claire | Nametha | Wiwi | Hody | Mia | Iko | Hody | Beauty | Hody | Kelley | Beauty | Kelley | Kelley | |||||||||||
3 | Beauty | Hody | Kelley | Mia | Zeline | Mia | Iko | Mia | Iko | Iko | Kelley | Mia | ||||||||||||
4 | Hody | Beauty | Iko | Zeline | Kelley | Claire | Beauty | Kelley | Beauty | Mia | Iko | |||||||||||||
5 | Wiwi | Kelley | Claire | Nametha | Hody | Kelley | Zeline | Zeline | Kelley | Hody | ||||||||||||||
6 | Zeline | Claire | Zeline | Beauty | Claire | Hody | Mia | Hody | Zeline | |||||||||||||||
7 | Iko | Mia | Mia | Iko | Wiwi | Zeline | Claire | |||||||||||||||||
8 | Kelley | Cass | Lena | Lena | Beauty | Wiwi | ||||||||||||||||||
9 | Nametha | Lena | Hody | Wiwi | Lena Nametha | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | Lena | Wiwi | Cass | Claire | ||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Cass | Jennifer | Nametha | Cass | ||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Prisca | Iko | Jennifer | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Jennifer | Prisca | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Barbara |
Place | Model | Episode | Total Score | ||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | ||||
1 | Beauty | 35.0 | 37.8 | 42.0 | 38.0 | 34.7 | 42.5 | 39.2 | 42.0 | 39.0 | 43.0 | 47.0 | 49.0 | WIN | 489.2 |
2 | Kelley | 32.0 | 37.0 | 40.5 | 45.5 | 40.0 | 38.4 | 43.8 | 39.0 | 38.3 | 41.8 | 44.2 | 47.8 | OUT | 488.3 |
3 | Mia | 38.0 | 34.6 | 36.6 | 41.4 | 42.1 | 40.0 | 37.6 | 40.3 | 41.5 | 40.3 | 48.1 | 47.0 | 487.5 | |
4 | Iko | 33.0 | 29.0 | 39.0 | 37.5 | 44.0 | 41.4 | 40.5 | 44.4 | 39.9 | 41.0 | 43.0 | 432.7 | ||
5 | Hody | 34.7 | 38.0 | 33.8 | 43.0 | 38.2 | 38.0 | 41.0 | 37.0 | 40.8 | 39.9 | 384.4 | |||
6 | Zeline | 33.7 | 40.6 | 37.5 | 40.1 | 41.3 | 36.6 | 38.4 | 37.5 | 38.0 | 343.7 | ||||
7 | Claire | 36.1 | 35.0 | 38.1 | 32.4 | 36.5 | 39.0 | 37.0 | 254.1 | ||||||
8 | Wiwi | 34.1 | 31.5 | 41.7 | 33.0 | 35.5 | 35.2 | 211.0 | |||||||
9-10 | Lena | 31.1 | 32.0 | 35.0 | 35.3 | 33.0 | 166.4 | ||||||||
Nametha | 31.5 | 40.0 | 31.2 | 39.5 | 33.0 | 175.2 | |||||||||
11 | Cass | 31.0 | 34.0 | 33.0 | 31.2 | 129.2 | |||||||||
12 | Jennifer | 28.5 | 30.3 | 30.5 | 89.3 | ||||||||||
13 | Prisca | 29.0 | 27.5 | 56.5 | |||||||||||
14 | Barbara | 27.4 | 27.4 |
Order | Episode | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||||||||||
1 | Pim | Ashlyn | Jolene | Zorzo | Han | Jolene | Sabita | Han | Jachin | Han | Jachin | Jachin | Han | ||||||||||
2 | Jolene | Zorzo | Han | Jolene | Sabita | Sabita | Zorzo | Jachin | Han | Sabita | Han | Han | Jachin | ||||||||||
3 | Han | Jachin | Jachin | Sabita | Jolene | Zorzo | Jolene | Sabita | Zorzo | Jachin | Sabita | Zorzo | Zorzo | ||||||||||
4 | Ashlyn | Han | Tessa | Han | Pim | Jachin | Jachin | Zorzo | Sabita | Wilda | Zorzo | Sabita | |||||||||||
5 | Jachin | Coco | Zorzo | Ashlyn | Zorzo | Han | Ashlyn | Jolene | Jolene | Zorzo | Wilda | ||||||||||||
6 | Zorzo | Hannah | Ashlyn | Jachin | Tessa | Pim | Han | Ashlyn | Jolene | ||||||||||||||
7 | Coco | Pim | Pim | Tessa | Ashlyn | Ashlyn | Pim | ||||||||||||||||
8 | Rita | Jolene | Coco | Coco | Jachin | Tessa | |||||||||||||||||
9 | Tessa | Tessa | Sabita | Pim | Coco | ||||||||||||||||||
10 | Hannah | Wilda | Hannah | Hannah | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | Sabita | Sabita | Anujin | ||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Anujin | Anujin | Wilda | ||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Wilda | Rita | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Kiko |
