

Lopranseiði er et område vest for LopraSuðuroy. Tæt ved Lopranseiði ligger den 3,4 hektar store holmen Lopranshólmur. Slugten mellem holmen og Lopranseiði hedder Lambagjógv. Udmarken mod syd hedder Lopranshagi og udmarken mod nord hedder Tóris- og Lambhagi. Det pyramidelignende fjeld syd for Lopranseiði hedder Kirvi og dens top Kirviskollur. Vigen øst for holmen hedder Ónavík. Fjeldet nord for Lopranseiði er Rávan. Lopranseiði er 61 meter højt og Lopranshólmur er 57 meter højt.

Den 2. september 1742 støder den nederlandske ostindienfarer Westerbeek på nogle skær ud for Lopranseiði. Tidlig om morgen driver vraget mod syd og rammer skærene ud for det pyramidelignende fjeld Kirvi. Inden skibet blev slået til vragdele, lykkedes det for mandskabet ved hjælp af den knækkede mast at kravle over til de landfaste klipper og i sikkerhed. 10 mænd kravler op ad det stejle fjeld for at få hjælp. De deler sig i to grupper og ankommer henholdsvis til Vágur og Sumba et par timer senere.


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Lopranseidi View to Beinisvord.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Eileen Sandá, Licens: CC BY 3.0
Lopranseiði is on the west coast of the island Suðuroy in Faroe Islands. Lopranseiði is located west of the village Lopra, which is between Sumba and Vágur. The view towards Beinisvørð is amazing. In 1742 a Dutch ship called Westerbeek went shipwreck south of Lopranseiði, on the rocks in the sea, which can be seen on this photo.
Forfatter/Opretter: Erik Christensen, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lopranseiði, Suðuroy, Færøerne
Lopranseiði and Kirvi a Mountain in Suðuroy and the Cliff Beinisvørð.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Eileen Sandá, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
This photo was taken from Lopranseiði in Suðuroy, near the village Lopra, Faroe Islands. The green mountain is called Kirvi, the top of the mountain is called Kirviskollur. The mountain is 236 meters high. The cliff to the right on the photo is called Beinisvørð. It is 470 meters high and is the second highest sea cliff of the Faroe Islands. Beinisvørð is also one of the highest sea cliffs in Europe.
Forfatter/Opretter: Erik Christensen, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lopranshólmur is a island near Lopranseiði and is located in Suðuroy, Faroe Islands.
Lopransholmur, Suduroy, Faroe Islands.JPG
Forfatter/Opretter: Eileen Sandá, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lopranshólmur is an islet next to the island Suðuroy in the Faroe Islands. Lopranshólmur is located close to Lopranseiði, which is near the village Lopra. Lopranseiði is on the west coast of Suðuroy. Lopranshólmur is among the largest in the Faroe Islands, it is number 7 in size with 3,4 sqhm.
Forfatter/Opretter: Erik Christensen, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lopranshólmur is a island near Lopranseiði and is located in Suðuroy, Faroe Islands.