

Topografisk kommunekort
december 2015

Maastricht kommunes beliggenhed i Nederlandene
Kommune:120.2[1] (1. april 2016)
 - Areal:60,03 km²
 - Befolkningstæthed:2155 pr. km²
Tidszone:UTC +1
Højde m.o.h.:49 m Rediger på Wikidata
Information med symbolet Billede af blyant hentes fra Wikidata. Kildehenvisninger foreligger sammesteds.

Maastricht (Om denne lydfil udtale ?; Limburgsk: Mestreech /məsˈtʁeːç/; fransk: Meuse) er en kommune og en by, beliggende i den sydlige provins Limburg i Nederlandene. Kommunens areal er på 60,03 km², og indbyggertallet er på 122.418 pr. 1. april 2016.[1]

Maquette over byen Maastricht i 1750

Byen ligger nordøst for grænsen til Belgien og vest for grænsen til Tyskland, og der er togforbindelser til Belgien, Heerlen og Eindhoven.

Billedtavlen ses i udstillingsbygningen i bydelen Wyck-Céramique


Byen ligger ved bredderne af floden Maas. Den blev grundlagt af romerne ved et vadested,[2] (Latinsk: Traiectum Mosae, Traiectum ad Mosam, Mosa-trajectum) Også navnet Utrecht stammer fra det latinske Traiectum eller Triecht. Derfor blev navnet af floden tilføjet.[3] I 1051 blev for første gang navnet Masetrieth nedskrevet som senere blev bøjet til Maastricht.[4]

I 300-tallet etablerede den kristne biskop Skt. Servatius (død i 384, nederlandsk: Sint Servaas) et bispedømme i Maastricht. Den ældste bro over Maas er opkaldt efter ham, Skt. Servatiusbroen (nederlandsk: Sint Servaasbrug). Ligeledes den ældste kirke, Skt. Servatiuskirken (nederlandsk: Sint Servaaskerk).

I 1992 blev Maastricht-traktaten underskrevet her, hvilket skabte den Europæiske Union.


Maastricht består af fem bydele og mere end 40 landsbyer og bebyggelser.

  1. Maastricht Centrum (Binnenstad, Jekerkwartier, Kommelkwartier, Statenkwartier, Boschstraatkwartier, Sint Maartenspoort, Wyck-Céramique)
  2. Sydvest: (Villapark, Jekerdal, Biesland, Campagne, Wolder, Sint Pieter)
  3. Nordvest: (Brusselsepoort, Mariaberg, Belfort, Pottenberg, Malpertuis, Caberg, Malberg, Dousberg-Hazendans, Daalhof, Boschpoort, Bosscherveld, Frontenkwartier, Belvédère, Lanakerveld)
  4. Nordøst: (Beatrixhaven, Borgharen, Itteren, Meerssenhoven, Wyckerpoort, Wittevrouwenveld, Nazareth, Limmel, Amby)
  5. Sydøst: (Randwyck, Heugem, Heugemerveld, Scharn, Heer, De Heeg, Vroendaal)

Landsbyerne Itteren, Borgharen, Limmel, Amby, Heer, Heugem, Scharn, Oud-Caberg, Sint Pieter og Wolder har været selvstændige kommuner eller landsbyer men blev i løbet af 1900-tallet indlemmet i Maastricht Kommune.


  • Neerharen (B*)
  • Bunde
  • Meerssen
  • Berg en Terblijt
  • Bemelen
  • Cadier en Keer
  • Gronsveld
  • Oost
  • Ternaaien (B)
  • Kanne (B)
  • Vroenhoven (B)
  • Kesselt (B)
  • Veldwezelt (B)
  • Lanaken (B)

Kendte fra Maastricht

André Rieu
  • Lambert af Maastricht (c. 636 – c. 705) – biskop, sankt
  • Henrietta d'Oultremont (1792–1864) – 2. kone af Vilhelm 1. af Nederlandene
  • André Rieu (født 1949) – violinist, conductor og musikskriver
  • Maxime Verhagen (født 1956) – politiker
  • Frans Timmermans (født 1961) – politiker
  • Pieter van den Hoogenband (født 1978) – swømmer og tredobbelt Olympisk Mester
  • Tom Dumoulin (født 1990) – cyklist


I 2002 adopterede Maastricht Kommune den lokale hymne (Limburgsk: 'Mestreechs Volksleed', nederlandsk: Maastrichts Volkslied) med tekst skrevet på Maastrichtsk dialekt. Musikken var skrevet i 1910 af Ciprian Porumbescu (1853–1883).[5]