Place | Model | Episode | Total Score | ||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||
1 | Han | 42.1 | 37.6 | 44.0 | 40.2 | 46.0 | 36.1 | 34.4 | 48.2 | 46.6 | 47.6 | 44.1 | 45.3 | WIN | 512.2 |
2 | Jachin | 40.2 | 39.0 | 43.3 | 37.0 | 32.0 | 38.0 | 37.0 | 47.4 | 48.3 | 45.1 | 47.6 | 47.9 | OUT | 502.8 |
3 | Zorzo | 38.8 | 40.5 | 40.4 | 47.2 | 37.7 | 42.5 | 43.0 | 43.2 | 44.1 | 40.8 | 40.5 | 41.8 | OUT | 500.5 |
4 | Sabita | 29.7 | 22.5 | 32.1 | 42.8 | 45.8 | 46.3 | 45.8 | 46.5 | 41.2 | 47.0 | 43.8 | 41.0 | 484.5 | |
5 | Wilda | 26.5 | 25.0 | 29.8 | 42.0 | 40.0 | 163.3 | ||||||||
6 | Jolene | 43.8 | 30.5 | 45.7 | 42.9 | 41.1 | 47.1 | 41.1 | 38.3 | 39.5 | 39.6 | 409.6 | |||
7 | Ashlyn | 41.4 | 42.8 | 38.5 | 37.8 | 34.6 | 30.7 | 36.3 | 37.9 | 300.0 | |||||
8 | Pim | 44.6 | 33.0 | 36.0 | 33.5 | 39.7 | 32.0 | 33.8 | 252.6 | ||||||
9 | Tessa | 33.1 | 28.6 | 41.0 | 36.0 | 35.1 | 30.3 | 173.8 | |||||||
10 | Coco | 36.9 | 35.8 | 33.6 | 33.8 | 30.5 | 170.6 | ||||||||
11 | Hannah | 31.8 | 33.7 | 31.5 | 31.2 | 128.2 | |||||||||
12 | Anujin | 28.8 | 20.3 | 30.3 | 79.4 | ||||||||||
13 | Rita | 35.5 | 19.2 | 54.7 | |||||||||||
14 | Kiko | 25.4 | 25.4 |
Nominations Table
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | |||||||||||||||
Day 81 | Finale | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Armando | Mariana Ricardo | Daniela David | Candela Sergio | Sergio Issabela | Issabela Roberto | Sergio Roberto | Sergio Issabela | Sergio Mark | Sergio Issabela Manola | Fernando Sergio Lambda | Sergio Manola Lambda | Manola Lambda | ||||||||||||||
Fernando | Not in House | Exempt | Daniela Sergio | Issabela Andrea | Roberto Sergio | Roberto Issabela | Sergio Mark | Sergio Issabela David | Sergio Montserrat Lambda | Montserrat Sergio Armando | Montserrat Lambda | |||||||||||||||
Lambda | Candela Mark | Mariana Daniela | Candela Sergio | Armando Sergio | Sergio Andrea | Sergio David | Fernando Sergio | Armando Mark | Issabela Montserrat Sergio | Sergio Montserrat David | Montserrat Armando Sergio | |||||||||||||||
Manola | Not in House | Exempt | Roberto Ricardo | Roberto David | David Sergio | Sergio David Armando | Sergio Lambda David | Armando Sergio Lambda | ||||||||||||||||||
Montserrat | Armando Roberto | Andrea Sergio | Ricardo Issabela | Sergio David | Issabela Sergio | Ricardo David | Sergio David Roberto | David Sergio | David Sergio Fernando | David Sergio Fernando | Sergio Lambda Manola | |||||||||||||||
Sergio | Roberto Julio | Daniela Ricardo | Armando Andrea | Armando Mark | Lambda Armando | Mark Montserrat | Armando Fernando | Armando Manola | Montserrat Armando Manola | Armando Montserrat Fernando | Manola Montserrat Armando | Evicted (Day 78) | ||||||||||||||
David | Mariana Montserrat | Andrea Ricardo | Ricardo Issabela | Sergio Daniela | Andrea Sergio | Sergio Issabela | Armando Sergio | Sergio Manola | Issabela Sergio Manola | Montserrat Sergio Fernando | Evicted (Day 71) | |||||||||||||||
Issabela | Mariana Julio | Daniela Candela | Candela Lambda | Daniela Andrea | Armando Fernando | Mark Ricardo | Armando Fernando | Armando | Manola Armando Fernando | Evicted (Day 64) | ||||||||||||||||
Mark | Sergio Ricardo | Andrea Mariana | Issabela Candela | Daniela Andrea | Lambda Fernando | Fernando Lambda | David Roberto | David Montserrat | Evicted (Day 57) | |||||||||||||||||
