Marokkos flag

Marokkos flag
Marokkos koffardiflag
Marokkos orlogsflag

Marokkos flag er et rødt flag med et grøn pentagram i midten. Størrelsesforholdet er 2:3. Skønt dagens flag blev taget i brug ved Marokkos uafhængighed fra Frankrig i 1956, har det også en langt ældre historie.

Frem til midten af 1600-tallet havde Marokko et helt hvidt flag, men under Alaouitedynastiet blev farven ændret til dyb rød, som er symbolet på profeten Muhammeds efterkommere. Det ensfarvede flag forblev uforandret til begyndelsen af det franske protektorat. I denne periode skabte rødfarvede flag en del forvirring, eftersom de nye kommuniststater også valgte rødt som hovedfarve på sine flag. Det blev derfor bestemt at nationalflaget skulle bære en grøn sekstakket stjerne i midten. Denne stjerne blev i 1915 ændret til en femtakket stjerne. Der er nogen usikkerhed hvorfor denne ændring fandt sted, men den gængse opfattelse er, at de fem takker på stjernen repræsenterer de fem søjler som islam bygger på, hvorimod den sekstakkede stjerne kunne forveksles med den jødiske Davidsstjerne.

Under det franske protektorat (1919-46) førte Marokko et koffardiflag baseret på den røde dug med det grønne pentagram, med den franske tricolore indsat i kantonen. I den spanske zone blev der i årene 1937-56 ført et helt andet koffardiflag. Dugen var også i dette flag rød, men pentagrammet var hvidt og sat i et grønt felt i kantonen. Disse flag forsvandt ved Marokkos uafhængighed i 1956.

Koffardi- og orlogsflag

Marokkos koffardiflag og orlogsflag er begge varianter af nationalflaget. Koffardiflaget har en gul krone i øvre hjørne ved stangen, mens orlogsflaget har fire gule kroner, en i hvert hjørne.


Marokkos kongeflag er en kvadratisk grøn dug med det kongelige våben i midten.

Historiske flag


  • Album des pavillons nationaux et des marques distinctives. National flags and distinctive markings, Service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine, Brest, 2000
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Medier brugt på denne side

Flag of Morocco 1073 1147.svg
A white flag inscribed with the Shahada (in Maghrebi script).

This is supposedly a banner used by the Almoravid dynasty in Morocco (11th to 12th centuries). This claim is apparently due to an entry at the "Flags of the World" website:

"The use of the flag in Morocco as a symbol of the state dates way back to the Almoravide dynasty (1062-1125 AD). Prior to this time, white silk banners were often carried in battle,sometimes with Koranic inscriptions written on them. The Almoravides institutionalized this practice. They gave one banner to every unit of 100 soldiers; the leaders always carried one inscribed: «There is no god but god, and Mohammad is His Prophet». The two following dynasties (the Merinides and the Saadiens) continued the use of the White flag as the symbol of the State." (Dov Gutterman, 17 Apr 1999)

Note that no source is being given for this claim, the best we can do at this point is say that we heard it from Dov Gutterman in 1999. Also note that the imlied claim that the modern form of the shahada was written on the flags.

This is not only unsubstatiated but also implausible, as medieval sources tend to give a longer form of the shahada, lā ilāha illā-llāh waḥdahu lā šarīka lahu, muḥammadan ʿabduhu wa rasūluhu. It is completely unclear when the modern form is first recorded, let alone when it can first be shown to have been written on a flag (the earliest positive reference we have for this in the en-wiki's shahada article is the earliest 20th century, possibly (without explicit reference) traceable to flags used by Wahhab in the 18th century.
Flag of Morocco (1666–1915).svg
Flag of Morocco during the rule of the Alaouite dynasty (17-20).
Flag of Morocco 1258 1659.svg
Flag/War-flag of Marinid (1258-1420) and Saadi (1554-1659) dynasties in Morocco. White banner is also reported.
Merchant flag of French Morocco.svg
Forfatter/Opretter: Flaspec, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Merchant flag of the French Protectorate of Morocco (NOT the national flag).
Flag of International Tangier.svg
Merchant flag of international zone of Tangier.
Flag template.svg
  • Inkwina
  • Urutseg
, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Иконка для статей-заготовок о флагах.
Merchant flag of Spanish Morocco.svg
Merchant flag of the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco (NOT the national flag).
Flag of Morocco (780 1070) (1258 1659).svg
Flag/banner of Idrisid (780-974) dynasty in Morocco. Also used as a banner (NOT flag) during Marinid (1258-1420) and Saadi (1554-1659) dynasties.
Flag of Morocco (1147-1269).svg
The oldest known flag of Morocco, is shown in the Libro de Conoscimiento de Todos los Reynos (an online version is available here, see page 26). This flag is supposed to have been used by the rulers in Morocco in XI-XIIIth century. The flag is red with a 64-square chessboard placed in the middle of the flag. The upper left square of the chessboard is white.