Maastrichtsk Kommunes folkesang (Mestreechs Volksleed) (adopteret i 2002, skrevet i 1910)
Hoera! Vivat! Mestreech!!!
Jao diech höbs us aon 't hart gelege,
Mestreech, door alle ieuwe heer.
Veer bleve diech altied genege
En deilde dreufheid en plezeer.
Veer huurde nao dien aw histories
Te peerd op grampeer ziene sjoet.
Ues ouge blónke bij dien glories ·
Of perelde bij diene noet.
En dee vaan diech 't sjoens wèlt prijze,
In taol, die al wie zinge klink,
Dat dee op nui Mestreechter wijze
Zien aajd Mestreech mèt us bezingk.
Me zong vaan diech ten alle tije,
Eus mojers zonge bij de weeg,
En voolte veer us rech tevreie
Daan zong ze e leedsje vaan Mestreech.
Doe, blom vaan Nederlands landouwe,
Gegreujd op 't graaf vaan Sintervaos,
Bis weerdig dobbel te besjouwe,
Gespiegeld in de blanke Maos.
'n Staar, De witste oet de klaore,
Besjijnt diech mèt häör straole zach
En, um diech zuver te bewaore,
'nen Ingel hèlt bij diech de wach.
Wie dèks woorste neet priesgegeve,
Mèh heels dien kroen toch opgeriech
En ongeknak bis te gebleve,
Door euze band vaan trouw aon diech.
Daorum de hand us tòwgestoke,
't Oug geriech op 't stareleech;
En weur dat oug daan ins gebroke,
Daan beidt veur us het aajd Mestreech.


Vrijthof, en tidlig morgen
Vrijthof, en tidlig morgen
Panorama fra "Sint Servatiusbrug" over Maas
Panorama fra "Sint Servatiusbrug" over Maas

Eksterne henvisninger

  1. ^ a b CBS, Statline
  2. ^ Et vadested i Mase
  3. ^ Nicoline van der Sijs (2001), Chronologisch woordenboek. De ouderdom en herkomst van onze woorden en betekenissen, blz. 100, Uitgeverij L.J. Veen, Amsterdam/Antwerpen, ISBN 90-204-2045-3
  4. ^ M. Gysseling (1960), Toponymisch Woordenboek van België, Nederland, Luxemburg, Noord-Frankrijk en West-Duitsland (vóór 1226), blz. 646-647, George Michiels N.V., Tongeren
  5. ^ Municipality of Maastricht (2008). "Municipality of Maastricht: Maastrichts Volkslied". N.A. Maastricht. Arkiveret fra originalen 30. september 2011. Hentet 2009-08-05.