Roberto | Armando Mariana | Daniela Ricardo | David Candela | Fernando Daniela | Ricardo Fernando | Ricardo Fernando | Manola Fernando | Evicted (Day 50) | ||||||||||||||||||
Ricardo | Julio Daniela | Mariana Mark | Sergio Andrea | Mark Andrea | Fernando Sergio | Fernando Manola | Evicted (Day 43) | |||||||||||||||||||
Andrea | Mark Julio | Lambda Ricardo | Sergio Issabela | Sergio Armando | Issabela Fernando | Evicted (Day 36) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Daniela | Issabela Candela | Sergio Andrea | Sergio Issabela | Armando Issabela | Evicted (Day 29) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Candela | David Daniela | Mariana Daniela | Armando Sergio | Evicted (Day 22) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Mariana | Montserrat Andrea | Ricardo Roberto | Evicted (Day 15) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Julio | Ricardo Andrea | Evicted (Day 8) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Head of Household | Lambda | Issabela | Daniela | Lambda | David | Armando | Montserrat | Fernando | Lambda | Manola | Fernando | None | ||||||||||||||
Nominated | Mariana Julio Armando Ricardo | Daniela Andrea Mariana Ricardo | Sergio Candela Issabela Armando Ricardo | Sergio Daniela Armando Andrea Mark | Issabela Fernando Sergio Andrea Lambda | Sergio Ricardo Fernando Roberto | Sergio Armando Roberto David Fernando | Sergio David Armando Mark | Sergio Issabela David Manola | Sergio Montserrat Fernando David | Sergio Montserrat Armando Manola | |||||||||||||||
Power to Save Holder | Armando | Montserrat | Montserrat | Issabela | Ricardo | Sergio | Fernando | Montserrat | Manola | Sergio | Fernando | None | ||||||||||||||
Saved | Armando | Daniela | Armando | Sergio | Lambda | Sergio | David | Armando | Manola | Sergio | Manola | None | ||||||||||||||
Against public vote | Mariana Julio Ricardo | Andrea Mariana Ricardo | Sergio Candela Issabela Ricardo | Daniela Armando Andrea Mark | Issabela Fernando Sergio Andrea | Ricardo Fernando Roberto | Sergio Armando Roberto Fernando | Sergio David Mark | Sergio Issabela David | Montserrat Fernando David | Sergio Montserrat Armando | |||||||||||||||
Evicted | Julio Fewest votes to save | Mariana Fewest votes to save | Candela Fewest votes to save | Daniela Fewest votes to save | Andrea Fewest votes to save | Ricardo Fewest votes to save | Roberto Fewest votes to save | Mark Fewest votes to save | Issabela Fewest votes to save | David Fewest votes to save | Sergio Fewest votes to save | |||||||||||||||
Saved by public vote | Mariana Ricardo Most votes to save | Andrea Ricardo Most votes to save | Sergio Issabela Ricardo Most votes to save | Armando Andrea Mark Most votes to save | Issabela Fernando Sergio Most votes to save | Fernando Roberto Most votes to save | Sergio Armando Fernando Most votes to save | Sergio David Most votes to save | Sergio David Most votes to save | Montserrat Fernando Most votes to save | Montserrat Armando Most votes to save |
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- Recreated by Stannered
- Originals: User:Renesis, Silsor
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grøn | rendered as RGB 0 119 73 | Pantone 3415 C |
gul | rendered as RGB 255 184 28 | Pantone 1235 C |
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