50°52′N 5°41′Ø / 50.87°N 5.68°Ø / 50.87; 5.68

Medier brugt på denne side

No image.svg
A 1×1 transparent image. Useful for when a template requires an image but you don't have one.
20130504 Maastricht Céramique 09 Charles Eyckpark.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Mark Ahsmann, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
2013-05-04 in Maastricht; Céramique; Charles Eyckpark
Apsis Onze Lieve Vrouwkerk Maastricht.jpg
Apsis van Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk in Maastricht
2016 Maastricht, St-Servaasbasiliek, westwerk 06.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Kleon3, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
View from the southwest of the the 12th-century Westwork of the Basilica of Saint Servatius in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Forfatter/Opretter: Kleon3, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maastricht, the Netherlands. Panoramic view from mount Sint-Pietersberg towards the valley of the Jeker and the Cannerbos in the West. In the front a border marker: The photo is taken from the Dutch side towards the Belgian side.
Schoolplaat Nederland in woord en beeld - Turfwinning in Drenthe (P R Bos, B Bueninck, uitg J B Wolters.1915), collectie Centre Céramique, Maastricht.jpg
Educational wall picture formerly used in primary schools in the Netherlands. Here: "Peat bog in Drenthe", published in 1915 by J B Wolters in Groningen. Collection Centre Céramique, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Province: Limburg is a part of the Netherlands
145 Maastricht.ogg
Forfatter/Opretter: Quichot, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Quichot Little ogg: pronounciation of Dutch city
Maastricht 2008 Fortress Sint Pieter 02.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The early 18th-century Fort Sint Pieter - Fortress Saint Peter - in Maastricht. A thorough restoration finished in 2008.
Maastricht2013, Avenue Céramique02.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Kleon3, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maastricht, the Netherlands. View of 'Siza's Tower', designed by Álvaro Siza. one of the buildings on Avenue Céramique, the main avenue in the newly developped Céramique district.
Maastricht 2008 Lang Grachtje.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Lange Grachtje street in Maastricht, with a remaining section of the solid first city wall.
13th century Dominican church converted into a bookstore in Maastricht, the Netherlands.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Sb2s3, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
13th century Dominican church converted into a bookstore in Maastricht, the Netherlands
Maastricht 2008 Saint Servatius Basilica.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk) (Transferred by Grondemar/Originally uploaded by The Sundowners), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The famous Saint Servatius Basilica at the Vrijthof square in Maastricht.
Localização de Maastricht
Reliquary chest of Saint Servatius in the Treasury of the Basilica of Saint Servatius, Maastricht, Netherlands. So-called 'Christ panel' and 'Saint Peter side' of the chest. From left to right on the Saint Peter panel: St Peter, St Andrew, St Matthew, St Thomas, St Judas (Thaddeus) and St Simeon. Mosan (Maastricht?), gilded copper over wood.
Wapen van Maastricht.svg
Coat of arms of the Dutch municipality of Maastricht, Limburg.
Forfatter/Opretter: Janwillemvanaalst, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Reliëfbeeld van de gemeente, o.b.v. het Actuele Hoogtebestand Nederland (AHN2, open data) met subtiele elementen uit de Basisregistratie Topografie (BRT/Top10NL, open data). Kaartbeeld samengesteld door Jan-Willem van Aalst.
Maastricht - rijksmonument 527161 - Museumkelder Derlon 20100821.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Otter, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
National monument 527161 - Museum Derlon, Plankstraat 21, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Maastricht, the Netherlands, the Market Suare. Spanish troops raiding the city in 1576.
Maastricht 2008 Meuse River.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk) (Transferred by Grondemar/Originally uploaded by The Sundowners), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Meuse River cuts right through Maastricht, as seen here from the John F. Kennedy Bridge. The Hoge Brug - High Bridge - and Sint Servaasbrug - Saint Servatius Bridge - can be seen further up the river.
Panoramio - henkiedenkie - Station Maastricht - 2009.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: henkiedenkie, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Station Maastricht - 2009
KasteelCastle Neercanne.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Bert, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Kanne / Maastricht
Maastricht, station.gif
(c) T Houdijk, CC BY-SA 3.0

Station Maastricht, maart 2006

Maastricht 2008 Mosae Forum.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A view of the Mosae Forum shopping centre, located between Wilhelmina Bridge and the Market Square. Aside from various stores and shops, it also houses offices of city council. The much-praised design is one of renowned Dutch architect Jo Coenen
Netherlands with provinces.png
Forfatter/Opretter: unknown, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Forfatter/Opretter: Kleon3, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maastricht, the Netherlands. View of an artificial lake in the ENCI quarry on the hill Sint-Pietersberg, South of Maastricht. Landscape refurbishment is underway in this area as part of the closure of the quarry in 2018.
Forfatter/Opretter: Pierre Vossen, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lichtenberg Castle, overview
Maastricht platz vor liebfrauenkirche.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Hans Peter Schaefer,, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maastricht, Platz vor der Liebfrauenkirche
Provincial Government Buildings on the Meuse.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Julian Ilcheff Borissoff, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Provincial Government Buildings on the Meuse are depicted above, where the Maastricht Treaty (formally, the Treaty on European Union, TEU) was signed on 7 February 1992.
Schoolplaat Kamelen in de woestijn (ca 1900), collectie Centre Céramique, Maastricht.jpg
Educational wall picture formerly used in primary schools in the Netherlands. Here: "Camels in the desert", published around 1900. Collection Centre Céramique, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Maastricht, Stationsomgeving04.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Kleon3, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maastricht, the Netherlands. View of Stationsplein with the Colonel office tower.
Maquette of Maastricht 1750
Maastricht 2008 Hells Gate.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk) (Transferred by Grondemar/Originally uploaded by The Sundowners), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The 13th-century medieval Helpoort - Hells Gate - in Maastricht is one of the most impressive remaining fortifications of the city.
Forfatter/Opretter: Arne Hückelheim, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Panorama of Vrijthof at Maastricht, Netherlands

Picture taken on an early sunday morning in June at 6:34 am

The square was absolutely empty, however one could still hear techno music from some club.
Maastricht, kerk in westelijk stadsdeel 2007-04-27 12.26.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Michielverbeek, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maastricht, church St. Lambertus (1916) by Hubert van Groenendael
20130505 Maastricht Céramique 01.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Mark Ahsmann, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
2013-05-05 in Maastricht. Céramique; Centre Céramique.
Maastricht, Sint-Servaasbasiliek, Oostcrypte, vroegchristelijke grafstenen (collage).jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Kleon3, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Collage of four early Christian grave stones from the 5th and 6th century in the lapidarium ("stone collection") in the East Crypt of the Basilica of Saint Servatius in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
20130504 Maastricht Slavante 02 Walls of Slavante.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Mark Ahsmann, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
2013-05-04 in Maastricht; Slavante. Walls of Slavante.
Maastricht - rijksmonument 28017 - rondeel Haat en Nijd 20100522.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Otter, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
National monument no. 28017 - Haat en Nijd, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Maastricht 2008 High Bridge.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk) (Transferred by Grondemar/Originally uploaded by The Sundowners), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The 2003-built Hoge Brug - High Bridge - is the most recent bridge of Maastricht. It is accessible only to pedestrians and bicyclists. The oldest bridge of Maastricht, and in fact of the Netherlands, can be seen in the background: the Sint Servaasbrug - Saint Servatius Bridge - dates back to the late 13th century.
Forfatter/Opretter: Eva van Mossevelde, Licens: CC BY 2.5
The 'Dinghuis' in Maastricht, The Netherlands. The building has been used for political and juridical purposes, and later used to be a theater. Currently, the bottom floor contains the Tourist Information Office. The name is derived from the Dutch word 'geding', which means 'lawsuit' and stems from the original use as a courtroom. So not to be confused with the Dutch word 'ding', which means 'thing', a common misconception.
Maastricht - rijksmonument 27963 - Huis de Torentjes - Lage Kanaaldijk 63 20100515.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Otter, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
National monument no. 27963 - Huis De Torentjes, Lage Kanaaldijk 63, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Andre Rieu 2010.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Karl-Heinz Meurer (--Charlie1965nrw), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Andre Rieu bei seinem Kölner Konzert am 02.01.2010
Forfatter/Opretter: Arne Hückelheim, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Panoramic view of Maastricht, Netherlands. Taken from St. Servatius Bridge spanning Maas River at 6:25 am on a sunday morning in June. Of course, the streets were actually empty - only my bike is leaned on the wall
2016 Maastricht, OLV-wal 01.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Kleon3, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
View of Onze Lieve Vrouwewal, part of the Medieval city wall of Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Maastricht 2008 City Park 02.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk) (Transferred by Grondemar/Originally uploaded by The Sundowners), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A picturesque corner of the public park in Maastricht.
Maastricht, het stadhuis foto10 2011-01-30 12.07.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Michielverbeek, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maastricht, the town hall
drawing of Maastricht, by Philippo Bellomonte from 1580 or 1582
Maastricht 2008 Father Vink Tower.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk) (Transferred by Grondemar/Originally uploaded by The Sundowners), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Pater Vink Toren - Father Vink Tower - in Maastricht. The tower is named after a priest who was accused of treason during the Eighty Years' War.
Bliksem boven het stadhuis van Maastricht.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: Pieter Hoogland, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
Lightning above the city hall from Maastricht.
20130504 Maastricht Stadspark 03 Jeker.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Mark Ahsmann, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
2013-05-04 Maastricht City Park; Jeker.
Forfatter/Opretter: Janwillemvanaalst, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Topografische gemeentekaart. Resolutie: 400 pixels/km.

Kaartbeeld samengesteld uit de open geodata van de Top10NL en Top25namen (Kadaster), Creative Commons-BY licentie. Gebouwvlakken uit open geodata BAG extract. Wegen uit de OpenStreetMap, OpenStreetMap community. Reliëfschaduw uit de Actuele Hoogtekaart AHN2.

Samenstelling en kleurenschema: Jan-Willem van Aalst, met QGIS. Zie ook de Legenda.
Bassin, Inner harbour in Maastricht, the Netherlands
Maastricht 2008 Jeker River.jpg
Forfatter/Opretter: The Sundowners (talk), Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The small Jeker River passes through Maastricht.